Tomato is a vegetable that can be found in every garden. Someone prefers to grow them only in a greenhouse, rightly believing that the harvest there is larger and the fruits are larger. But for most greenhouse varieties, the ripening time is far from the earliest. Many plant seedlings in open ground, picking up early-ripening varieties that give a harvest together. Most often, their fruits are medium-sized, and are more suitable for canning. But among them there are exceptions, one of which is the Red Rooster tomato. Feedback from those who have already managed to plant it and harvest it is positive. Why did gardeners like him so much? We will compile a complete description of the variety, as well as give the main characteristic in order to understand its advantages. In the photo, Red Rooster tomatoes.
Main characteristics
The originator of the Red Rooster variety is the Gavrish seed company. It was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2015. Tomato Red Rooster is advised to be cultivated in all regions of our country, it feels equally good with any method of cultivation – with and without shelter.
The main advantages of the variety:
- ultra-early ripening period – the ripe fruits of this tomato can be tasted after 85 days from germination, cool weather can delay this period by 10 days, but even in this case, when planting 60-day seedlings, ripe fruits are harvested in about a month;
- a low bush – up to 80 cm, of a determinant type, it finishes its growth on its own, making it easier for the gardener, since you don’t have to pinch the tomato plant, but it still needs to be shaped, according to gardeners, the Red Rooster tomato shows the best yield if on the bush 3 stems left;
- strong tomato bushes are thoroughly loaded with crops, so they will have to be tied up;
- the fruits of the Red Rooster tomato are large, their average weight is about 200 g, but with good care it can be more;
- the color of the fruit is bright red, the shape is flat-round, the stalk has a slight ribbing;
- the taste of tomatoes of the Red Rooster variety is sweetish with a slight sourness – this is how real tomatoes should be;
- the purpose of Red Rooster tomatoes is universal: you can make a delicious salad from them, pickle them in jars, pickle them, make winter preparations by cutting them into pieces or cook tomato paste; any product will have an excellent taste;
- Tomato Red Rooster is suitable for market sales – it has an excellent presentation, great taste, it is well transported.
One of the main characteristics of the Red Rooster tomato is unpretentiousness. It is able to set fruits in any weather and, subject to all the rules for care, provides a yield of up to 3 kg from one bush. In the description of this variety of tomato, one should also note such a feature as resistance to diseases, which is very important, especially in rainy summers.
The video will tell you more about this variety of tomato:
Care of tomatoes
All tomatoes, even ultra-early ones, are grown through seedlings. Between shoots and relocation of seedlings to the ground, which usually happens in the first days of June, at least 55 days must pass. During this time, she will have about 7 leaves, the first flower brush will be laid, and maybe already blooming.
We grow seedlings
There are many troubles with growing tomato seedlings:
- seed calibration;
- pickling them in Fitosporin, peroxide or potassium permanganate;
- sowing in specially selected loose and breathable soil;
- keeping tomato crops in warmth and darkness, and fresh sprouts in cool and bright light;
- providing weekly seedlings of tomatoes with heat – about 23 degrees, maximum lighting, timely watering with non-cold water, at least 2 top dressings with complete mineral fertilizers.
But you still need to make a pick when the kids have only 2 sheets and transshipment into a liter container when there are already 4 or 5 of them.
And if you try to do without seedlings? Many gardeners will be surprised – a tomato is a heat-loving crop, you won’t sow it early in the ground, and if you sow it late, the crop simply won’t have time to form. All this is true, but experienced gardeners have long come up with a way to grow tomatoes without seedlings, and more than one. Of course, it is not suitable for every variety. Their choice is limited to ultra-early tomato varieties, hybrids are usually not suitable.
Growing tomatoes without seedlings
In the usual unprepared soil, the idea is initially doomed to failure. Box beds with a wall height of at least 30 cm will be required. Since the process of warming up the soil must begin when the earth has not yet thawed, all preparatory work is carried out in the fall. The bed should be located from east to west, the site should be lit by the sun all day.
How to make beds-boxes can be seen in the video:
What to do with the bed in the spring:
- cover with a film installed on the arc. If there is still snow on the bed, it needs to be swept away, this can be done already in early April. The film is chosen with a thickness of 150 microns, it will reliably protect the bed from frost;
- after 1-2 weeks, when the soil warms up, shed the bed with a hot solution of pink potassium permanganate;
- prepare five-liter bottles by cutting off their bottom;
- choose a warm sunny day, mark the garden bed, making 2 cm deepenings in it according to the scheme 40×60 cm with a diameter of about 10 cm;
- spill each recess with hot water;
- spread the tomato seeds in a circle, 4 seeds in each circle, sprinkle with a layer of soil about 2 cm thick, compact a little with the palm of your hand. For seedless sowing of the Red Rooster tomato, only dry seeds are used.
- cover each circle with a cut bottle, slightly pressing it into the soil. Bottle caps are not unscrewed.
- cover the arcs with non-woven material, and on top with a film, provide additional cover with a film of tomatoes in case of severe frosts;
- when warm weather sets in, remove the caps from the bottles.
Emerging seedlings of tomatoes are thinned out, leaving only one strong plant. The rest can be planted on a seedling bed or simply removed. Shelter from the garden is removed when the return frosts have passed. Care for seedless tomatoes in the summer should be the same as for those planted in seedlings.
There is another way, but it is available only to those gardeners who have a Red Rooster tomato already growing in the garden.
What is the essence of the method:
- in the fall we choose a large and healthy tomato, or several, without signs of phytophthora and rot;
- we store them in a cool place until the onset of cold, but not frosty weather until about the end of October;
- we are preparing a bed for tomatoes, on which we will grow them next year and straw mulch;
- we make a hole in the ground 15 cm deep, put a handful of rotted straw on the bottom and place a whole tomato. The tomato must be whole, it is not necessary to isolate the seeds from it.
- we fill the hole with rotted straw, mulch the top with a layer of humus. For planting, you can use salted or pickled tomatoes, if they have not been exposed to high temperatures.
- in the spring, as soon as the snow melts, we remove part of the humus, cover the bed with non-woven material and install arcs on which we put a film.
The Red Rooster tomato seeds that have passed natural stratification and selection will sprout together, and the plants will be strong and healthy. It remains only to plant them.
There is also an intermediate method, in which tomato seedlings are grown at home before picking, and dive into a pre-prepared and heated bed with bottle cover.
What are the advantages of such methods:
- no need to bother with growing tomato seedlings at home;
- tomatoes grow strong and hardened;
- plants do not stretch.
They also have disadvantages. Our unstable climate brings surprises in the form of rain in January and snow in June, and sometimes cold overcast summers. In the latter case, the entire crop on the bush will not have time to ripen; you will have to remove some of the Red Rooster tomatoes green and ripen in the room. Preparation of warm beds requires certain costs. When planting early, you should always be ready to additionally cover the beds.
Outdoor care
To speed up the process of growth and ripening of tomatoes, you need to perform all agricultural practices:
- soil mulching;
- watering with warm water. Drip irrigation is best.
- top dressing once a decade or 14 days with complete mineral fertilizer with trace elements;
- proper formation of plants with the removal of all unnecessary stepchildren;
- timely processing from phytophthora.
If everything is done correctly and on time, with any method of growing the Red Rooster tomato will give a good harvest of tasty, early and large fruits.