Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Tomatoes are one of the most popular crops. It is not surprising that breeders are constantly working to improve the properties of existing varieties and develop new ones. Thanks to scientists, a new hybrid appeared – the red tomato, the characteristics and description of the variety of which testify to its high consumer properties.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Gardeners immediately appreciated the early ripening ability and high yield of the F1 tomato. The variety is widely used, mainly for growing in greenhouses.

Features of the variety

The F1 tomato is one of the first generation hybrids. The variety is self-pollinating, which makes it convenient to grow in greenhouses. The specific features of the F1 hybrid variety are not yet fully fixed in the genotype. Without observing the purity of pollination, its subsequent generations will eventually lose their characteristic features, which must be taken into account in the agricultural technology of the variety. If you need to obtain high-quality seed, you need to grow the F1 tomato in isolation from other tomato varieties. Seeds isolated in this way will have all the characteristics of this variety.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Indeterminate bushes Red red reach a height of two meters, forming a very flexible and strong stem. Brushes form up to 7 fruits with an average weight of about 200 g. On the lower shoots, the fruits are even larger – up to 300 g. Productivity with good care is high – you can get 7-8 kg of tomatoes from a bush, but the average indicators are not bad – 5-6 kg with bush. Lush tomato bushes of the Red Red F1 variety with abundant tops require tying. The leaves are deep green and small. In the southern regions, the F1 tomato can be grown outdoors. On such beds, the hybrid variety forms bushes with more compact sizes. The first ripe tomatoes appear by the end of June, and the fruiting of the bushes continues until the autumn frosts.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Important! Tomatoes of the Red Red variety, according to reviews, tolerate cold and insufficient moisture well, but are sensitive to timely top dressing.

Description of fruits

The features of the fruits of the hybrid variety F1 include:

  • their rounded, slightly flattened shape with a slight ribbing at the base;
  • thin but strong skin that protects tomatoes from cracking;
  • bright rich red color of tomatoes, corresponding to the name of the variety Red red;

    Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

  • juicy fleshy pulp with a sugary structure;
  • a small number of seeds;
  • sweet, with a slightly noticeable sourness, taste;
  • high keeping quality and transportability of tomatoes;
  • ability to ripen at room temperature;
  • versatility in use – tomatoes are good both fresh and prepared.

Seed sowing

In greenhouses equipped with a heating system, tomato Red Red F1 reviews are advised to plant seeds as early as the end of March. When growing in film greenhouses, seedlings must be prepared in advance.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Seed selection

The timing of sowing seeds of the Red Red variety for seedlings depends on the climatic conditions of the region. Seedlings of the hybrid variety will be ready for transplanting to greenhouse beds in about 2 months, and the soil in the greenhouse should already be warmed up to +10 by this time. Since seedlings of the F1 variety will quickly begin to stretch, you should not overexpose them in a box – this will affect the yield of tomato bushes.

When selecting seed, it should be taken into account that seeds that were collected two years ago have a higher germination rate. Sales seeds of the F1 hybrid variety are subjected to a disinfection procedure, so it is enough to treat them with a growth stimulator. But many reviews of red tomato red advise soaking the seeds before sowing for a short time in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Sowing seeds

It is better to choose medium-sized boxes for growing tomato seedlings. To obtain high-quality seedlings of the F1 variety, it is necessary to prepare a nutrient soil consisting of soddy soil mixed with humus. Summer residents advise taking garden soil in areas where nettles usually grow. To ensure greater lightness and airiness of the soil, you can add a little sand to it, and to increase its nutritional value – wood ash.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Having filled the soil in the boxes, it is necessary to shed it well. Sowing seeds of the hybrid variety F1 is carried out on the next day:

  • they are deepened by 1,5-2,0 cm and the box is covered with a film;
  • for quick germination of seeds, the description of the tomato variety Red red recommends constantly maintaining the temperature in the room at +25 degrees;
  • as soon as the first sprouts of F1 tomatoes hatch, the boxes should be put on the windowsill to increase their degree of illumination;
  • if necessary, fluorescent lamps should also be used.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Picking and hardening

When the sprouts throw out a couple of leaves, they can be dived using peat pots – they reduce the likelihood of injury to the roots. At the same time, the first feeding of F1 tomatoes with complex fertilizer should be carried out. The next one is made already before planting on the beds, about two weeks later.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Usually, from mid-May, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for hardening the sprouts of the F1 hybrid variety, taking the pots to fresh air. The time spent outside gradually increases, and after a few days they can be left for the whole day.

Planting seedlings in the garden

When the soil in the greenhouse is already warm enough, the Red Red F1 tomato is planted on the beds:

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

  • the planting pattern should not be too dense – three seedlings in a row per 1 m are enough;
  • the optimal row spacing is 1 m;
  • the beds should be well loosened and prepare the holes by adding a little wood ash to them.

Between seedlings, you need to leave enough space for hilling the bushes. If, as you grow, add soil to the roots, F1 tomatoes will better strengthen and take adventitious roots. They will provide F1 tomatoes with additional nutrition.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Care Technology

After transplanting, the seedlings of the F1 hybrid will quickly grow. During this period, photos and reviews of those who planted a tomato in Red Red recommend the following activities:

  • before the flowering period, seedlings are fed with nitrogen compounds;
  • flowering bushes need to be fertilized with potash and phosphorus salts;
  • it is useful to periodically shake the trellis with F1 tomatoes to improve self-pollination;
  • do not abuse organic matter, otherwise the content of nitrates in the fruits will increase;
  • it is important to ensure the optimal microclimate in the greenhouse from 20 to 30 degrees; periodically it needs to be ventilated.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

To increase the yield of the F1 hybrid, sometimes farmers artificially create a greenhouse effect in the greenhouse – increased temperature and humidity. Indeed, tomatoes bloom faster. However, this technique requires great care, as it can provoke the occurrence of a fungal disease.

Important! At temperatures above 35 degrees, F1 tomato pollen becomes sterile, and they will not be able to form new ovaries.

Organization watering

Watering a tomato with Red Red should be moderate and carried out as the soil dries:

  • drip irrigation can be arranged in greenhouses;
  • water used for irrigation should be settled;
  • mulching with straw or peat will help prevent the soil from drying out;
  • after each watering of the F1 tomato, it is necessary to loosen the soil in order to increase its breathability;
  • timely weeding of beds from weeds is also important.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Shrub formation

As they grow, F1 tomato seedlings need to be properly formed:

  • gardeners recommend leaving one stem for more efficient growth;
  • shoots growing above the third brush must be removed;
  • pruning small flowers stimulates the formation of new ovaries;
  • reviews and photos of tomato Red red F1 indicate the practice of pinching the growing point to stop excess stem growth;
  • removing the lower leaves will increase the light level of the bushes, which is favorable for the accumulation of sugar content.

Plants of the F1 variety need careful tying up of the main stem and other shoots and even fruits:

  • the first garter must be done within a few days after planting the seedlings on the beds;
  • subsequent garters are carried out approximately once every 10 days.

The advice of experienced gardeners recommend tying the bush with twine at the very base, and throwing one of the ends over the trellis. Growing tomato stalks Red Red, as the description and photo show, periodically simply wrap around the twine.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Fruit collection

Features of harvesting F1 tomatoes are that:

  • regular removal of already ripened fruits increases the yield of bushes, collection should be carried out every 1-2 days;
  • ripe fruits remaining on the branches retard the growth and maturation of others;
  • the last crop should be harvested before night frosts.

Control of diseases and pests

Tomato Red Red has good resistance to diseases such as spotting, various types of rot, fusarium. However, timely prevention will increase the safety of the fruit:

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

  • you can not plant seedlings of tomatoes on the beds where potatoes or eggplant grew;
  • for F1 tomatoes, precursors such as carrots, legumes, dill are useful;
  • the soil before planting tomato seedlings must be treated with copper sulphate;
  • if signs of the disease appear, it is urgent to remove the affected parts of the plants and treat them with copper-containing preparations.

To protect F1 tomatoes from pests will help:

  • regular weeding beds;
  • mulching;
  • manual collection of pests;
  • treatment of tomato bushes with ammonia is effective against slugs;
  • spraying with soapy water with the addition of dry mustard destroys aphids;
  • cope with pests of tomatoes Red red F1 reviews are advised using a solution of potassium permanganate, infusions and decoctions of onion peel, celandine.


Numerous reviews about the Red Red variety testify to the unanimous recognition by gardeners and summer residents of the positive characteristics of the F1 hybrid.

Tomato Red Red F1: reviews, photos

Korotaev Georgy, 65 years old, Kaluga
Tomato seeds Red red are distinguished by excellent germination. If F1 seedlings are provided with top dressing in time, they grow quickly and show high yields. Recommended to all my friends for the excellent taste and unpretentious care.
Daria Plotnikova, 53 years old, Krasnodar city
This year I decided to try a new variety of red tomato. Reviews on it are only positive. I grew it in seedlings and got an excellent harvest – the fruits are all large, bright red, just a feast for the eyes. I also liked the taste, tomatoes are good both in salads and in preparations. I’m going to plant an F1 hybrid next year as well.
Brotsky Oleg, 78 years old, Klin
I have been growing F1 tomatoes in the greenhouse for the second year. They give tall, powerful bushes that must be tied up. Under the weight of the fruit, the brushes break off, so I tie up the brushes. Drip irrigation is the most effective. Tomatoes have a pleasant, sugary taste, a slight sourness is felt. When preserved, they do not crack. I recommend this variety to everyone.
Makarenko Clara, 48 years old, Astrakhan
The second year in the country under the film we plant a tomato Red red. We are very satisfied with the F1 variety – high yield, large fruits, excellent taste. This hybrid does not require laborious care – it is important to provide fertile soil and timely watering. An excellent variety.


If you use these recommendations, you can grow a tasty and productive Red Red tomato without much difficulty.

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