Tomato Raspberry miracle: characteristics and description of the variety

Raspberry miracle tomatoes are valued for their great taste, large fruits and high yields. This includes several varieties that have similar characteristics. All representatives of varieties are resistant to diseases and difficult growing conditions.

Series Feature

Description of tomatoes Raspberry miracle:

  • Raspberry wine. Mid-season hybrid for planting in a greenhouse. The bush is tall, it needs pinching. The fruits are rich in taste and weigh about 350 g.
  • Raspberry sunset. Mid-early tomato for growing under cover. The plant reaches a height of 2 m. The fruits are large, have a rounded shape.
  • Raspberry Paradise. An early maturing variety with a high yield. Fruit weight reaches 600 g. The pulp is juicy and sugary.
  • Bright robin. Tomatoes with an unusual watermelon flavor. The mass of individual fruits reaches 700 g.
  • Raspberries. A variety with fleshy fruits weighing 400 g. Brings a high yield.

Tomato Raspberry miracle: characteristics and description of the variety

Description and characteristics of varieties of tomatoes Raspberry miracle:

  • large ribbed fruits weighing from 200 to 600 g;
  • smooth raspberry skin;
  • juicy fleshy pulp;
  • sweet taste;
  • a small number of chambers and seeds;
  • increased dry matter content.

Grown fruits are suitable for making salads, sauces, soups, side dishes, snacks. They are used for processing into tomato juice and canning.

Getting the seedlings

Raspberry miracle tomatoes are suitable for growing in greenhouse conditions. Previously, their seeds are germinated at home. When the air and soil warm up, and the seedlings become strong enough, they are transferred to a permanent place.

Tomato Raspberry miracle: characteristics and description of the variety

Planting seeds

Tomato seeds are planted in February or March, depending on the growing region. Prepare the soil in advance, which includes soil and humus. An alternative is to use peat cups or purchased land.

The soil from the garden plot is heated in the microwave to disinfect it. You can start disembarking 14 days after such treatment.

Advice! Tomato seeds are soaked for a day in warm water to stimulate their germination.

If the planting material is covered with a bright shell, then additional processing is not required. Such a shell includes a complex of nutrients that promote the germination of tomatoes.

Containers are filled with prepared soil, the height of which should be 12-15 cm. Seeds are placed on top with an interval of 2,5 cm. They are covered with a layer of peat or soil 1,5 cm thick.

Tomato Raspberry miracle: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomatoes germinate fastest at ambient temperatures above 25 degrees. Another condition is to place the boxes in a dark place. The top of the container must be covered with glass or plastic wrap.

Care of seedlings

For the development of seedlings, the Raspberry Miracle provides certain conditions:

  • air temperature during the day 20-25°С, at night – not lower than 10°С;
  • regular ventilation;
  • the introduction of moisture;
  • lighting for half a day;
  • absence of drafts.

Tomato seedlings are watered with warm water. It is best to use settled or melted water. As the soil dries up, it is watered from a spray bottle, trying not to hurt the plants.

If the tomatoes were planted in boxes, then with the development of 2-3 leaves they dive into separate cups. You can avoid the procedure if the plants are already in separate containers.

Important! Top dressing of tomatoes Raspberry miracle is necessary if the plants have an oppressed appearance and are slowly developing. Then prepare a solution of Nitrofoska, which is watered with tomatoes.

Tomato Raspberry miracle: characteristics and description of the variety

2 weeks before the transfer of tomatoes to the greenhouse or in the garden, they begin to harden. Containers with seedlings are rearranged on a balcony or loggia. Within 2 hours they are provided with access to fresh air. Gradually, this period of time is increased.

Planting tomatoes

Variety tomatoes are transplanted 2 months after seed germination. Such seedlings have a height of about 30 cm and 5-6 fully formed leaves.

A place for planting tomatoes is chosen in the fall. Preference is given to areas where cucumbers, root crops, melons and legumes have grown throughout the year. It is not recommended to plant in beds where any varieties of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants grew.

In the greenhouse, the top layer of soil is subject to replacement, in which fungal spores and pests accumulate. The soil is dug up, fertilized with rotted manure or compost.

Advice! Tomatoes Raspberry miracle are placed on the beds with a step of 40 cm. When organizing several rows, a gap of 50 cm is left.

Tomato Raspberry miracle: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomatoes are recommended to be placed in a checkerboard pattern. This simplifies the care of plantings and harvesting, and the plants receive more sunlight.

On the beds, holes are prepared for the size of the root system of tomatoes. Plants are transferred with an earthen clod. Then the roots of the tomatoes are covered with soil, which is compacted and watered abundantly.

Variety care

Tomatoes Raspberry miracle give a high yield with proper care. Plants need watering and fertilizing. The soil under the plants is loosened and mulched with straw or peat. Regularly pinch plants to improve their fruiting.

Watering tomatoes

Regular watering of tomatoes is carried out a week after planting. During this time, the plants will have time to get stronger and adapt to new conditions.

The scheme for watering tomatoes is as follows:

  • before the formation of ovaries, the plants are watered weekly, and 4 liters of water are used under the bush;
  • during fruiting, moisture is applied 2 times a week in the amount of 3 liters per plant.

Tomato Raspberry miracle: characteristics and description of the variety

For tomatoes, more rare, but plentiful watering is preferable. With a lack of moisture, the upper leaves of tomatoes begin to curl. The intensity of watering is reduced during the fruiting of tomatoes in order to avoid cracking of the fruit.

Tomatoes in closed ground or open areas are watered with warm water. Barrels are first filled with it and left to bask in the sun. Moisture is brought under the root of tomatoes in the morning or evening.

Top dressing of plants

According to gardeners, the Raspberry Miracle tomato stands out for its abundant fruiting. The formation of fruits is provided by regular top dressing. Fertilization occurs 3-4 times during the season.

The first top dressing is carried out 3 weeks after the transfer of seedlings to a permanent place. Plants are treated with complex fertilizer Nitrofoska. For a large bucket of water, 1 tbsp is enough. l. drug. The solution is brought under a bush when watering tomatoes.

Important! For the second top dressing, a solution is prepared based on superphosphate and potassium salt (20 g of each component per bucket of water).

Between treatments make a gap of 2-3 weeks. An alternative to mineral supplements is wood ash, which contains a complex of useful substances.

Shrub formation

According to their characteristics and description, the Raspberry Miracle tomato varieties are tall. Their formation allows you to direct the forces of tomatoes to fruiting.

Every week, shoots growing from the leaf sinus are pinched from the bushes. The procedure is carried out weekly. As a result, tomatoes form into one or two stems.

Protection against diseases

Raspberry miracle tomatoes are disease resistant. With the regulation of watering and the correct formation of the bush, the likelihood of developing diseases is reduced. For prevention, plants are treated with fungicides.

Tomatoes attract aphids, whiteflies, mole crickets and other pests. Insecticides or folk remedies are used against insects in the form of tobacco dust, wood ash, infusion on onion peel or garlic.

Reviews of gardeners

Ekaterina, 27 years old, Moscow
Every year we plant tomatoes in our parents’ dacha. Last year, one of the varieties for planting was the Raspberry Miracle tomato, according to gardeners, it is distinguished by early ripening and unpretentiousness. Seeds showed good germination. Seedlings were transferred in early June to open ground. The fruits grew large and fleshy, went well for salads and tomato juice.
Valentina, 38 years old, Ekaterinburg
For several years now, tomatoes of the Raspberry Miracle series have been planted. Seedlings always sprout together and do not get sick. Even in conditions of cold summer and constant dampness, tomatoes grow quickly and do not get sick. The fruits do not ripen at the same time, so they need to be removed periodically. All fruits are smooth, beautiful and very tasty. The largest tomato had a mass of 600 g.
Alexander Viktorovich, 68 years old, Novosibirsk
Tomatoes are a must-have vegetable to grow in my yard. Last year, I chose Raspberry Miracle tomatoes according to the description. As a result, I planted several varieties included in this series. The Raspberry Dream variety turned out to be the most fruitful; 10 kg of tomatoes were harvested from its bushes. I liked the sweet raspberry tomatoes, the bushes were just strewn with fruits. Tomatoes grew up to 2,5 m in height. Be sure to stepchild them and tie them up.


Tomato Raspberry miracle: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomatoes Raspberry miracle have a good taste and impressive size. Care of a grade includes introduction of moisture and fertilizers. To increase the yield, stepchildren tomatoes. The fruits are used fresh or for further processing.

Tomatoes. Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and in the open field Raspberry miracle

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