Not every tomato has the honor to get into the State Register of Varietal Crops, because for this a tomato must pass a number of tests and scientific research. A worthy place in the State Register is occupied by a hybrid of the Dutch selection – President F1 tomato. For several years, scientists have studied this variety, and in 2007 they recognized it as one of the best tomatoes for open ground and for film shelters. Since then, the President has been gaining popularity, becoming the favorite of an ever-growing number of gardeners.

Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

From this article you can learn about the characteristics of the President tomato, its yield, see photos and read reviews. It also tells how to grow this variety, and how to care for it.


Tomatoes of the President variety are one of those that you like at first sight. First of all, attention is attracted by even, rounded fruits, which have almost the same size and shape. From the photo of the bush, you can see that the plant itself is also quite beautiful – a powerful vine, the length of which can reach three meters.

Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

The characteristics and description of the variety in the tomato President are as follows:

  • a plant of an indeterminate type, that is, a bush does not have an end point of growth – they form a tomato depending on the height of the greenhouse or trellis;
  • the leaves on the tomato are small, painted in a dark green shade;
  • the first flower ovary is laid over the 7-8th leaf, subsequent brushes are located every two leaves;
  • there are few stepchildren on the bushes, but they need to be removed in a timely manner;
  • the ripening time of the variety is early – on the ground the tomato ripens by the 95-100th day, in the greenhouse it ripens a few more days earlier;
  • tomato President must be tied up, although his shoots are quite powerful and strong;
  • 5-6 tomatoes are formed in each brush;
  • the average weight of a tomato is 300 grams, all fruits from one bush are approximately the same in size;
  • in the unripe state, the tomatoes are light green, when they ripen, they turn red-orange;
  • the shape of the fruit is round, slightly flattened from above;
  • the peel on the fruits is dense, so they tolerate transportation well, can be stored for up to three weeks;
  • the pulp of the tomato is juicy, dense, the seed chambers are filled with juice and seeds;
  • the taste of freshly picked tomatoes is average: like all hybrids, the President is somewhat “plastic” in taste and not very fragrant;
  • the yield of the variety is good – up to 9 kg per square meter;
  • A big plus of the President F1 variety is its resistance to most diseases.
Attention! The President tomato variety, although considered a salad tomato, is perfect for canning, making pastes and sauces.

Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

The description of this tomato will be incomplete, if not to mention one amazing feature of its fruits. After harvesting, the crop is laid out in boxes and stored for 7-10 days in a dark place at room temperature. During this time, fermentation occurs in tomatoes, they gain sugar content and taste. As a result, the taste characteristics of such aged fruits are considered quite high – the hybrid President can compete even with varietal garden tomatoes.

Strengths and weaknesses of the variety

Tomatoes President F1 are very widespread in domestic vegetable gardens and farm fields (greenhouses), and this definitely testifies in favor of this variety. Most gardeners who once planted a tomato in their plots continue to cultivate the variety in subsequent seasons. And this is not surprising, because the President F1 variety has a lot of advantages:

  • high yield;
  • good presentation and taste of fruits;
  • keeping quality of tomatoes and their suitability for transportation;
  • resistance to major “tomato” diseases;
  • unpretentiousness of plants;
  • universal purpose of fruits;
  • the possibility of growing crops in a greenhouse and in open ground.

Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

Important! Tomato President is recommended for cultivation in all regions of Our Country, as the variety is unpretentious to climatic conditions and external factors.

Reviews about the variety are mostly positive. Gardeners note only a couple of shortcomings in this tomato:

  • long stems need careful tying;
  • 5-6 tomatoes ripen in the brush at the same time, each of which weighs about 300 grams, so the brush can break off if the support is not installed;
  • in the northern regions, it is better to plant the President variety in a greenhouse, as the culture is early ripe.

Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

Like any other tomatoes, the President bears fruit best in the gardens and fields of the south of the country (North Caucasus, Krasnodar Territory, Crimea), but in other regions the yields are quite high.


Tomatoes President will be able to show their genetic factors in all their glory only in conditions of high agricultural technology. Although this culture is unpretentious, it is necessary to follow some rules for the cultivation of hybrid tomatoes.

So, To grow tomatoes of the President variety should be as follows:

  1. Seeds for seedlings for early-ripening varieties are sown 45-55 days before the intended transplant into the ground (greenhouse).
  2. The soil of this tomato needs light and nutritious. If the land on the site does not meet these requirements, it is necessary to improve its composition artificially (add peat, humus, fertilize or wood ash, river sand, etc.).
  3. Do not allow excessive stretching of seedlings. Like all early-ripening varieties, the President will have to be illuminated with electric lamps. Light day for this tomato should be at least 10-12 hours.

    Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

  4. At the stage of planting in the ground, the seedlings should have a powerful stem, 7-8 true leaves, a flower ovary is possible.
  5. It is necessary to form a bush, according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the variety, in 1-2 stems – so the tomato yield will be maximum.

    Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

  6. Stepchildren are cut off regularly, preventing them from growing out. It is better to do this in the morning, after watering the bush. The length of the processes should not exceed 3 cm.
  7. The stems are regularly tied up, watching their growth. It is more convenient to use tapestries for this, supports in the form of wooden pegs are also suitable on the ground.

    Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

  8. As a result of the formation, up to eight fruit brushes should appear on each bush. It is better to remove the remaining ovaries – they will not have time to ripen, or the tomato will not have enough strength to ripen all the fruits.
  9. You need to feed the President often and in large quantities. This tomato loves the alternation of organic and mineral fertilizers, foliar top dressing in the form of leaf spraying is also necessary.
  10. In order for all fertilizers to reach the roots of the tomato, the earth must be well moistened. Therefore, the President needs to be watered frequently and plentifully. In greenhouses, drip irrigation systems have proven themselves well.
  11. The ground around the bushes is mulched or constantly loosened to prevent it from molding and infecting tomatoes with fungal infections.

    Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

  12. For preventive purposes, the bushes are treated with chemicals several times a season, stopping disinfection during the formation and ripening of fruits on the bushes. If the tomato gets sick during this period, you can try folk remedies (wood ash, soapy water, blue vitriol, and others).
  13. Greenhouses must be ventilated, since the President variety does not have a very high resistance to late blight. On the ground, a loose planting pattern is observed (maximum three bushes per square meter) so that the plants are well lit and receive a sufficient amount of air.

    Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

  14. For pests, the President F1 tomato is not particularly attractive, so insects rarely appear. For the purpose of prevention, you can treat the bushes with “Confidor” by diluting the agent in water, according to the instructions.
  15. Tomatoes ripen approximately 60-65 days after planting seedlings in the ground or in a greenhouse.
Advice! The tomato crop must be harvested on time, as the fruit brushes, already too heavy, can easily break off.

Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

The harvested crop is perfectly stored in a cool place with normal humidity. The fruits are tasty fresh, suitable for canning and any other purpose.

Write Your Review

Viktor Nikolaevich, Bratsk
I live in Siberia and for several years now I have built my own greenhouse, growing tomatoes in it. The President planted for the first time and was very surprised by this tomato (in a good way). The bushes led in two stems, as indicated on the bag of seeds. Stepchildren constantly interrupted. He often fed, mostly using organic matter (mullein diluted in water). Although this tomato is early, it bore fruit for me until the very Siberian autumn, or rather, until mid-October. And then, I had to tear out more green bushes with new ovaries, since frosts began, the greenhouse had to be dismantled. Those tomatoes that I picked green and brown ripened perfectly in the house. Some of them stayed in the refrigerator until December 10! I highly recommend this strain and will definitely grow it again myself.


The F1 President is an excellent all-purpose hybrid tomato. You can grow this variety in a greenhouse, on the ground or on a farmer’s field – the tomato shows high yields everywhere. There are no difficulties in caring for the culture, but do not forget that the plant is indeterminate – the bushes must be constantly tied up and stepsoned.

Tomato President: characteristics and description of the variety

In general, the President variety is excellent for growing on an industrial scale, for those who sell their own fresh produce. This tomato will become an excellent “lifesaver” for ordinary gardeners, because its crops are stable, practically do not depend on external factors.

tomato variety *President*

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