Tomato President 2 F1

Surprisingly, in the age of computer technology, you can still meet people who are wary of various hybrids. One of these hybrid tomatoes, which excited the society of gardeners and caused mixed reviews, was the President 2 F1 variety. The thing is that the originator of the variety is the Dutch company Monsanto, which specializes in genetically modified foods and crops. In Our Country, many people still try to avoid GM tomatoes on their own tables and gardens, so the President 2 variety has not yet become widespread here.

Tomato President 2 F1

Reviews of the country’s gardeners about the tomato President 2 F1 can be found in this article. But most importantly, here we will talk about the real origin of the variety, give its full description and advice on growing.


Breeders from the Monsanto company claim that genetically modified crops and technologies were not used to create the President 2 F1 tomato. However, there is no reliable information about the “parents” of this hybrid. Yes, in principle, the origin of a tomato is not as important as its quality, and the President has excellent qualities.

Tomato President 2 entered the State Register of Agricultural Crops of Our Country in 2007, that is, this variety is relatively young. A big plus of the hybrid tomato is its ultra-early ripening period, thanks to which the President can be grown in open ground in almost all regions of the country.

Tomato President 2 F1

Description of tomato President 2 F1:

  • the growing season of the variety is less than 100 days;
  • the plant belongs to the indeterminate type, capable of reaching two to three meters in height;
  • the leaves on the bushes are small, tomato type;
  • a distinctive feature of the tomato is its high growth energy;
  • there are a lot of ovaries on tomato bushes, often they have to be rationed;
  • President 2 F1 can be grown both in greenhouses and in the open field;
  • the tomato is resistant to many diseases: fusarium wilt, stem and leaf cancer, tobacco mosaic virus, alternariosis and various kinds of spotting;
  • tomato fruits President 2 F1 are large, rounded, with distinct ribbing;
  • the average weight of a tomato is 300-350 grams;
  • the color of unripe tomatoes is light green, when ripe they become orange-red;
  • inside the tomato there are four seed chambers;
  • the pulp of the fruits of the President is dense, sugary;
  • the taste of this tomato is good (which is considered a rarity for hybrids);
  • the purpose of tomatoes, according to the registry, is salad, but they are perfect for whole-fruit canning, pickling, making pastes and ketchups;
  • bushes of the President 2 F1 must be tied up, as the shoots often break off under the weight of large fruits;
  • the yield is declared within five kilograms per square meter (but this figure can easily be almost doubled by providing the culture with sufficient care);
  • the variety has good resistance to low temperatures, which allows the tomato not to be afraid of return spring frosts.

Tomato President 2 F1

Important! Although the indeterminacy of the President is declared in the register, many gardeners say that the plant still has a terminal point of growth. Up to a certain point, the tomato grows very quickly and actively, but then its growth suddenly stops.

Advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid

It is surprising that a tomato with such characteristics has not yet won the popularity and love of gardeners. However, in recent years, an increasing number of summer residents and farmers have turned their attention to hybrid forms, and President 2 F1 is no exception.

This tomato has clear advantages over other varieties:

  • its fruits are distinguished by excellent taste;
  • crop yield is quite high;
  • the hybrid is resistant to almost all “tomato” diseases;
  • tomato ripening dates are very early, which allows you to enjoy fresh fruits already in mid-July;
  • the tomato is universal (it can be grown both in open and closed ground, consumed fresh or for conservation, cooking various dishes).

Tomato President 2 F1

Attention! Due to the elastic pulp and the minimum amount of juice in the fruit, President 2 F1 tomatoes perfectly tolerate transportation, can be stored for some time or ripened at room temperature.

Tomato President 2 F1 does not have any serious shortcomings. Some gardeners complain that for a tall bush you have to make supports or trellises, because the height of a tomato often exceeds 250 cm.

Tomato President 2 F1

Someone complains about the “plastic” taste of the tomato. But, most likely, a lot here depends on the nutritional value of the soil and proper care. It has also been noticed that those fruits that lie plucked for a couple of days become tastier.

Peculiarities of growing

Photos of the fruits of the President are quite attractive: why not try to grow such a miracle on your site? Tomato variety President 2, by right, belongs to the most unpretentious tomatoes: it is undemanding to the soil, can grow in different climatic conditions, practically does not get sick, and gives stable yields.

Tomato President 2 F1

Advice! In general, you need to grow the President 2F1 tomato in the same way as other early ripening tomatoes.

Planting a tomato

Hybrid seeds in Our Country are sold by several agricultural firms, so there will be no difficulties with the purchase of planting material. But the seedlings of this tomato can not be found everywhere, so it is better to grow it yourself.

First of all, as usual, the timing of sowing seeds is calculated. Since the President is an early ripening culture, 45-50 days will be enough for seedlings. During this period, the tomatoes will get stronger, give a few leaves, the first flower ovaries may appear on individual plants.

Tomato President 2 F1

Seedlings are grown in common containers or immediately use individual cups, peat tablets and other modern planting methods. The soil for tomatoes should be light, loose and moisture-intensive. It is better to add humus, peat, ash and coarse sand to the garden soil, or buy a ready-made substrate in an agricultural store.

The seeds are laid out on the ground and sprinkled with a thin layer of dry soil, after which the plantings are sprayed with warm water. Tomatoes should be under the film until the first sprouts appear. Then the containers are placed on the window or illuminated artificially.

Attention! Before planting in the ground, tomatoes must be hardened off. To do this, a couple of weeks before planting, tomatoes begin to be taken out onto a balcony or onto a veranda, accustoming them to lower temperatures.

Tomato President 2 F1

To a permanent place, seedlings of tomatoes of the President 2 F1 variety are planted according to the following scheme:

  1. The landing site is prepared in advance: the greenhouse is disinfected, the soil is changed; the beds are dug up and fertilized with organic matter in the fall.
  2. On the eve of planting a tomato, holes are prepared. Bushes of the President are tall, powerful, so they need a lot of space. Do not plant these tomatoes closer than 40-50 centimeters from each other. The depth of the holes depends on the height of the seedlings.
  3. Try to move tomato seedlings with an earthen clod, this will help her quickly adapt to a new place. Tomatoes are watered in advance, then each plant is carefully taken out, trying not to damage the roots. Place the tomato in the center of the hole and sprinkle with earth. The lower leaves of the tomatoes should be a couple of centimeters above the soil level.
  4. After planting, the tomatoes are watered with warm water.
  5. In the northern and central regions, it is better to use a film shelter at first or plant President tomatoes in tunnels, because early-ripening seedlings are planted around mid-May, when the risk of night frosts is high.
Attention! Tomato President shows the best results when grown in protected ground: film and polycarbonate greenhouses, greenhouses, tunnels.

Tomato President 2 F1

Tomato President 2 F1 tolerates the lack of heat and sun well, so it can be grown even in the northern regions (except for the regions of the Far North). Bad weather conditions do not affect the ability of this tomato to form ovaries.

Caring for tomatoes

You need to care for the President in the same way as for other indeterminate varieties:

  • regularly water tomatoes using a drip irrigation system or other methods;
  • feed tomatoes several times a season, using organic or mineral fertilizers;
  • remove extra shoots and stepchildren, lead the plant in two or three stems;

    Tomato President 2 F1

  • constantly tie up bushes, making sure that large brushes do not break off the fragile shoots of the President;

    Tomato President 2 F1

  • to prevent infection of a tomato with late blight, you need to ventilate the greenhouses, treat the bushes with Fitosporin or Bordeaux mixture;
  • in greenhouses and greenhouses, the whitefly can become an enemy of the President 2 F1, he is saved by fumigation with colloidal sulfur;

    Tomato President 2 F1

  • it is necessary to harvest the crop on time, because large tomatoes will prevent the others from ripening: often the fruits of the President are plucked unripe, they will quickly ripen in room conditions.
Advice! To improve air circulation in the bushes of the President, cut off the leaves and regularly remove excess shoots. The lower leaves on the bushes should always be torn off.

Write Your Review

Irina, Moscow region
I live in the Moscow region and have been growing tomatoes for many years: both for myself and for sale. Hybrid tomato President 2F1 appeared in my possession back in 2010, that is, almost immediately after it was entered into the State Register. Since then, I have not changed this variety. Of course, there are a lot of other tomatoes in my greenhouse, but every year their names change, but the President always remains. The variety has a thousand advantages, but the most important for me: productivity, fruit appearance and excellent tomato taste (you don’t often see a hybrid with such a set of qualities). I’m not going to give up the President until a worthy competitor appears.


Tomato President 2 F1 is an excellent option for summer residents from regions with difficult climatic conditions, for gardeners with greenhouses, as well as for farmers and those who grow tomatoes for sale.

Tomato President 2 F1

Reviews about the tomato President 2 are mostly positive. Gardeners note the good taste of fruits, their large size, high yield and amazing unpretentiousness of the hybrid.

Tomato President ll F1 (Seminis) culture in the field

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