Tomato Pink Paradise: tomato variety
The beautiful pink fruits of Pink Paradise tomatoes immediately attract attention. This hybrid variety was bred by foreign breeders, which became the main distinguishing feature. In this regard, there are certain features characteristic of this particular plant.
Tomato Pink Paradise: description
The variety is tall (height about 2 m), it requires a mandatory garter or the installation of supports. It was bred in Japan. Recommended for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses. Belongs to mid-season varieties, gives a large amount of yield. Needs shaping the bush. Fruiting begins 75 days after planting in the ground.
The Pink Paradise tomato gives an excellent harvest, the fruits are well stored and perfectly tolerate transportation.
Tomato Pink forms fruits with an average weight of about 120-140 grams, but some specimens grow up to 200 grams. Their shape is round, when ripe they have a deep pink color. The pulp is very firm and sweet, the taste is excellent. There are few seeds. Due to the dense skin, the fruits do not crack, they are perfectly stored and transported. Can be consumed both fresh and processed.
Pink Paradise tomato variety: characteristic features
This variety forms very large bushes and grows green mass in large quantities. In this regard, the bushes need to be regularly trimmed and shaped. Pink also reacts poorly to temperature changes. The plant can tolerate minor jumps, but when it decreases to negative indicators, it dies.
The tomato is not particularly picky about care, it has excellent resistance to major diseases. Minor care efforts are offset by a bountiful harvest.
The fruits are beautiful, tasty and juicy. Ripening occurs amicably, with the harvest you can provide not only your own needs, but also treat your relatives and friends.
After examining the reviews of gardeners, we can conclude that the majority are afraid to start varieties of foreign origin on their site. However, Pink has earned her trust through numerous positive reviews. The only thing that caused a slight inconvenience was the need to grow plants under the film. Although some have experimented and planted this variety in the open field, but the weather conditions strongly affected the harvest not for the better. In all other respects, both experienced summer residents and beginners have found only positive sides for themselves.