Tomato Pink Paradise F1

Many vegetable growers try to grow only familiar and proven varieties of domestic selection. And some farmers who like to experiment choose novelties of foreign selection. Japanese scientists from the company Sakata have bred a variety of medium-term ripening tomatoes Pink Paradise. It belongs to a variety of hybrids, so the correct variety name is written with the letter F1. In the article, we will pay attention to the description of the Pink Paradise tomato variety, the reviews of vegetable growers and get acquainted with the photo of the fruit and the plant itself.

Features of the popular hybrid

The bulk of tomato hybrids are intended for growing under cover. It can be any greenhouse or greenhouse, built with your own hands or purchased ready-made. The thing is that in the open field, according to vegetable growers, the Pink Paradise F1 tomato variety requires very careful observance of all care items. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to get a crop of fruits with the inherent characteristics.

One more nuance. It is not recommended to collect seeds of hybrid varieties of tomatoes. Therefore, this requirement also applies to the seeds of the Pink Paradise F1 hybrid tomato. In the second year of cultivation, you will get fruits that are completely devoid of the varietal parental characteristics of the Pink Paradise F1 tomato.

It is necessary to note one more feature of the variety, on which the list of necessary care items for the Pink Paradise f1 hybrid tomatoes depends. The plant belongs to the indeterminate species. This means that it will grow throughout the growing season. Mature tomato bushes Pink Paradise f1 reach a height of 2 meters or more, so they need a garter. In the greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room so that the plants do not interfere with each other.

general description

When choosing varieties of tomatoes for planting, summer residents are guided by the description, so Pink Paradise is no exception. The vegetable grower needs to know the external features of the variety, yield, requirements for growing conditions. In addition to the description, reviews of Pink Paradise tomatoes help well.

An indeterminate hybrid is grown in greenhouses with the formation of one or two stems. The yield of Pink Paradise tomato depends on the method of formation. If you form a bush in two stems, then you will have to feast on ripe fruits a couple of weeks later, but their number will be greater. From one bush, a high-yielding hybrid allows you to get up to 4 kg of delicious tomatoes.

In the open field, the characteristics of the Pink (pink) Paradise tomato variety change slightly. The height of the bushes reaches 120 cm, after which the plant is pinched. If this is not done, then not all the set fruits will reach the degree of full maturity. The yield is also decreasing. This is due to the exactingness of the hybrid to growing conditions. And in open ground, it is more difficult to protect plants from adverse factors.

Tomato Pink Paradise F1

The leaves of the hybrid are green in color, of a regular shape and medium in size. Inflorescences are simple, the first is tied over the 6th pair of leaves. According to reviews, the Pink Paradise f1 tomato is very decorative, which is confirmed by the photo of the bush.

Tomato Pink Paradise F1

The fruits of Pink Paradise tomatoes are pink, flat-round in shape with even sides, which can be clearly seen in the photo. Tomatoes are uniform in size, so housewives love to use this variety for canning.

Tomato Pink Paradise F1

According to vegetable growers, Pink Paradise hybrid tomatoes have an excellent taste. They are quite dense and large, have an excellent tomato flavor. Fresh fruit salads are very original.

Tomato Pink Paradise F1

It is important that the density of Pink Paradise tomatoes allows them to be transported over long distances and stored for a long time. And this despite the fact that the skin of the fruit is quite tender.

Now it’s worth moving on to the agrotechnical characteristics and description of the mid-ripening tomato variety Pink (pink) Paradise.

Hybrids of medium ripening are grown only in seedlings. This allows you to get a crop on time, even under adverse climatic conditions.

Indeterminate mid-season varieties necessarily form and stepson. Otherwise, grown stepchildren will turn into stems and reduce yields.

Tomato Pink Paradise F1

According to the reviews of summer residents, the pink Paradise f1 varieties of tomatoes ripen well, if you pinch the top on the bushes in August and cut off all the leaves.

To save the crop of a mid-season hybrid from phytophthora, the collection of fruits not only ripe, but also unripe will help. The main thing is that they gain the desired mass. Small ones can not be collected yet.

Now let’s move on to tips on how to grow a Pink (pink) Paradise tomato so that the result is worthy.

The nuances of agricultural seedlings

It is necessary to sow the seeds of tomatoes of this variety, taking into account the period of fruit ripening. In this hybrid, seed germination begins at an ambient temperature of at least 12°C, and the optimum value is 22°C -25°C. At the same time, sufficient lighting is a prerequisite, because the tomato belongs to light-loving crops.

Sowing time is calculated based on the place where the hybrid is grown – open ground or greenhouse.

Another parameter is the age of seedlings when planting in a permanent place and the time of germination. It remains to take into account the characteristics of the region in which tomatoes will grow.

By simple calculations for planting seedlings in a greenhouse from May 1 to May 14, the seeds must be sown no later than March 8. We check with the lunar calendar and choose the sowing date.

Important! Be sure to calculate the time for sowing, otherwise you can get overgrown elongated seedlings of the hybrid.

According to reviews, the seeds of the Pink (pink) Paradise hybrid tomato are distinguished by good germination, as evidenced by the photo of the seedlings.

Tomato Pink Paradise F1

Attention! You don’t need to decontaminate them. The only action may be soaking in a growth stimulator.

Sow them in a sterile container filled with prepared soil. The soil mixture is assembled, heated, disinfected. Seeds are placed in grooves to a depth of not more than 1 cm. The layout is 2 cm between seeds, 10 cm between rows. Cover with soil, moisten with a spray bottle and cover with a film.

After germination, the film is removed and the boxes are moved closer to the light so that the seedlings do not stretch.

Seedling care involves the implementation of the main points:

  • Watering. Tomato seedlings should not be watered often to avoid the spread of fungal infections. It is important that the soil does not dry out.
  • Food. Feed only weakened seedlings.
  • Dive is done at the age of seedlings no older than 12-14 days. After the procedure, feed with a weak solution of a complete complex fertilizer.
  • Hardening is a mandatory procedure for seedlings. In order for the plants to tolerate the subsequent transplant well, they need to be prepared.

Additionally, preventive treatment of seedlings from the invasion of pests and diseases is carried out. Pollination with wood ash serves as both nutrition and prevention of the black leg.

Tomato Pink Paradise F1

Care for adult bushes

Plant seedlings of the hybrid so that there is enough space between the bushes. Plants are powerful and tall, it is necessary that they do not interfere with each other in the greenhouse. For open ground, you can leave the scheme 40 cm x 60 cm.

To feed the bushes of a hybrid variety begin a week after transplantation.

The first nutrition should be nitrogen, then they switch to phosphorus-potassium. This is necessary during the period of setting and ripening tomatoes.

When growing in a greenhouse, gardeners advise at the time of flowering of the bushes to stir the stems or tap on them. This improves the pollination process.

In open ground from late blight, treatments with systemic fungicides are needed, especially in rainy weather. They need to be repeated after 14 days, but do not forget to stop 2 weeks before the start of the harvest.

The variety does not cause any particular problems with diseases. The hybrid is resistant to verticillium and fusarium wilt, cladosporiosis, TMV, brown spot and root nematode. Therefore, many treatments with good care can be completely avoided.

The harvested crop is well stored, so the taste of tomatoes will delight your family for a long time.

Tomato Pink Paradise F1

After reading the material, it is useful to watch a video on the topic and read the reviews:

Tomato Pink Panther (Yuksel) Culture in the field


Elena Pereguda, Novosibirsk
Good tomato. I’m happy with the disease resistance and the fact that I don’t have to collect the seeds. I don’t really like this thing. I like the variety, so I buy seeds with pleasure and sow them for seedlings. I grow in a greenhouse. Weather conditions do not allow you to get a good harvest on the street.
Stepan Vasilyevich Ryzhov, city ​​of Saratov
The hybrid is liked for fruit density and good taste. I grow some in a greenhouse, and some in the open field. The size of the fruit and the yield are slightly different, but this does not bother. The quality of the tomato is good, it does not get sick, however, it is necessary to form and stepson all summer. But the result is worthy.


Tomato Pink Paradise F1

All this information – photos, reviews and a description of the variety will help you grow a decent crop of Pink Paradise tomatoes on the site.

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