Tomato Pink Elephant: the main differences between the variety and growing features

Each gardener must plant several bushes of pink tomatoes – they are tasty and fragrant, ideal for preparing fresh summer salads. Tomato Pink Elephant is rightfully considered one of the best among all pink varieties. Despite the fact that the variety was created for cultivation in closed ground conditions, it gives excellent yields even in the northern regions.

Variety description

Tomato Pink Elephant: the main differences between the variety and growing features

The name of the tomato speaks for itself – its fruits are very large, with an intense crimson hue. The variety belongs to the cultures of selection, so it feels great in the climatic conditions of the middle lane. The plant shows good yields both in greenhouse cultivation and when planted in open ground.

Considering that the culture is varietal and not hybrid, it reproduces perfectly by seeds. You do not have to spend money on buying seeds every year, you can collect them yourself from the most ripe fruits.

A detailed description of the Pink Elephant variety includes the following characteristics:

  • a culture with an average early ripening period – about 112 days pass from germination to fruit ripeness;
  • determinate bushes, able to grow up to 170 cm in height;
  • the plant is powerful, with a large number of side shoots and a strong stem;
  • fruits are slightly flattened, rounded, weighing from 300 to 700 g;
  • the peel is dense and shiny, rarely forms cracks;
  • fruit pulp is juicy, sugary, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Video “How to care for tomatoes”

From this video you will learn about the care, watering, feeding, planting, pinching, treatment and formation of tomatoes.

Caring for TOMATOES. First IMPORTANT steps


Among the advantages, the following should be highlighted:

  • excellent yield indicators;
  • culture forms large fruits;
  • good keeping quality and transportable qualities;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • excellent tasting fruits.


Reviews of experienced gardeners about Pink Elephant tomatoes indicate that plants are prone to the formation of a large number of side shoots. This property of culture is the main reason for the need to regularly carry out the formation of a bush – stepson. Bushes formed into one, maximum 2 stems bear fruit best.

Another difficulty in growing such tomatoes is associated with the impressive dimensions of the bushes. Given their spreading and height, it is recommended to plant no more than two plants for each square meter of the bed, otherwise the farmer risks significantly reducing the yield.

As the bushes grow and fruit set, they must be tied to pre-installed supports. You can use specially prepared pegs or grow tomatoes on trellises. In addition, the variety is very demanding on the temperature regime, the quality of fertilizers and the regularity of watering.

Tomato Pink Elephant: the main differences between the variety and growing features

Peculiarities of growing

If tomatoes are grown by seedlings, young plants should not be transplanted into open ground until June – the culture is very thermophilic. Such a “whim” of the variety also applies to water for irrigation, which should be sufficiently heated in the sun.

In no case should you water the tomatoes with cold water – this is fraught with falling flowers and ovaries. Culture prefers moderate watering. Between waterings, the soil around the bushes should be loosened regularly to improve air flow to the rhizomes.

In order for the fruits to grow large, the plants should be fed with complex mineral fertilizers no more than 3-4 times during the entire season.

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