Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety

What form you will not meet tomatoes! Pepper-shaped, classic round, banana-shaped, elongated, flattened. Among this variety of shapes, shades and varieties, the Pear tomato variety stands out favorably. Everyone’s taste preferences are different. Some like juicy fruits, others are fleshy, others are sour. And almost all gardeners grow tomatoes not only for fresh consumption, but also for winter harvesting. Not every variety can boast of unpretentiousness in cultivation and care, excellent taste and versatility in use.

Tomato “Pear” has long gained popularity among summer residents precisely because of all the above characteristics. Unusually shaped fruits are distinguished by excellent taste. And the rules for planting and caring for are so simple that growing tomatoes will not be difficult even for a novice gardener.

Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety


The Pear tomato series is unique not only because of the unusual pear-shaped fruit, but also due to the characteristics and description of the variety. The fruits of each variety differ in taste characteristics, size and color. The varietal series “Pear” includes the following varieties:

  • Black;
  • Red;
  • Pink;
  • orange;
  • Yellow;
  • Emerald.

The first five varieties received well-deserved recognition among gardeners. “Emerald” is still little studied because of its novelty. Each subspecies, according to the declared characteristics, the description of the “Pear” tomato variety, as well as the reviews of gardeners, has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Brief description of the series

Tomato “Pear” refers to mid-season varieties. From the moment of sowing seeds to the beginning of fruiting, 109-114 days pass, which indicates an average ripening rate.

Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato is an interdeterminant crop. Its height when grown in greenhouses and greenhouses reaches 160-180 cm. When grown in open ground, this figure is slightly lower – 140-160 cm. Due to the high yield and high growth, it needs to be tied up.

Interesting! All tomatoes of the Pear series perfectly tolerate transportation over long distances and have good keeping quality.

Tomato “Pear” tolerates heat well, but he is afraid of drafts and piercing winds. So when planting tomatoes in open ground, you need to carefully choose a suitable place for them.

To obtain high yields, the formation of a bush in 1-2 stems is required.

Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety

Characteristics of fruits

The fruits of the tomato variety “Pear” are characterized by an unusual pear-shaped shape. The mass of fruits is on average from 50 to 80 gr. The color of tomatoes depends on the subspecies.

Pear-shaped tomatoes of this variety are distinguished by high density, a minimum of seeds and the absence of voids. Of the entire pear series, Black Pear tomatoes are characterized as the sweetest, with excellent taste.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this variety include the following:

  • high resistance to late blight and many other diseases characteristic of the nightshade family;
  • high seed germination;
  • fruits contain a large amount of carotene;
  • excellent taste;
  • long fruiting time;
  • high yield;

    Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety

  • long shelf life without loss of taste and presentation;
  • tolerate transportation well;
  • wide scope;
  • high density of tomatoes.

Unfortunately, tomatoes also have disadvantages:

  • the variety is very demanding on the composition of the soil;
  • need regular pinching and tying;
  • does not tolerate drafts.

Rules of landing and care

Breeders advise planting a Pear tomato, 4 plants per 1 m². To get a bountiful harvest, you will need to follow the following rules for caring for plants:

  • obligatory garter;
  • regular watering and loosening the soil;
  • regular feeding.
Interesting! Tomatoes can be harvested unripe – they ripen quickly at room temperature without loss of taste.

Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomatoes should be watered with warm water and preferably in the evening so that the sun’s rays do not damage the plants. If you follow the rules of agricultural technology, you can achieve a high yield and collect more than 5 kg of tomato from one bush. According to the reviews of gardeners who have already grown the Pear tomato on their plots, it is not so difficult to achieve a yield of 8-9 kg from one bush.

Seedless growing method

You can grow tomatoes “Pear” both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Planting rules are practically the same as planting traditional tomato varieties. When growing seedlings, the following recommendations should be followed:

Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety

  • two to three weeks before planting, you need to prepare the soil. Tomatoes are very fond of loose, fertile soil. Before preparing the soil, it is desirable to apply fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium. You can use wood ash – sprinkle 2-2,5 kg of ash per m² and carefully dig up the area intended for growing tomatoes.
  • The distance between plants should be at least 35-40 cm, take this into account when sowing. Thickened plantings are the first reason for the low yield of the Pear tomato.
  • Immediately after planting, the site must be poured abundantly with warm water and covered with a film or lutrasil.
  • Landings can only be opened in warm weather.
  • After germination, it is necessary to thin out the plants (if necessary).

    Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety

  • Subsequent care consists in timely feeding, weeding, watering and loosening. During the period of active fruit ripening, it is necessary to limit the watering of Pear tomatoes in order to avoid cracking of the fruits.

It should be noted that tomato varieties of the Pear series can be grown in open ground only in the southern regions of Our Country. In the central and northern regions, it should be grown only in greenhouses or greenhouses.

  • Upon reaching a plant height of 40-50 cm, tomatoes must be tied up.
  • Stepchildren should be removed regularly.
Interesting! Tomatoes contain a large amount of carotene and dry substances.

Seedling growing method

Tomatoes of the “Pear” variety should be planted on seedlings 2 months before the planned transplantation of plants in greenhouses or open ground. The end of February – the beginning of March is the most suitable period for planting seeds.

The seed purchased in the store has already been pre-treated and therefore does not need to be prepared for planting. But it is better to disinfect the seeds harvested on your own in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 1,5-2 hours.

For planting seeds of tomato “Pear” it is important to pay special attention to the soil. The soil mixture is ideal for this event – it is perfectly balanced and the plants do not need additional feeding at the first stage.

If you are preparing the soil yourself, then be sure to take care of additional additives. As fertilizers you can use:

  • Fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium in moderation;
  • Ash;
  • Means for rapid germination and strengthening of the root system of plants;
  • organic fertilizers.

Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety

The rules for growing seedlings of tomato “Pear” practically do not differ from the cultivation of traditional varieties. Like all nightshade tomatoes, it is important to ensure timely watering, good lighting and microclimate.

For seed germination, the air temperature must be maintained within + 25˚С + 27˚С. After the appearance of the first shoots, boxes with seedlings should be placed in a lighted place and maintained at a temperature of + 20˚С + 22˚С.

With a lack of lighting, landings need to be provided with additional lighting. Fluorescent lamps should be placed at a height of 60-70 cm from the plants.

Important! Tomatoes do not crack during ripening, and thanks to the dense skin, they retain their original appearance in a jar with whole-fruit canning.

Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety

As soon as 2-3 leaves are formed, it is necessary to dive future tomatoes. “Pear” perfectly tolerates picking and transplanting without harming the plants.

Tomatoes can be planted in a greenhouse or open ground no earlier than the earth warms up to + 15˚С + 18˚С. Most often they start landing in late May – early June. In the first few days, it is important for plants to provide gentle conditions. In sunny weather, create shade for plantings and protect them from drafts.

The fertilizer scheme for tomatoes of the Pear series is as follows:

  • When planting and diving, fertilize with a fertilizer based on potassium and phosphorus for rooting and the formation of a powerful root system no more than 2-3 times. Between top dressing should take at least 3-4 weeks.
  • Before the formation of the ovaries, you can feed the tomatoes 2-3 times with nitrogen fertilizers, nettle infusion, ash for the active growth of green mass.

    Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety

  • As soon as the first ovaries appear, nitrogen fertilizing should be replaced with phosphorus-potassium. Until the end of fruiting, you can fertilize plantings 1-2 times, no more.

Subsequently, follow the basic rules for growing tomatoes: watering, loosening, pinching, tying.

Compliance with these recommendations is the key to obtaining abundant harvests.

You can learn the characteristics of the plant, as well as the yield, the secrets of growing Yellow Pear tomatoes from the video

Yellow Pear Tomamo / Tomato (tomato) Yellow pear / August 29, 2016

Distinctive characteristics of fruits

At the moment, thanks to the work of breeders, the Pear tomato series includes six varieties: Yellow, Orange, Black, Red, Pink and Emerald. All but the last variety are very popular among summer residents. Due to the unusual color of the fruit, this tomato has not yet won the recognition of gardeners, so there are no reviews yet about its taste and plant characteristics.

Important! The shelf life of tomatoes in a cool, dark place (including the refrigerator) is 35-45 days.

The name of the variety determines the color of the tomatoes. But besides the rich color palette of fruits, there are other differences.

Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety


pink pear

red pear

black pear

orange pear

yellow pear

Height of a plant

170-200 see

120-160 see

160-180 see

150-170 see

More than 2 meters

Maturation period






fruit color


Classic red

Maroon to brown

Bright orange


Ovary formation

Brushes 4-6 pcs

Brushes 5-8 pcs

Brushes 5-8 pcs

Brushes 5-8 pcs

Brushes 5-7 pcs

Landing pattern, pcs per 1 m²

3 – 4

3 – 4

3 – 4

3 – 4

3 – 4



Sweet, slightly sour

Very sweet

Sweet with slight sourness









Yield from 1 m²

6-8 kg or more

More than 6-8 kg

10-12 kg

10-11 kg


Average fruit weight

40-50 gram

45 – 65 grams

55-80 gram

60-80 gram


It is worth noting that from the entire series of pear-shaped tomatoes, the fruits of the “Black Pear” differ in taste. But “Orange” – easily tolerates heat and slight temperature drops, and can also be stored for a long time without loss of taste and presentation.

Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety

All fruits of representatives of this series are distinguished by good keeping quality, pulp density, a small number of seeds and the absence of voids.

Thanks to these advantages, Pear tomatoes are truly unique. For this reason, they are very popular among gardeners.

Application area

The scope of a series of varieties of tomatoes “Pear” is very extensive.

Due to their unusual shape, small size and dense skin, tomatoes are perfect for whole-fruit canning. Tomatoes of different colors will look beautiful in a jar.

Important! To get a bountiful harvest, you need to form a bush in two stems in time and pinch the top after forming 7 or 8 full-fledged brushes.

Tomatoes “Pear” of any variety are actively used in the preparation of blanks for the winter as a component of all kinds of salads, lecho, ketchup. Tomato juices are very thick and rich. Tomato paste from red tomatoes will be thick due to the dense pulp and high solids content.

Due to the unusual shape of tomatoes, the surface attachment of the stalk is the reason for the reduction of waste in cooking. Tomatoes of the “Pear” series are used in food and fresh, as well as cutting, for preparing fresh salads, decorating ready-made dishes.

The tomato has also been widely used in the preparation of second courses, in baking various casseroles and pizza, baking in general and stuffed. Perfectly preserves the taste and aroma during freezing and drying.

Tomato Pear: characteristics and description of the variety


The universality of the series of varieties of tomato “Pear” is undeniable. Unpretentious care, high yields, excellent taste and a wide range of applications – what more could you want? That is why the tomato series has won well-deserved recognition among summer residents.


Svetlana, 43 years old, Barnaul
This year I decided to plant a Pear for the first time. I purchased the seeds of the Pink and Orange Pear. Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Spring comes late for us, so I transplanted it into the greenhouse only at the beginning of June. Seed germination is high, seedlings developed well. I didn’t particularly care for them, both for all the landings and for them. I really liked the shape of the tomatoes, their taste. So much was harvested that it was enough for food and for harvesting. Now Pear is on the list of my favorite varieties. Next year I plan to plant a red and black pear.
Ivan, 33 years old, Volgograd
My wife planted a black pear, only 5 bushes. As described, the tomatoes were indeed very sweet. The children liked it very much. We didn’t have enough for preparations, but we ate delicious salads all summer long.
Vitaly, 51 years old, city ​​of Saratov
I manage my own garden. And I myself choose the varieties for planting. A neighbor persuaded me to plant a pear tree. I planted a red pear. My wife used almost all of them for ketchup. They are very meaty and tasty. There was no problem with tomatoes. No more than with ordinary plants. Fertilized only twice. There was a lot of harvest, about 5-6 kg per bush. The grandchildren liked it very much, they dragged it straight from the bush. I will definitely plant more.

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