Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

When choosing seeds for sowing, every gardener worries about whether the tomatoes will behave in the garden as described. It is on every bag of seeds. But not everything is shown there. Experienced sellers know much more about tomato varieties.

The peeped scene perfectly characterizes the Nikola tomato variety. It was in the city market. A woman came up to the counter and began meticulously picking out tomato seeds. The seller offered her both, but nothing suited her. In the end, he said: “Plant Nicola, a reliable, proven variety.” The woman replied: “I planted it, I didn’t like it.” The seller was amazed: “Well, if you don’t like Nicola, then I have nothing more to offer.” This short dialogue is a testament to the excellent reputation of the variety with sellers, and they are well versed in this.

Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

Gardeners agree with them. The reviews of those who planted the Nikola tomato confirm this. In the 25 years that have passed since the entry of the Nikola tomato into the State Register of Breeding Achievements, many new varieties have been created, but it does not give up its positions and is invariably in demand among gardeners. We will draw up a detailed description and description of the Nikola tomato variety, look at his photo.

Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

Description and characteristics

The Nikola tomato was bred by Siberian breeders at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station in Barnaul. The variety was tested in the harsh continental conditions of Siberia and is intended for cultivation in regions with a similar climate: the Volga-Vyatka, West Siberian, East Siberian and Middle Volga regions. Summers are hot but not too long, sometimes with little rainfall. Fluctuations in average daily temperatures can be large. To all these features of the weather, the Nikola tomato variety is well adapted. It was bred for growing in open ground, but it may well grow in a greenhouse. Many seed companies successfully produce and distribute seeds of this variety.

Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

What can be said about Nicola tomato:

  • It belongs to determinant varieties and has a low bush: depending on growing conditions, from 40 to 65 cm.
  • The bush is not sprawling, not very leafy, the leaf is ordinary. The flower brush is tied under the 7th leaf. It can have up to 7 fruits.

    Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

  • Tomato Nikola does not require a garter or pinching.
  • In terms of maturation, this variety is classified as mid-early. The first tomatoes can be picked already at 105, and in a cool summer at 115 days from germination.
  • The fruits have uneven weight, which ranges from 100 to 120 g.
  • The shape of the fruit is standard, flat-round, their color is rich red. They are multi-chamber, have a good taste with a slight sourness.

    Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

    The variety was created as a commodity, it is well stored and can be well transported.

  • Nikola tomatoes are delicious in summer salads and are suitable for all types of preparations. They are well suited for whole-fruit canning, retain their shape during pickling and salting, the skin does not crack. A considerable content of solids – up to 4,8% allows you to get high-quality tomato paste from them.
  • The yield of tomatoes of the Nikola variety is high and can be up to 8 kg per square meter. m beds. The tomatoes are ripening together.

Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

In order for the description and characteristics of the tomato variety Nikola to be objective, it must also be said about the shortcomings of the variety. According to gardeners, it is not too resistant to tomato diseases: blossom end rot, black spot, late blight. And if the first is a physiological state that is easy to correct by treatment with calcium nitrate, then a whole range of measures will be required against fungal diseases.

How to care

Tomato variety Nikola must be grown through seedlings. Manufacturers advise doing this in March. For cultivation in the southern regions, tomato seeds are sown at the beginning of the month, for cool ones – closer to its end. Usually, seedlings are planted in open ground with 7 or 8 true leaves and an emerging flower brush. Such with good care, it happens after 45 or 50 days.

Cooking sprouts

Nikola tomato seeds can be harvested in your own garden or purchased at a seed store.

Advice! Once every few years, for varietal purity, you need to buy seeds from a trusted seed company.

In hot weather, nearby tomatoes of different varieties are pollinated. If you take seeds from such fruits, you will not be able to save the Nikola variety.

Both purchased and own Nikola tomato seeds require pre-sowing treatment. The health of future tomato bushes largely depends on its proper implementation. How and with what to process the seeds?

  • For dressing, i.e., getting rid of possible pathogens that are on the surface of the seeds, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate 1% concentration. In it, the selected seeds of the Nikola tomato are kept for about 20 minutes. Pickled seeds must be washed with running water.

    Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

  • For these purposes, you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3% concentration. It is heated to 40 degrees and the seeds are treated for 8 minutes. Be sure to wash them after processing.
  • A good result is also obtained by treatment with a phytosporin solution prepared according to the instructions.
  • The pickled seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator. You can take the following preparations: Humate with trace elements, Epin, Zircon. Soaking time and dilution method are indicated in the instructions.
Advice! Experienced gardeners use the old-fashioned way: dilute ½ teaspoon of honey in 50 ml of water and use the honey solution to soak the seeds for 24 hours. Vegetables are sweeter and plants are healthier. The solution should not completely cover the seeds.

Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

It is possible to germinate the processed seeds of the Nikola tomato before sowing, but if there is confidence in their good germination, you can sow them immediately. The soil for seedlings should be loose, absorb moisture well and let air through. Sow to a depth of about 2 cm so that when picking, which is carried out in phase 2 of true leaves, the roots of small tomatoes are not damaged. Before germination, tomatoes need greenhouse conditions. They are easy to create by putting a plastic bag on a container with crops. You need to keep it in a warm place.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the capacity is determined on the lightest window sill, the temperature at this time should be slightly below normal – about 16 degrees, and at night – about 14. But the maximum amount of light is needed. If the weather is cloudy, additional lighting with phytolamps will be required.

In a week, Nikola tomato seedlings will grow the root system. If they did not stretch out, remained strong and stocky, then the seedlings are brought up correctly. In order for it to grow as well and in the future it will need:

  • the temperature is about 22 degrees during the day and a couple of degrees lower at night;
  • enough light;
  • timely watering with warm settled water as soon as the topsoil dries. Some gardeners allow seedlings to wilt without watering them on time. Such stress causes stunting and is harmful to tomatoes;
  • timely picking into separate containers;
  • double top dressing with a weak solution of mineral fertilizer: a week after picking and another 2 or 3 weeks later;
  • hardening of Nikola tomato seedlings 2 weeks before planting in the ground.

Nikola tomato seedlings are planted only in warm soil. It is necessary to wait until the end of spring frosts so that the planted plants do not freeze out. Tomato Nikola is a cold-resistant variety, but plants are powerless against frost.

Attention! When planting seedlings, it is necessary to provide shelter from possible cold snaps: a film or a dense non-woven material thrown over arcs.

Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

Post disembarkation care

The soil for planting should be prepared and fertilized in the fall. In the spring, they only loosen the soil and apply starting fertilizer to the dug holes. Water the wells with plenty of water – at least 1 liter. If instead of water you use a solution of Fitosporin enriched with the Gumi fertility elixir, then the benefits will be double: Fitosporin will destroy the pathogens of many tomato diseases living in the upper soil layer, and Gumi will contribute to the fastest growth of the root system, which is important for plant development.

Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

Further care for Nikola tomatoes is as follows:

  • watering, the first time – in a week, then weekly, at the time of fruit filling – 2 times a week;
  • mulching the soil with any biological material with a layer of 10 cm;
  • top dressing every decade with complex chlorine-free fertilizer in liquid form;
  • treatment with a solution of calcium nitrate when pouring fruits in the first brush – prevention of blossom end rot;
  • preventive treatments against phytophthora: before flowering by means of chemical protection, with the onset of flowering – with biological preparations and folk methods.

Tomato Nikola: reviews + photos

Warning! Develop a schedule for processing Nikola tomatoes from phytophthora and strictly follow it, otherwise you can completely lose the crop grown with such difficulty.

On the features of growing tomato varieties Nikola can be viewed on the video:


Maria, Barnaul
I grow only zoned varieties of tomatoes. In our harsh climate, others simply may not produce a crop. I really like Nikola – a real Siberian and gives delicious fruits. I don’t use any special tricks, but every year with a harvest. A reliable variety does not fail.
Igor, Kungur
No season is complete without tomatoes in the garden. We make a lot of blanks: salt, pickle, enough for the whole winter. I prefer simple varieties with which there is little trouble. One of them is Nikola. The only problem is that phytophthora must be treated according to all the rules, otherwise it will definitely get sick. And from top rot, I pour a little ground eggshell into each hole, which we collect all winter. We are not without tomatoes.

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