Tomato My love F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Breeders have bred many hybrids with good taste and commercial qualities. Tomato My love F1 refers to such crops. Small heart-shaped fruits have juicy pulp with a good sweet and sour taste. To all other advantages, you can add the absolute unpretentiousness of the variety.

Description of tomatoes My love

The specified variety is determinant, early ripening, thermophilic, suitable for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouses. It was bred in Our Country, entered into the State Register in 2008.

The plant is standard (short), the yield is low. With perfect care, no more than 4 kg of fruit per bush is obtained per season. From planting seeds to the fruiting period of tomatoes, My love takes about 100 days.

The height of a tomato in rare cases, in the southern regions, in a greenhouse reaches one and a half meters, in open ground, on average, does not exceed 80 cm. After the appearance of the 5th inflorescence, the bush stops growing. The formation of branches and leaves is weak. The leaves are dark green, medium in size, rare.

On one tomato plant My love, no more than 5-6 brushes appear, in each of which the same number of ovaries are formed. Inflorescences are simple.

Tomato My love F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Description of fruits

The fruits of the tomato My love are the same, rounded, slightly pointed at the end, form the shape of a heart. Under adverse weather conditions, the sharp spout is smoothed out, the fruits become spherical.

Skin, red, smooth, rarely slightly ribbed. The pulp is juicy, not too soft, dense, melting, has a sweet balanced taste. Tomatoes My love f1 have a high commercial and taste value.

In the section of the fetus, up to 5 seed nests can be found. The weight of one tomato does not exceed 200 g, the average weight of each fruit is 150-170 g. They are well stored, they can be transported over long distances.

Tomato My love F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Due to their small size and high pulp density, tomatoes of this variety are well suited for harvesting for the winter. When boiled, they do not crack; more than 10 pieces can be placed in a jar. From tomatoes of the My Love variety, paste, juice, and mashed potatoes are prepared. The fruits are used for food both fresh and processed.

Main characteristics

The variety belongs to crops with early ripening. The first red fruits can be obtained in early June. No more than 100 days pass from the moment of sowing the seeds to the ripening of tomatoes.

Tomato variety My love cannot be called fruitful. Under the film with good care, no more than 8-10 kg of fruit per 1 m2, in open ground – no more than 6 kg per season. This is about 3-4 kg of tomatoes from a bush. Due to the fact that the ripening of the fruits is friendly, the crop is harvested immediately.

Tomato variety My love is resistant to various diseases of nightshade crops. Due to the early and friendly ripening of fruits, phytophthora and tobacco mosaic do not have time to infect the plant. For the same reason, My Love tomato bushes are not attacked by aphids, scale insects, and the Colorado potato beetle.

Important! Tomatoes my love tolerate temperature changes, drought well. In the first weeks after planting, the plants need to be covered with a film.

To get a good harvest, the bushes should be tied up, stepson at your discretion. In open ground, the yield of the variety is high only in the southern regions. In central Our Country, seedlings are recommended to be covered with foil only in the first month after planting. In the north, tomatoes are grown exclusively in greenhouses and greenhouses. The plant loves free space: 1 m2 do not recommend planting more than 3 bushes.

Tomato My love F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of the variety include its low yield, thermophilicity, exactingness in fertilizers, thin and weak stem.

Of the positive qualities are:

  • Early and friendly ripening of tomatoes;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • high taste qualities of the variety;
  • universal application.

Resistance to temperature extremes and drought is one of the main positive qualities of the My Love tomato variety.

Rules of landing and care

You can plant My Love tomatoes if you purchase seedlings or grow them yourself. Do it at home in special containers filled with soil.

Seeding for seedlings

Tomato seeds are chosen large, not stuck together, rough, but even, without black and gray spots. They are wrapped in gauze and dipped in a weak solution of manganese (1 g per half liter of water) for a quarter of an hour. Then they take it out and, also in a gauze bag, lower it into a growth activator solution for about an hour.

Tomato My love F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Important! Large seeds are viable, they have more nutrients for growth. Strong, healthy seedlings can be grown from such seed.

At the same time, containers are prepared: they are filled with grated soil mixed with peat or sawdust. It should be light, well fluffed, so it is easier for the seeds to hatch. Before planting, the ground should be slightly moistened.

Sowing seeds of tomatoes is carried out no later than March 15. After they get wet, they are laid in the soil at a distance of 2-4 cm from each other to a depth of 2-3 cm. Then they are covered with a film and sent to a cool, bright place to germinate. The air temperature in this case should not exceed + 20 ᵒС.

After the germination of tomato seeds, the film is removed, the lighting is turned on around the clock for a week, so that the seedlings stretch out faster. Water the plants until the first leaf appears to a limited extent, usually a simple spray of water is enough. As soon as the first true leaf appears, the seedlings are watered under the root once a week, after the appearance of several – every other day. As they grow, soil mixture is added to the containers. This will strengthen and branch the root of the tomatoes. 1 times before transferring the grown plants to the ground, they are fed with fertilizers intended for seedlings

It is necessary to dive seedlings (transplanted into a separate container) after 2-3 days after the appearance of the first leaf. This will allow you to develop a good root system with strong lateral processes.

Important! For picking, strong seedlings with a well-formed root are chosen. Other plants can be destroyed.

Tomato My love F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Before transplanting, tomato seedlings of the My Love variety are well watered. This will allow the plant to be removed from the container without damaging the earthen ball around the root. Root seedlings in more spacious and deep pots, cups than they were originally. After the plants are set aside in a bright, cool place, after a week they are transferred to heat.

Seedling transplant

The grown tomatoes are transplanted into the greenhouse after 40-50 days, into the open ground after 2 months after their germination. Before transferring, the seedlings are hardened: they are taken outside for 2 hours, while the air temperature should not fall below + 10 ᵒС. During the day, plants are sheltered from direct sunlight.

The landing site is preliminarily dug up, fertilized with peat or humus. Tomatoes of the My Love variety are planted at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other and 0,5 m between rows.

Landing algorithm:

  1. Dig holes 1,5 times the volume of the seedling rhizome. It is approximately 20 cm deep.
  2. Pour seedlings in containers with plenty of warm water to easily separate the earthen ball.
  3. After the tomatoes are rooted in the hole, sprinkled with a layer of fluffy earth.
  4. Then the seedlings are watered abundantly, a low mound of earth is raked from above.

Tomato My love F1: characteristics and description of the variety

A week after planting, you can fertilize the plants with organic matter by pouring a solution of mullein or bird droppings under the root. Organic substances are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.


After planting once a week, in the southern regions, tomatoes of the My Love variety are watered 2-3 times. With a similar regularity, loosening of the soil is also carried out. After watering, the soil is mulched with sawdust or peat. Weeds are destroyed as they appear.

Feed tomatoes varieties My love 3 times before fruiting. Fertilizers are best applied between the rows, and not under the root. Organic top dressing is alternated with mineral.

Important! It is not recommended to pinch this variety. This will delay the fruit ripening a little, but the yield will be higher.

Tomatoes My love is a low-growing variety, but it is necessary to tie it up, otherwise the shoots will break off under the weight of the fruit. For a garter, a trellis is pulled, the tops of the plant are attached to it with a rope.


Tomato My love F1 is an unpretentious variety that has become popular due to the high taste of its fruits. Their compact size allows you to place the fruits in any jar, where they do not crack or spread during cooking. Due to the dense pulp and strong skin, such fruits can be transported at any distance. Gardeners and housewives leave reviews about tomatoes My love f1 only positive.

Tomatoes. Early planting of tomato seedlings in open ground.

Reviews about tomatoes My love

Farmers who liked the My Love tomato variety often send reviews with photos confirming the description of the crop.

Denis Vitalyevich Kazantsev, 35 years old, village Dinskaya, Krasnodar Territory
I grow a variety for myself and for sale. In addition to being early, it is also delicious. Usually early-ripening tomatoes are bland, but this one is sweet and juicy. I make seedlings myself, since I have been stocking seeds since autumn. Of course, there are more productive hybrids, but I like the taste of tomato My love. The wife salts it with buckets, the tomatoes even fit into a small container, they do not boil soft, they are well stored.

Tomato My love F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Lyudmila Pavlovna Orlova, 45 years old, Shatsk
With the cultivation of seedlings of tomatoes of any variety, I do not bother, I buy on the market. Advised tomatoes My love. Bought and did not lose. They grow quickly, I cover the first week with a film, after they grow on their own. The main thing is not to be lazy to water. In June, you can enjoy the first fruits. I don’t clog them, I eat them fresh. I love such tomatoes with juicy sweet pulp, small so that the juice does not fly in all directions. For me, this is the best early variety; at the end and middle of summer, others, more productive, are in store.

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