Tomato Miracle of the Earth: variety description, yield information and reviews

Tomato Miracle of the Earth, which will be discussed in our today’s article, attracts the attention of gardeners with a consistently high yield. The fruits of this garden culture are distinguished by interesting taste and commercial qualities.

Characteristic of the variety

The tomato variety Miracle of the Earth, which bears the second name Miracle of the World, was bred by scientists in 2004. The author of this culture is Vladimir Dederko. Breeding work on the development of a new vegetable crop was carried out at the research center of the agricultural company “Siberian Garden”.

Tomato Miracle of the Earth has surpassed all expectations of breeders. In 2006, this crop was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Federation. The Miracle of the Earth variety is zoned for cultivation in the southern regions of Our Country. This vegetable crop has received wide distribution in the Astrakhan region, the Krasnodar Territory and the North Caucasus.

Video “Collection variety of tomatoes Miracle of the Earth”

From this video you will learn how to grow a unique variety of tomatoes Miracle of the Earth.

Collection variety of tomatoes “Miracle of the Earth”.


The fruits attract attention with their original heart-shaped shape. At the time of removable maturity, the skin is colored pink. Pulp of dense texture, pink color. Tomatoes taste juicy and fleshy, contain a large amount of antioxidants.

Average weight – 0,5 kg. There are tomatoes weighing 1 kg. Variety Miracle of the Earth bears fruit regularly and abundantly. The fruits are collected in brushes, there can be 8-10 brushes on one bush.

Tomato Miracle of the Earth: variety description, yield information and reviews


Tomato Miracle of the Earth is a medium-sized garden crop. The average height of an adult bush is 1,5 m. The growth of the bush is indeterminate, intense. In the absence of pinching, the plant can reach 2 m in height, but there is a deterioration in fruiting.

Leaves are dark green and medium in size.

Tomato Miracle of the Earth: variety description, yield information and reviews

Features of agricultural technology

Miracle of the Earth can be grown both outdoors and indoors. Caring for seedlings and seedlings of tomatoes consists in timely watering, applying fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus, removing weeds, loosening the soil and protecting against harmful insects. This variety requires obligatory pasynkovanie. Under the weight of large fruits, tomato branches can break off. It is recommended to form a plant in 1-2 stems.

Tomato Miracle of the Earth: variety description, yield information and reviews

Unlike other tomatoes, the Miracle of the Earth variety is characterized by high drought tolerance. The frequency of watering the beds in the garden depends on the weather conditions and climatic features of the region. It is better to water tomatoes in the morning before sunrise or in the evening at sunset. Watering should be moderate.

According to experienced summer residents, the fruits of this garden crop are not prone to cracking. However, excess moisture in the soil negatively affects their taste. You can maintain the drought-resistant qualities of the Miracle of the Earth tomato by mulching the soil. Hay, straw, chopped tree bark, pine or spruce branches, sawdust soaked in nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used as mulch.

Tomato Miracle of the Earth: variety description, yield information and reviews

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any fruit crop, the Miracle of the Earth variety tomato has both positive and negative qualities.


  • consistently high yields subject to agricultural technology – 14–15 kg / sq. m;
  • undemanding to growing conditions and unpretentious care;
  • good drought resistance;
  • rapid adaptation to the climatic features of any region;
  • amazing taste and commercial qualities of fruits;
  • versatility of the variety: tomatoes can be eaten fresh, used for home canning, making juice, sauce and tomato paste.


  • needs shelter and tying up in case of strong gusts of wind;
  • non-compliance with the declared technical characteristics and description of the fruit.

It is worth noting that the negative reviews of gardeners receive seeds of unknown origin. The planting material of the Siberian Garden agricultural company fully complies with the variety standard.

Tomato Miracle of the Earth: variety description, yield information and reviews

Reviews of vegetable growers

Due to the many positive characteristics, the large-fruited tomato Miracle of the Earth has become widespread among gardeners.

“We have been growing tomato Miracle of the Earth for many years. We grow on the beds, while we do not use additional shelter. It bears fruit abundantly and regularly. However, so that the bush does not fall under the weight of the fruit, it is necessary to periodically pinch. As for the taste, the tomatoes are fleshy and very tasty. You can eat right from the garden” (Bogdan, Krasnodar Territory).

“Succumbing to such beautiful advertising and sonorous reviews of gardeners, I bought tomato seeds Miracle of the Earth. The result was completely opposite to my expectations. The size of ripe tomatoes is medium. The shape is round. Although, according to other gardeners, tomatoes of this variety should be heart-shaped and large. It is better to remove fruits from branches in an unripe state, otherwise there is a high risk of cracking the skin ”(Olga, Moscow region).

Tomato Miracle of the Earth: variety description, yield information and reviews

“Somehow I was “lucky” to buy seeds of Miracle of the Earth from an unknown manufacturer. Hopes for a high harvest collapsed with the first fruit ovaries. Timely watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing and pinching did not give the desired result. The following year, I bought a pack of seeds of this variety of tomatoes from the Siberian Garden agricultural company. The tomatoes were large, fleshy and very fragrant” (Victoria, Rostov-on-Don).

When choosing planting material, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. High yield and amazing taste of fruits will please the tomato Miracle of the Earth of the Siberian Garden agricultural company.

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