Tomato Miracle Lazy

Tomatoes are a capricious and unpredictable culture. It happens that a gardener works in his beds from morning to night, but does not get the desired result: the tomatoes are small, get sick and do not please with taste. But on the neighboring plot, the owner rarely appears, pays little attention to the garden, and at the end of the season he collects an excellent crop of large and tasty tomatoes. The answer to this riddle is very simple: the whole secret lies in the right variety of tomatoes. One of these win-win options is the Lazy Miracle tomato, which is simply made for lazy gardeners and bad weather.

Tomato Miracle Lazy

Characteristics of the Miracle Lazy tomato tomato and a detailed description of this variety are given in this article. Here you can find instructions for growing and caring for a tomato with the original name, read the reviews of those who planted this variety, and see photos of “lazy” bushes and fruits.

Variety description

Miracle Lazy Tomatoes were brought out by breeders from SibNIIRS. This variety was intended for cultivation in the coldest regions of the country – in the Urals and Siberia.

Attention! All tomatoes of the Siberian selection are distinguished by excellent immunity and resistance to the “whims” of the weather: temperature changes, lack of sun and moisture, high humidity.

Tomato Miracle Lazy

The characteristics of the Lazy Miracle tomato are as follows:

  • the variety belongs to ultra-early – the fruits ripen already 85-95 days after the appearance of the first shoots;
  • bushes are compact, standard, plant type is determinant;
  • the height of tomato bushes reaches only 45-50 cm, so the tomatoes do not have to be tied up;
  • the foliage of the tomato is medium, the leaves are also medium-sized;
  • it is not necessary to stepson and form a tomato Miracle Lazy man, which greatly facilitates the care of tomato beds;
  • the yield of the Miracle Lazy variety is high – gardeners, on average, collect 8-9 kg of tomatoes from each square meter;
  • the shape of the fruit is “cream”, the tomatoes are elongated, there is a small “nose” at the end of the tomato;
  • the peel is smooth, painted in a rich red color;
  • average weight of tomatoes – about 65 grams;
  • the taste of Chudo tomatoes is very good, moderately sweet, with a slight sourness and peppercorn that is not standard for a tomato;
  • the aroma is well pronounced, “tomato”;
  • the pulp is dense, fleshy, there are few seeds and they are all small;
  • the peel is thick, does not allow tomatoes to crack and deteriorate quickly;
  • the crop is well stored and tolerates transportation (the dry matter content in tomatoes is more than 4%);
  • Siberian tomato tolerates low temperatures well, suitable for growing in open ground and in greenhouses;
  • the variety is resistant to most diseases, including late blight (due to the early ripening period, the Miracle gives the crop before the peak of this disease);
  • the tomato is not afraid of drought, heavy rainfall and cold nights – the variety is resistant to external factors;
  • growing a tomato is very simple, as it is unusually unpretentious;
  • the purpose of the fruit is universal: tomatoes make excellent juice, puree, they are suitable for canning and pickling, they are also good fresh.
Important! Due to the even shape of the tomatoes and the same size of all fruits, the Lazy Miracle looks equally good in banks and on the windows of markets or supermarkets. Therefore, the variety is perfect for those who are going to grow tomatoes for sale.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the biggest plus of the variety is its unpretentiousness – the Miracle, indeed, can grow even the laziest gardener. It is also worth mentioning the purpose of this tomato – cultivation in the northernmost regions. This indicates the resistance of plants and the independence of the quality of the crop from external factors.

Tomato Miracle Lazy

So, The advantages of the Siberian variety are considered:

  • early ripening;
  • high productivity;
  • ease of cultivation and easy care;
  • high marketability of fruits;
  • excellent taste of tomatoes;
  • resistance to diseases and other factors.
Attention! There are no downsides to this tomato. If we really find fault, we can note a dense peel and not very juicy pulp.

Growing rules

A variety of tomato Miracle Lazybones can be grown even by those who have never planted anything with their own hands. This tomato is intended for beginner gardeners, for summer residents who come to the site only on weekends, and for those who simply do not want to spend summer days caring for beds.

Like all tomatoes in the middle lane, the Lazy Miracle is grown through seedlings.


Seeds for seedlings must be sown 55-60 days before the expected date of planting tomatoes in the ground. The exact time is calculated based on the fact that early-ripening tomatoes are planted in the greenhouse at the end of April or in early May, and seedlings are taken out into the open ground in the northern regions no earlier than the beginning of June, when the threat of frost has passed.

Tomato Miracle Lazy

Having calculated the landing time, proceed to the process itself:

  1. Seeds are disinfected by soaking for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. After that, the tomato seeds are washed and left under a damp cloth until they swell (1-3 days).
  3. Now you need to prepare the soil for tomato seedlings. To do this, you can use a purchased substrate or prepare it yourself: mix soddy soil, peat, sand. The soil is laid out in containers.
  4. Seeds are carefully laid out and sprinkled with a thin layer of dry earth. Now the plantings are sprayed with a spray bottle so that the tomato seeds do not wash out.
  5. Cover the seedlings with a film or lid and put them in a warm place until the first shoots appear.
Advice! For growing tomato seedlings, it is very convenient to use food-grade plastic containers with an airtight lid.

Tomato Miracle Lazy

Now you need to take care of the tomatoes, periodically watering them and carefully loosening the soil. When each plant has a pair of true leaves, the tomatoes dive, transplanting them into individual cups.

A couple of weeks before planting in the ground or in the greenhouse, tomatoes need to be hardened. If this is not done, it will be difficult for the tomatoes to adapt to new conditions, most of the seedlings may die.

Siberian tomatoes Miracle should be planted in the ground or in a greenhouse as follows:

  1. The soil is prepared in advance – it is better to do this at the end of the previous season. Scatter humus, fertilizers and dig up the earth. Immediately before planting tomatoes, disinfection should be carried out by spilling the ground with hot water or a weak solution of manganese.
  2. Holes for the Miracle are made at a distance of 30 cm from each other, 50 cm are left between the rows – this is quite enough for compact standard tomatoes.
  3. Now the seedlings are carefully transferred, preferably with an earthy clod at the roots. It is necessary to ensure that the leaves of the tomato are above the ground. If the tomatoes are too long, they are planted at an angle.
  4. Holes with tomatoes fall asleep with soil, lightly tamp it down and water it with warm water.
Attention! In the first 10 days after planting, tomato seedlings Miracle Lazyman do not need to be watered – the roots are not yet able to absorb moisture, as they go through the adaptation stage.

Tomato Miracle Lazy

In the northern regions of Our Country, when growing tomatoes in open ground, it is recommended to use film shelters that can be removed when the tomatoes are fully grown.

How to care

Already by the name it is clear that care, as such, is not needed for the Miracle of the Lazy Man – it is enough to plant this tomato, then he will do all the work himself. It is surprising that even in bad weather, with a minimum amount of fertilizer and a lack of watering, the Lazy Miracle tomato yields stable yields.

Tomato Miracle Lazy

Of course, to increase the quantity and quality of fruits, the tomato needs to provide at least minimal care:

    • a couple of times during the summer, feed the tomatoes with mineral or organic fertilizers (do not be zealous with nitrogenous top dressings!);
  • treat bushes from pests and infections by spraying tomatoes with special chemicals (this must be done before the stage of fruit formation);
  • in dry summers, Lazy Miracle must be watered using warm water;
  • if there are a lot of fruits, it is better to tie up the bushes so that the tomato shoots do not break off under the weight;
  • beds should be regularly weeded or mulched to prevent the growth of weeds;
  • the crop should be harvested on time so that the tomatoes do not crack and rot.
Important! Stepson tomato Miracle Lazy is not necessary, the bushes grow compact and well-formed.

Tomato Miracle Lazy

Feedback from gardeners indicates that the Lazy Miracle tomato produces sweeter and tastier fruits if it receives enough sunlight.

Write Your Review

Irina Viktorova, Irkutsk
Miracle Lazy Tomatoes were recommended to me by a seed seller at our local market. We live in Irkutsk, so we grow all tomatoes in a greenhouse. I grew seedlings of this variety myself, transferred to the greenhouse in the first half of May. These tomatoes pleased me: the fruits are all aligned in the form of cream, quite large and very tasty. Of course, there will be little juice from such tomatoes, after all, they are hard and dense, but in jars this tomato looks just amazing! Caring for tomatoes is very simple, you don’t have to pinch and pinch them, I didn’t water them often either, I fertilized them twice during the summer. The Miracle Lazyman variety bore fruit for a long time – almost until September. Next year I will definitely plant this tomato again.


Tomato Miracle Lazy

Tomato Miracle Lazy is perfect for growing in the coldest regions of Our Country, because the variety was bred at the Siberian Research Institute. This tomato pleases with its unpretentiousness, excellent taste, large fruits and amazing durability. The Miracle of the Lazy Man will be appreciated by those gardeners who live in difficult climatic conditions, as well as those who cannot devote much time to their beds.

Siberian selection tomatoes

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