Tomato Minusinsk glasses: pink, orange, red

Tomato Minusinsk glasses was bred in the Krasnoyarsk Territory by residents of the city of Minusinsk. It belongs to the varieties of folk selection. Differs in endurance, the tomato can grow in the Urals and Siberia.

Description of the variety of tomato Minusinsk glasses

Minusinsk glasses are indeterminate varieties, suitable for growing in greenhouses, have an average ripening period and an extended fruiting period. Fruits weigh 200-250 g on average, have a good sweet-sour taste and a pleasant tomato aroma.

Plants are tall with dark green leaves and small yellow flowers collected in a brush. They seem fragile due to thin shoots, they need a garter to a support. Stepchildren are formed in large numbers, they must be removed and the plants formed into one stem. This is enough to get a good harvest. The fruits begin to ripen in early July.

Varieties of the variety

There are several varieties of tomatoes Minusinsk glasses, they differ in the color of the fruit. You can choose a variety with red, orange or pink tomatoes, an elongated plum shape.

Minusinsk tomato glasses pink

Tomato Minusinsk glasses: pink, orange, red

Tomato variety Minusinsk glasses pink refers to mid-season. It has large elongated plum-shaped fruits. The mass of one tomato is 100-300 g. The flesh is fleshy with a small amount of seeds and juice, the skin is bright pink. The taste is sweet with a pleasant sourness. The characteristic tomato aroma is well expressed.

The bushes are tall, indeterminate, need to be tied up and pinched. Formation in 1-2 stems is preferred. The ripened fruits of the Minusinsk pink glasses variety are eaten fresh, they are used to prepare thick tomato paste and sauces.

Minusinsk tomato orange glasses

Tomato Minusinsk glasses: pink, orange, red

Tomatoes Minusinsk orange glasses are shaped like large elongated plums. The fleshy pulp with a small amount of seeds has no voids, dense, sweet. The mass of one fruit is from 200 to 350 g, on the upper brushes – 100-200 g. Small tomatoes can be preserved, salads, hot appetizers, sauces and pastes are prepared from large ones. A variety of orange tomatoes are suitable for people with allergies.

It is highly resistant to diseases, the tomato is demanding on top dressing, good lighting and watering.

Minusinsk red tomato glasses

Tomatoes of the Minusinsk glasses red variety are classified as salad tomatoes, of medium ripening. Plants are tall – up to 2-2,5 m. Red plum-shaped fruits have an excellent taste. Average weight – about 200 g.

Tomato Minusinsk glasses: pink, orange, red

Tomato variety Minusinsk glasses red is suitable for growing in greenhouses, in the southern regions it can also be planted in open ground. Variety tomatoes need tying and pinching. Form them in 1-2 stems.

Main characteristics

Tomato variety Minusinsk glasses has an average ripening time. The first harvest in unheated greenhouses ripens in July. The yield is average – from one bush you can collect 3,5-4 kg of tomatoes.

The variety is resistant to diseases, with proper care, watering and top dressing, it grows intensively and gives a good harvest. The fruits do not crack. In the middle lane, it is grown only in greenhouses. Landing in open ground is possible in the southern regions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety has a stable yield. From 4 to 8 fruits ripen on one brush, more than 4 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one bush. The advantages of the Minusinsk glasses variety also include the excellent taste of ripe tomatoes and a beautiful presentation. The advantage is an extended period of fruiting, disease resistance.

The disadvantages of the Minusinsk glasses tomato variety, judging by the photos and reviews, include the increased sugar content of the fruit. Therefore, tomatoes are rarely canned, more often they are eaten fresh, salads and hot appetizers, sauces and pasta are prepared from them.

Rules of landing and care

To grow tomatoes in an unheated greenhouse, seeds are sown in the third decade of February or the first decade of March. For open ground, sowing for seedlings is done in late March – early April.

Planted tomatoes need care – watering, top dressing, soil mulching, weed removal, protection against diseases and pests. Immediately after planting, the stems are tied to the trellis using synthetic materials that do not cause decay.

Important! Comfortable temperature regime for tomatoes: +24…+28 °C during the day and +18…+22 °C at night. At a temperature of +35 ° C, plants slow down growth, the flowers begin to fall off.

During the ripening of the crop, attention must be paid to top dressing. For long-term fruiting of indeterminate varieties, which include, according to the description and photo, the Minusinsk glasses variety of tomatoes, the main stem is lowered from the support.

Seeding for seedlings

It is advisable to sort the seeds before sowing by density in a 3% salt solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Then rinse in running water and soak for 20 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, wash again.

Attention! Seeds that have undergone preliminary preparation at seed companies are green, blue or turquoise. It is impossible to soak them before sowing, they may not sprout.

Soil for sowing is prepared from soddy land, humus and peat, mixed in equal proportions. To give the substrate lightness, river sand (1/5 of the total volume) and a handful of wood ash are added to it. The soil mixture is steamed or calcined for disinfection, spilled with a fungicide solution (“Fitosporin”, “Fundazol”, “Trichodermin”, etc.).

The order of sowing seeds and growing seedlings:

  1. Seeds are laid out in a row at a distance of 1 cm or planted in separate glasses.
  2. A layer of soil 0,5-1 cm thick is poured on top and the crops are covered with a film.
  3. Put in a warm place with a temperature of +24 ° C.
  4. Germinated seeds should sprout on the 3rd day, and not germinated – on the 5-6th day.
  5. Seedlings are freed from shelter, placed on a bright window sill or under additional illumination lamps.
  6. The temperature is lowered to 16 ° C for 5 days, then raised again to + 20-22 ° C.
  7. Moisten the soil as it dries out.
  8. Seedlings from a common container or cassette dive into separate containers, in the phase of two true leaves.

Tomato Minusinsk glasses: pink, orange, red

Approximately 3 weeks after the first pick, when the roots of the seedlings completely fill the volume of the containers, a second transplant is carried out in large containers. To prevent the development of root rot, a biological fungicide tablet is placed in each container.

Seedling transplant

When 8 true leaves appear on the seedling, 60 days after sowing, it can be transplanted to a permanent place. The soil and air by this time should warm up to +18 ° C.

Advice! In the prepared soil in the garden, holes are prepared with a depth of 12 cm at a distance of 50 cm. Per 1 sq. m place 3-4 plants in a linear or checkerboard pattern.

Seedlings are transplanted with an earthen clod, watered and mulched the soil around the bushes with peat, straw or mowed grass. As a mulch after watering, you can use humus in an equal mixture with soddy soil and a handful of ash.

Care of tomatoes

According to reviews and photos, many factors influence the receipt of a good harvest of the Minusinsk glasses tomato variety:

  • temperature;
  • soil and air humidity;
  • top dressing;
  • bush formation.

First of all, stepchildren must be removed.

Without pasynkovanie tomatoes are able to grow strongly. New shoots grow from the axil of each leaf to the detriment of fruit formation. Indeterminate varieties, which include Minusinsk glasses tomatoes, have unlimited growth, they are formed into one stem, removing all stepchildren, tied to a trellis.

Tomato requires constant moisture in the root layer of the soil. The need for watering increases during flowering, fruit set and fruit formation. Bushes are watered 2-3 times a week at the same time. Irrigation rate – from 5 to 15 liters per 1 sq. m.

Attention! In cloudy weather, reduce the amount of water or switch to a single moistening for 7 days. With a lack of moisture, flowers and ovaries will begin to crumble.

For laying flower buds, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are required. The lack of these elements leads to the formation of weak flowers, the absence of ovaries. Regular watering will contribute to good plant nutrition. Once every 2 weeks, it is useful to apply a complete complex fertilizer, consisting of:

  • urea (5-10 g);
  • superphosphate (20-30 g);
  • potassium sulfate (15-20 g) per 10 liters of water.

Air humidity affects the pollination of plants, for tomatoes it should be in the range of 50-70%. At low humidity, pollen is sterilized, and at high humidity it swells and also becomes incapable of fertilization. Even if self-pollination was successful and ovaries formed, this does not guarantee a high yield. Unripe fruits may fall due to high air temperature or lack of water in the soil.

Weakened plants are more susceptible to various diseases – rot and late blight. As a preventive measure, weekly treatments with Fitosporin are carried out. To help tomatoes against shedding flowers, spraying with a solution of boric acid (1 g per 1 liter of water) is recommended.


Tomato Minusinsk glasses is an interesting variety of folk selection. Its fruits attract with an unusual shape, size and excellent taste. If you make an effort, follow the rules of agricultural technology, you can harvest a good harvest of healthy and tasty tomatoes.

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings. How to sow tomato seeds easily, quickly and correctly.

Reviews of tomato Minusinsk glasses

Lyudmila Krylatkina, 38 years old, Krasnoyarsk
I have a constant problem with tomatoes. This time I ordered the seeds of the Minusinsk pink glasses variety from Natalya Shcherbinina from Minusinsk. Planted in a greenhouse on May 15, stepsoned and formed into one stem. I collected about 4 kg of tomato from one bush, I think this is a good result. I liked the taste, the tomato is sweet, but not cloying, with a pleasant smell.
Sergey Shevchenko, 45 years old, Minusinsk
They say that in our city there is a special microclimate, so the tomatoes grow large. In my opinion, not only the size is important, but also the taste. I like sweet tomatoes of the Minusinsk glasses variety. Let the fruits do not grow giant, but they are good both in a salad and in a jar. I marinate them with cucumbers. Lecho from them turns out magnificent, thick, fragrant. And I collect my seeds every year, no need to buy.

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