Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

In the early 2000s, Australian and American hobby breeders began work on developing new tomato varieties. The project was named Dwart, which means “Dwarf”. For a decade and a half, amateurs from different countries have joined them. breeders did not stand aside either.

When breeding new varieties of tomatoes of the Gnome series, the following tasks were set:

  • The possibility of growing tomatoes in limited conditions, and specifically – with a lack of free space.
  • High yield.
  • Resistance to various diseases characteristic of the nightshade family.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

All goals have been achieved. Moreover, in the process of selection work over a decade and a half, more than two dozen new varieties of tomatoes were created. The whole series received the unusual name “Gnome”. Work on breeding new varieties does not stop at this time.

General characteristics of the series

Despite the intriguing name, the plants of the Gnome tomato series are not at all stunted. The average height of representatives of various varieties varies from 45 cm to 130-140 cm, and the fruit weight is from 50 to 180 grams.

All tomato varieties of the Dwart series have their own characteristics, but they are united by several features, thanks to which they can be easily distinguished from other varietal plants:

  • Tomatoes do not need pinching;
  • Plants are compact and occupy a small area, which is a big plus for summer residents with small plots;

    Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

  • Early maturity. The fruits ripen already in mid-July;
  • It has one, very rarely two, slightly branched trunks. Tomato bushes are predominantly standard;
  • The foliage is wrinkled, emerald green;
  • The stems are strong and thick;
  • All varieties of “Gnomes” grow well even in thickened plantings and give an excellent harvest;
  • Any varieties can be grown in tubs, on a balcony or loggia;
  • Tomatoes are distinguished by high yields and strong immunity to almost all diseases;
  • Almost all dwarf varieties belong to the large-fruited group.
Interesting! Tomatoes of this series are highly resistant to macrosporiosis.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Each subspecies differs not only in the mass of fruits, but also in shape, and, most importantly, in color. The color range of tomatoes of the “Gnome” series is very diverse: from classic red and pink, to unusual white, brown, green, purple. There are also the usual shades of yellow and orange, but there are also such unique ones as the striped Gnomes.

The taste qualities of fruits deserve the highest praise. They have such a wide range of flavors – from sweet to spicy with a slight spicy touch – that it makes you want to grow and appreciate each variety.

Classification of the dwarf series

The Dwart tomato series includes more than 20 different varieties, which are very difficult to understand the first time. Therefore, it became necessary to classify varieties. Each group included plants whose fruits differ in color:

  • chokeberry;
  • Green-fruited;

    Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

  • Rose-fruited;
  • White-fruited;
  • Yellow-fruited;
  • Bicolors (that is, two-color);
  • Orange-fruited.

A wide range of tomatoes of the Gnome series proves that nothing is impossible for true amateur breeders. The painstaking work on breeding new varieties has not stopped so far, and in the coming years new representatives of the Dwarf project will appear on the market.

Brief description of some varieties

The variety of tomatoes “Gnome” is simply amazing. In this series, you can find large-fruited and small-fruited plants, with early and medium early ripening, but they have one thing in common – unpretentiousness in care. Tomatoes grow in small areas, and the planting scheme provides for planting 6-7 plants per 1 m².

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Important! Black-fruited tomatoes have low frost resistance, so they can be transplanted into open ground only after the first decade of June.

According to the description and characteristics, “Gnomes” do not require stepson and garters. However, during fruiting, it is still worth paying attention to the bushes and, with an abundance of fruits, it is advisable to tie them up. Under the weight of the fruit, the plants often fall sideways.

The taste characteristics of tomatoes are as diverse as the range of dwarf varieties. Here are just some of the brightest and most popular varieties of the Dwarf tomato series.

pink passion

This high-yielding tomato variety of the Gnome series is determinant. In greenhouses and greenhouses, bushes grow up to 1 meter in height, when grown in open space up to 50-60 cm. Plants have a standard thick stem and do not need to be formed. The leaves are large, wrinkled, similar to potato.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

They do not require pasynkovaniya, resistant to late blight and other nightshade diseases. The variety is medium early, fruit ripening occurs 100-110 days after germination.

The fruits of the tomatoes “Gnome Pink Passion” are large, weighing up to 200-220 g. They form brushes on the bush, 3-5 fruits on each. Tomatoes with a rounded heart-shaped shape and a bright pink-red hue resemble strawberries. The pulp is juicy and fleshy, with a small number of seeds, has a rich sweet taste with a slight sourness and a pleasant aroma. The fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, including iron.

These tomatoes are versatile in use. They can be eaten fresh, used for baking and cooking second courses, marinated and salted. Fruits tolerate storage and transportation well, retaining their marketable appearance and taste.

“Pink Passion” has all the advantages of tomatoes of the “Gnome” series: plant compactness, high yield, excellent taste of fruits and resistance to tomato diseases.

Interesting! Due to the low content of acids and high content of solids, the fruits of the Gnome series of tomatoes are included in the list of dietary products.

Like other high-yielding tomatoes, “Gnome Pink Passion” is demanding on soil fertility. With intensive fruiting, it needs regular watering. Responds well to the application of mineral fertilizers. Good care and timely top dressing provide a yield of up to 7-8 kg per 1 m².

Golden heart

It is possible to describe the variety of tomatoes “Gnome Golden Heart” as dwarf – plants reach only 50 – 80 cm in height. Determinant. Suitable for cultivation both in the ground and under a film or in greenhouses.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

The bushes are compact, slightly branched, with wrinkled leaves of medium size. Formation is needed only at the initial stage of growth. Due to their small size, they can be grown not only in beds and greenhouses, but even in flower pots. Tomatoes “Golden Heart” are characterized by high productivity and friendly ripening of fruits. Plants have a strong standard stem, but may need to be tied to a support with a large number of fruits.

This tomato variety from the Gnome series is early ripening. The fruits are round-heart-shaped, have a mass of 100 – 180 g. They are tied on brushes of 3 – 6 pieces, ripen approximately 90 – 95 days after seedling germination. Ripe fruits have a rich golden yellow color and a thin glossy skin, juicy dense pulp and a small amount of seeds. They are not prone to cracking, they retain an excellent presentation for a long time.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Tomatoes have a refreshing sweet and sour taste and delicate aroma. Excellent for fresh eating, use in any area of ​​cooking, as well as for freezing and canning. They contain a lot of vitamin C and beta-carotene. Fruits perfectly tolerate storage and transportation. Harvested green, they ripen perfectly in room conditions.

Interesting! Almost all tomatoes of the Dwarf series can be classified as a “no-hassle vegetable garden”, since the plants do not require very close attention during the growing process.

The disadvantages of tomatoes “Gnome Golden Heart” include sensitivity to soil composition, a high need for regular watering and mineral fertilizers. However, this is fully compensated by a plentiful harvest: with proper care of plants, up to 1-6 kg of fruits can be harvested from 7 m².

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties


This is a mid-season tomato in terms of vegetation, quite tall, despite the name “Gnome”. The height of the bush can reach 140 cm. It is recommended for growing in open ground.

It has wide leaves and fruits of a rounded, slightly flattened shape. It is interesting to observe the ripening of the fruits of the Thong tomato. At first, their color is dark olive with a purple tint, but in the process of ripening, the tomatoes acquire a pink-purple-olive color.

The average weight of tomatoes reaches 280-300 gr. The pulp of the tomato is dark cherry in color, sweet, juicy and fleshy.

Tomato “Gnome Thong” does not require pinching, resistant to many diseases. Plants calmly tolerate a slight decrease or increase in temperature, are not afraid of heat and drafts, and are distinguished by a plentiful harvest. With regard to keeping quality and transportation, here the quality of the tomato is at its best.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

You can use the tomato of the Gnome series both fresh (salads, juices) and for conservation.

Interesting! Gnome Thong tomatoes have one peculiarity: even on one bush it is impossible to find two fruits of the same color.

striped anto

Tomato ‘Gnome Striped anto’ is a stocky shrub 60 to 100 cm tall. It belongs to mid-early varieties, intended for cultivation in open ground.

As for the fruits, especially their color, there is where the eye can roam. Incredibly beautiful fruits have collected a range of colors: yellow, purple, olive, pink. When fully ripe, the fruits become brick red with black stripes. The shape of the tomato is round.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

 The mass of one tomato ranges from 70 to 150 grams. 5-7 fruits ripen on the brush at the same time. Taste qualities are excellent: juicy, fleshy, sweet, with a rich tomato flavor. The flesh is red in color.

Tomato “Gnome Striped anto” is the best among the entire series. It is picky in care, not susceptible to disease, adapts to any weather conditions, does not require pinching, and has a high yield. From a bush, subject to the rules of agricultural technology, you can collect up to 3-5 kg ​​of tomatoes.

The tomato is stored for a long time without loss of taste and appearance. Easily transfers transport.

The scope is wide: it is good fresh, excellent for whole-fruit preservation, and also as an ingredient for winter preparations. Tomatoes “Thongs” can be frozen and dried.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Purple Heart

The original name of this variety of tomato is Dwarf Purple Heart. The plant belongs to mid-season, determinant. It is intended for cultivation in soil or under film shelters.

The standard bush grows up to 0,5-0,8 meters in height, does not need regular pinching.

The fruits of the tomato “Dwarf Purple Heart” are heart-shaped, at the stage of full ripening they have a purple-chocolate color, the average weight is 100-200 g, fleshy and contain few seeds.

Interesting! All Dwarf tomatoes grow slowly. This circumstance must be taken into account when landing.

The yield of a tomato reaches 2-3 kg from one bush, subject to the rules of agricultural technology.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Among the advantages, I would like to note that with a rather low growth, it produces rather large fruits.

Seeds are sown for seedlings 2 months before the intended planting in the ground. When transplanting to a permanent place, up to 1 plants can be placed per 6 m².

The fruits have a rich, tomato flavor, the pulp is dense. Good both for fresh consumption and for making juices, purees, pastes, ketchups.

Fight with the shadow

Tomato “Gnome Shadow Fight” is mid-season, semi-determinant. It is recommended to grow plants of this variety in open ground or under a film. It is resistant to major tomato diseases. Fruit ripening begins 110-120 days after germination.

The height of the bush is 0,8-1 m. The tomato requires a garter, especially during the fruiting period. Pasynkovanie only as needed. You need to form a bush in 2-3 stems.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Carpal fruiting. In one brush, up to 4-6 fruits of golden-orange color with bright crimson flashes ripen at the same time. There is a small blue or purple spot near the stem. They have an elongated cream shape. Melon pulp.

Sowing seeds is carried out 2 months before planting in the ground. When transplanting, up to 1-5 plants can be placed per 6 m². Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, tomatoes from 1 m² can yield up to 15-18 kg.

I would like to add that the exotic tomatoes of the “Gnome Shadow Fight” variety look very unusual during the ripening period. The bushes look like a bright Christmas tree, hung with colorful toys.

According to summer residents, the “Dwarf Shadow Fight” tomatoes are very tasty and sweet, with a barely noticeable sourness. The fruits can be consumed fresh, as well as for canning.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Interesting! It is best to feed tomatoes with liquid fertilizers.

A brief description of the variety and a description of the fruits of the “Shadow Boxing” tomatoes are presented in the video

Tomato variety “Gnome Shadow Fight”

Cheerful gnome

Tomatoes “Merry Dwarf” are determinant, medium-early, high-yielding varieties. Designed for cultivation in open ground. The bushes are low, no more than 0,4-0,5 m in height, require a garter to a support, do not need pinching.

The fruits are elongated, with a “nose”, smooth and dense, the skin is thick, have a rich, bright red color in the phase of full ripening. Fruit weight 70-90 grams, do not crack during ripening. They have excellent taste, great for:

  • conservation;
  • fresh consumption;
  • preparation of various blanks as an ingredient.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Seeds for seedlings are sown 55-65 days before transplanting into open ground. The recommended planting pattern is 5-6 plants per 1 m².

big gnome

Tomatoes “Big Dwarf” – a new variety, bred by breeders recently. Therefore, reviews about it are few. Characteristics of the variety, photos of tomatoes are presented only with a meager description.

“Big Dwarf” refers to mid-early, semi-determinant, high-yielding varieties. You can grow tomatoes in greenhouses, greenhouses and open ground. Like all representatives of the Gnome tomato series, the plant is not tall, up to 1 m in height, which does not require special care and pinching. During the formation of the ovaries, it is desirable to tie the bush to the support.

The variety is highly resistant to diseases characteristic of tomatoes. Due to the early ripening period, it is not susceptible to phytophthora.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

The fruits are flat-round, the color of tomatoes in the phase of full ripening is red-pink, weighing 250-300 g, the pulp is juicy, dense, fleshy. The seed content is low.

Interesting! All “Gnomes” are very fond of sunlight.

Scope of tomatoes “Big Dwarf”:

  • fresh consumption
  • canning
  • freezing and drying.

Seeds are recommended to be planted 55-60 days before planting in the ground, the planting pattern is 4 tomatoes per 1 m².

wild fred

The variety of tomato “Gnome Wild Fred” is a mid-season, high-yielding, determinant crop. The bushes are low – up to 60 cm. The plant does not require special care, does not need pinching.

The fruits of the “Wild Fred” are flat-round, have a brown color with a purple tint. Mass of tomatoes 100-300 gr. The fruits are very fragrant and have a rich taste. Scope: fresh, for making summer salads, juices, ketchups, sauces.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

You need to plant seeds 2 months before planting in the ground, the recommended planting pattern is 4-5 plants per 1 m².


Tomato “Gnome Ferokowkay” is a determinant and belongs to mid-season, high-yielding varieties. When grown in greenhouse conditions, the height of the bushes reaches 1,2-1,4 m, in open ground – 0,6-0,8 m. Fruit formation is carpal. In each brush, 3-6 fruits are formed.

Tomatoes have a flat-round shape. They belong to bicolors, in the phase of full maturation they have the most diverse colors: pink, yellow, orange, red. All shades are intertwined both outside the fruit and inside.

The mass of tomatoes on average reaches 250-350 grams. Juicy, fleshy fruits do not crack when overripe. The taste of tomatoes is classic sweet with sourness.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Important! When growing tomato “Ferokovkai” in a cool climate, it is necessary to remove the lower leaves.


Tomato “Gnome” is an early ripening (90-110 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), low-growing, unpretentious care culture intended for cultivation in open ground, greenhouses and under film. You can grow tomatoes of this variety in pots (with a volume of at least 8-10 liters), tubs, buckets.

The bushes are low – only 50-60 cm, medium leafy, slightly branched, do not require stepsoning.

The fruits are rounded, at the stage of maturity they have a bright red color, the average fruit weight is 35-60 grams, they do not crack when ripe, they are distinguished by good keeping quality.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Tomatoes “Gnome” – a universal culture, since the scope is quite wide. Fresh consumption, canning, for cooking second courses and unsweetened pastries (as a component), for winter preparations, freezing, drying – these tomatoes can be used almost everywhere.

The yield of tomatoes “Gnome” can reach up to 5,5-7 kg per 1 m², subject to the recommendations for planting and care. It is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings 1,5-2 months before planting plants in the ground. The optimal planting scheme is 5-6 plants per 1 m².

Rules for planting and growing a dwarf series

Agrotechnics for growing tomato varieties of the Gnome series is almost no different from growing ordinary tomatoes.

By the seedless method, tomatoes can be grown only in the southern regions. In regions with a more severe climate, it is recommended to grow tomatoes in greenhouses or greenhouses, otherwise the fruits will not have time to ripen. When planting, it is important to consider the recommended planting pattern. Each variety has its own planting standards.

Interesting! Residents of the central and northern regions should start sowing seeds for seedlings no later than the beginning or middle of February.

It is necessary to plant seeds for seedlings 2-2,5 months before the intended transplantation of plants into the ground. At the initial stage of growth, it is important to provide tomatoes with timely watering, good lighting and top dressing with complex fertilizers. In the phase of well-formed 2-3 leaves, seedlings need to dive.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

If you are going to grow Gnome tomatoes in pots, you need to prepare the containers in advance, 1,5-2 weeks before transplanting. A drainage layer of 1,5-2 cm is required. The soil must be fertile and loose – this is the main condition for obtaining a bountiful harvest.

Despite the fact that almost all tomatoes of the Dwarf series are cold-resistant, before taking containers with plants outside or before transplanting them into the ground, tomatoes must be hardened off. For this, a container or boxes with seedlings are taken out into the street for an hour and a half. Walk time should be increased gradually. After 7-10 days, tomatoes can be transplanted.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Most dwarf tomatoes do not require a garter, because they have rather thick and strong stems. But some varieties are distinguished by high yield and fruit size. In this case, to help the plant during the fruiting period, it is worth tying them to a support.

All varieties included in the Gnome series are distinguished by the absence of the formation of a large number of stepchildren. Therefore, tomatoes do not need pinching. The exception is those plants whose bushes must be formed into 2-3 stems during the period of active growth.

All tomatoes of the Gnome series are moisture-loving. But at the same time, do not forget that an excess of moisture can cause diseases. To prevent this from happening, the lower leaves of undersized bushes must be removed.

Tomato Merry Dwarf: reviews, description of a series of varieties

Interesting! When the air temperature drops, the Shadow Fight tomato reacts by changing the color of the foliage – as soon as the plant “gets cold”, the leaves turn purple. But as soon as the sun’s rays warm the tomatoes, the foliage will turn dark green again.

After transplanting, provide the Gnomes with the simplest conditions: watering, weeding, loosening and top dressing. Compliance with these simple rules is the key to a future bountiful harvest.


The Dwarf Tomato project is not that many years old. And during this period, more than twenty new varieties of tomatoes were bred and registered, which delight avid gardeners not only with a rich color range of fruits, but also with high yields and excellent rich taste. For any summer resident, the Gnome tomato series is an endless opportunity for constant experimentation.


Evgenia, 42 years old, Voronezh
This year I grew one of the “Gnomes” – Purple Heart. Didn’t show any particular trouble when planting or growing. The stems of the plants are very thick and powerful. But despite this, the bushes fell to one side and I had to tie them to the pegs. There are a lot of fruits on one bush. They bloom together, tie together and ripen. I really liked the taste – meaty and juicy.
Valentina, 51 years old, Orenburg
I planted a Merry Dwarf in a greenhouse. I really liked the taste, the yield too. But I will no longer grow in a greenhouse – it is unprofitable. But in the beds I will definitely plant more. I would like to try to plant Ferokowkai and Shadowboxing next year. It is very interesting to look at the colorful tomatoes.
Sergey, 55 years old, Omsk
This year, for the first time, Thongs were planted on the beds (they came up with a name !!!). The bushes were low, only 1-1,2 m. But a lot was harvested. The tomatoes were quite large and ripened almost simultaneously. They didn’t stepchild, but they had to tie up. Some of the tomatoes were eaten and cut into salads, and the wife used some for ketchup.

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