Tomato Meaty sugary: reviews, photos, yield

The meaty sugary tomato is the result of the work of breeders. The right holder and distributor of seeds is the agricultural company “Uralsky summer resident”. Varietal culture is zoned in the North Caucasian region, in 2006 it was entered in the State Register. It is recommended for cultivation in the open ground of the southern part of Our Country, in a closed way – in a temperate climate.

Tomato Meaty sugary: reviews, photos, yield

Description of the tomato variety

Tomato variety Fleshy sugary, shown in the photo, according to vegetable growers, is one of the large-fruited and high-growing representatives of the species. The culture of the indeterminate type forms a standard bush, does not give lateral processes, which is unusual for tomatoes with unlimited growth. The height of the central stem reaches more than 2,5 m.

The variety has received the main distribution in areas with a warm climate, here it is cultivated in open areas. Cultivation in regions with short summers on unprotected ground is possible, but the yield will be lower. Mid-season tomatoes do not have time to fully ripen. For temperate climates, an indoor cultivation method is suitable. In the greenhouse, the plant feels comfortable and fully bears fruit.

The frost resistance of the tomato is average, the drought resistance is high. The plant tolerates partial shade and temporary moisture deficiency. External description of culture:

  1. The tomato forms a bush with one thick central stem. The structure of the shoot is rigid, stiff, light green with a gray tint. Stepsons form the first order, they are weak, thin, they are not used to form a bush. Lateral shoots are formed 3-4, they are immediately removed.
  2. The foliage is medium, the leaves are oblong, narrowed at the top, opposite. The surface of the leaf plate is strongly corrugated, with obvious veins and intense fine edging. The edges are finely serrated.
  3. The root system of the tomato is superficial, strongly overgrown, thick, powerful. The structure is fibrous.
  4. Fruit clusters are thick, short, fullness is 4-5 ovaries.
  5. Tomato blooms with simple bisexual flowers, the variety is self-pollinating, with the help of pollinating insects, the level of fruiting increases.
Important! Tomato varieties Myasisty saccharisty, when artificially ripened, completely retains the taste and aroma.

Description of fruits

The tasting classification divides all varieties of tomatoes into sour, sweet and sour and sweet. Tomato Meaty sugary according to the description and reviews is a classic representative of sweet varieties. A large-fruited culture gives tomatoes of different masses, they are large on the first brushes, and decrease in size towards the last ones.

 External characteristics of the fruit:

  • round slightly elongated shape;
  • the surface is bright pink, plain, glossy, with slight ribbing;
  • the peel is thin, strong, not prone to cracking, well resists mechanical stress;
  • the pulp is loose, juicy, fully corresponds to the name, consists of six seed departments, there are no voids and white areas;
  • few seeds, they are large, beige in color, retain varietal characteristics when planted, suitable for tomato cultivation – 3 years;
  • the fruits are not aligned, the weight of the first tomatoes is about 500 g, the next 250-300 g.

Tomato variety Meaty sugary belongs to the salad variety. Due to the high concentration of sugars, it is suitable for fresh consumption and for processing into juice. For conservation, the last fruits are used, they are smaller. Tomatoes are stored for a long time, they safely endure transportation, if they are plucked at the stage of technical ripeness, they fully ripen indoors.

Tomato Meaty sugary: reviews, photos, yield

Main characteristics

The tomato cultivar Myaschiy Sugar is characterized as mid-early. The first fruits ripen by mid-July. Ripening uneven, long. In the Central part of Our Country, the last tomatoes are harvested at the stage of technical ripeness in early September. Lowering the temperature to + 15 0C, completely stops the growing season. In the greenhouse, the collection time is extended by a week. In the South, the last fruits are harvested at the end of September.

Plants do not need sunlight for photosynthesis. The yield and weight of tomatoes does not change if the variety is planted on a plot with partial shade. A short-term moisture deficit does not affect the taste and fruiting.

Important! The tomato does not respond well to a sharp drop in air temperature and the influence of the north wind.

Variety Meaty sugary – high-yielding tomato. The stem-type bush is compact, the main increase gives in height. Does not take up much space on the plot, dense planting (4-6 plants) per 1 m2 does not affect vegetation. Fruiting in a temperate climate in a greenhouse is 3-4 kg higher than in open areas. In the Southern latitudes, greenhouse and open cultivation show the same yield. On average, 10 kg are collected from each unit.

Stable immunity is not the strong side of the tomato variety Fleshy sugary. The plant is weakly resistant to fungal infection. It is affected by the following diseases:

  1. Phimosis affecting the fruit. Sick tomatoes are removed, the plant is treated with Hom, watering is reduced.
  2. Dry spotting. The infection progresses throughout the plant. The fight against the fungus is carried out with the means: “Tattu”, “Antrakol”, “Consento”.
  3. Phytophthorazoa, to stop the disease, the bushes are treated with Bordeaux liquid.

Of the pests in the open field on the tomato, the appearance of slugs is possible. Get rid of with the help of biopreparations of contact action. In the greenhouse, the whitefly moth parasitizes the variety. The larvae are harvested by hand and sprayed with “Confidor” tomato.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive characteristics of the tomato variety Meaty sugary include:

  • high level of productivity, which does not depend on lighting and watering;
  • long periods of fruiting;
  • shade tolerance, drought resistance;
  • compactness, the plant does not take up much space on the site
  • tomato does not require constant pruning;
  • large-fruitedness. Fruits are large, esthetic color with high gastronomic characteristics;
  • good transportability.

The disadvantage of the tomato variety Meaty sugary is:

  • poor resistance to infection;
  • different weight of fruits;
  • uneven maturation within one brush.

Rules of landing and care

Mid-season varieties of tomatoes, which include Meaty sugary, are bred only in seedlings. The method will reduce the ripening period of the fruit. In a temperate climate with a short summer, this condition is especially important. By directly planting seeds in the ground, you can grow tomatoes in the South.

Tomato Meaty sugary: reviews, photos, yield

Seeding for seedlings

Before starting work on sowing seeds, containers and soil mixture are prepared. For planting seedlings, use wooden boxes with a depth of 15-20 cm or plastic containers of a similar size. Fertile soil is purchased in the distribution network or mixed independently from sand, sod layer, compost and peat, in the same proportion. Sow seeds around March. The term is conditional, for each region it is different. They are guided by the climatic features of the area, after 45-50 days the seedlings will be ready for removal to the site.

Landing work:

  1. Seeds are treated with manganese, then placed in a growth-stimulating solution for 20 minutes.
  2. The soil is calcined in an oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of +180 0C.
  3. The soil is poured into containers, leaving a free space of at least 5 cm to the edge.
  4. Furrows are made, the seeds are deepened by 2 cm, maintaining a distance between them of 1 cm.
  5. Fall asleep, watered, covered with a film on top.

Boxes are cleaned in a warm room.

Advice! Do not place containers in direct sunlight.

After germination, the film is removed, the plant is moistened with a spray bottle every evening. After the appearance of the third leaf, the seedlings dive into large containers with the same soil composition. Before planting, they are fed with complex fertilizers.

Seedling transplant

In the greenhouse, seedlings of the Myasisty sugary tomato variety are placed in early May. The time of landing on an open bed depends on the temperature regime, the main condition is that the soil should warm up to +18 ° С.

Seedling transplant:

  1. The site is preliminarily dug up, organics and nitrogen-containing agents are added.
  2. It is determined with the planting scheme, the plant is not sprawling, therefore it is enough to leave 45–50 cm between rows.
  3. Make longitudinal furrows, 15 cm deep.
  4. Ashes are poured at the bottom, the plant is placed vertically, covered with soil to the first leaves.

The distance in the greenhouse and in the open area between the bushes is the same – 35–40 cm, per 1 m2 4-6 plants are planted.

Care of tomatoes

The big plus of the variety Meaty sugary is the unpretentiousness of the tomato in care. He needs standard farming techniques. Basic care consists of the following activities:

  1. Weeding is a mandatory procedure, the tomato has a weak immunity to the fungus, and weed grass is an ideal place for reproduction.
  2. Loosen the ground as needed, so as not to damage the root, deepen no more than 5 cm.
  3. Water the plant in open ground in accordance with the frequency of seasonal precipitation, three waterings per week are enough for a tomato. In the hot season, sprinkling is periodically carried out in the evening (2 times a week).
  4. Fertilize the tomato variety Fleshy sugary from the moment of flowering every 15 days, alternating potassium, superphosphate, organic matter, phosphorus.
  5. The formation of the bush is not required, the lower stepchildren are removed, the tomato does not give more side shoots, the fruiting brushes and lower leaves are cut off. The central stem and, if necessary, fruit clusters are fixed on the trellis.
  6. When the variety Fleshy sugary grows up to 20 cm, it is spudded and mulched with straw.


Tomato Meaty sugary is a pink large-fruited variety of medium early ripeness, giving consistently high yields. The fruits are sweet with a high gastronomic rating. The variety is cultivated in greenhouses and in an open garden.

Growing seedlings of tomatoes

Reviews about the tomato Meaty sugary

Tatyana Samoilova, 37 years old, Krasnodar Territory
I bought tomato seeds in the store, on the package I accidentally saw a photo of the Myaschiy Sugar tomato, read the reviews about the variety, and purchased it for the experiment. The name of the culture caused a smile when I harvested the first harvest, I realized that in vain. Tomatoes fully meet the name and characteristics. There were no problems with growing, the culture is absolutely unpretentious. The only thing that she did unscheduled was that she treated the bushes with copper sulphate, prevention helped to avoid infection.
Viktor Korabelnikov, 52 years old, Voronezh region
Good variety, I have been growing it for several years. This is not a hybrid, the fleshy sugary tomato gives its seeds for seedlings. Planting material remains viable for about 3 years, then it is advisable to renew the seeds, because the culture degenerates, the tomatoes become smaller. I grow a tomato in a greenhouse, I collect impressive crops – up to 9 kg per bush. The taste of fruits is liked by the whole family.

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