Tomato Mashenka: reviews, photos, yield

Tomato Mashenka in 2011 was recognized as the best among the new varieties of tomatoes. And not in vain, since tomatoes are distinguished by their excellent taste, rich color, and the ability to grow in open and closed ground. A variety of culture is grown throughout the country. In the southern regions, Masha’s tomatoes are distinguished by high yields, which the well-known European and American tomatoes do not have. breeders worked on varietal characteristics. Seed originator – “Biotekhnik” Our Country.

Tomato Mashenka: reviews, photos, yield

Description of tomato Mashenka

The variety is indeterminate, that is, with unlimited stem growth. With proper care reaches 2 m in height. Mashenka tomatoes are classified as mid-season. The technical maturity of the fruit is observed at 110-115 days after emergence. The vegetable is also characterized by high yield.

The stem is strong, durable, light brown. For maximum results, 2-3 stems are formed. The root system is fully developed. The plant is firmly rooted to the ground. There are many leaves on the bush, they are medium in size, juicy, fleshy. The color of the leaves is dark green. Due to its high growth and numerous lateral processes, the bush needs a garter to a solid support.

Brief description and taste of fruits

The appetizing appearance of Masha’s tomatoes is noticeable in the photo, and it is more difficult to convey the smell and taste.

  1. Fruit shape is round. Tomatoes are slightly flattened from below and from above.
  2. The color of the tomato is saturated, monophonic, bright red.
  3. There is no green spot around the stem. There are also no blemishes.
  4. The skin is dense, the surface is glossy.
  5. The core is fleshy, sugary. There are 6 seed chambers.
  6. Dry matter in the pulp – 5%. Sugars – 4%.
  7. The taste is sweet and sour.
  8. Fruit ripening is simultaneous.
  9. The average weight of tomatoes is 200-250 g. The maximum weight is 600 g.
  10. Tomatoes of the Mashenka variety are stored for 15-20 days.

Tomatoes are mostly consumed fresh or sent for processing. They prepare ketchups, tomato pastes, juices, purees.

Important! Whole tomatoes are not canned due to their large size.

Varietal characteristics of tomato Mashenka

The vegetable culture is intended for cultivation in greenhouses, on beds. However, according to reviews and photos of summer residents, the maximum yield from Masha’s tomato bush can be obtained in closed conditions.

The plant is adapted to adverse weather conditions. Does not suffer from temperature changes. Tolerates periods of drought. Tomatoes of the Mashenka variety are resistant to fungal infections. They are immune to Alternaria, Fusarium, Mosaic, Late blight.

Aphids and scoop caterpillars can be dangerous for vegetables. If there are visible signs of the presence of parasites, then the bushes should be immediately treated with insecticides: Aktara, Decis Profi, Confidor, Aktellik, Fufanon.

The yield of tomato Masha

The yield of tomatoes of the Mashenka variety is high. From one bush get from 6 to 12 kg of fruit. From 1 sq. m plantings harvest 25-28 kg of tomatoes. But to obtain the desired results, it is important to consider the density of planting and the rules for caring for plants.

Pros and cons of the variety

From the photo, Masha’s tomato makes a positive impression, but in order to make the final choice, you should read the description of the variety and consumer reviews. According to them, it is already possible to compile a list of the positive and negative qualities of a vegetable crop.


  • high fruiting;
  • large fruit size;
  • tolerance of adverse conditions;
  • friendly ripening of tomatoes;
  • good taste indicators;
  • transportability;
  • resistance to major tomato diseases.


  • the need for additional care – tying up, pinching;
  • short shelf life of the crop;
  • unlimited growth of bushes.

Tomato Mashenka: reviews, photos, yield

Rules for planting and caring for Mashenka tomatoes

Mashenka tomato is suitable for growing in the Urals, the Volga region, Western and Eastern Siberia, and Central Our Country. For the cultivation of this variety, it is enough to follow the general agrotechnical rules.

Seeding for seedlings

Tomatoes of the Mashenka variety are planted at the end of spring, so that at the time of planting they are at least 55–60 days old. The soil is chosen light, loose, fertile. The best option is to buy a special mixture for seedlings. The substrate should be at room temperature or slightly warmer. Plastic trays are suitable as a container. Several dozen seeds can be planted in them at the same time. However, as the plants grow, it will be necessary to perform a pick. To get rid of additional work, gardeners plant Mashenka tomato seeds in individual cups.

Before planting, check the quality of the seeds. Seeds are poured into a container with a solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds that float to the surface are removed, and the rest are kept in solution for another couple of hours. The procedure will reduce the risk of infection of plants, disinfect planting material. After the seeds are soaked in a solution with a growth stimulator for 24 hours.

The good germination of tomato seeds of the Mashenka variety from Biotekhnika was noted by users in the reviews. In the process of development, all varietal characteristics of the culture are also preserved. They don’t need soaking.

It is recommended to plant tomato seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm. After that, pour plenty of warm water. The container is covered with cellophane or glass to create optimal microclimate parameters. During seed germination, an air temperature of + 16 ° C is allowed. However, for further full-fledged growth and development, it will be necessary to maintain a temperature of + 26-24 ° C during the day, and not lower than + 18 ° C at night. After seed germination, the cover is removed.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, they are fed with special complex mineral fertilizers. Water young sprouts as the soil dries. Before transplanting the plants to the street should be hardened. During the day, take the seedlings to fresh air or lower the temperature in the room with tomatoes.

Attention! Pre-treatment is needed for seeds that are collected by hand.

Seedling transplant

The grown tomatoes Masha are planted in open ground in mid-May, when the return frosts have passed. There is no need to hurry with this, it is necessary to focus on the weather conditions of the growing region.

Mashenka tomatoes respond well to fertile loam. As a soil fertilizer, it is preferable to use superphosphate and other complex mineral preparations.

Tomato seedlings of the Mashenka variety are recommended to be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other. The interval between rows is 60-65 cm. For 1 square. m should grow no more than 3 tomato bushes.

Tomato Mashenka: reviews, photos, yield

Care of tomatoes

The description states that it is necessary to form a tomato bush of the Mashenka variety in one trunk, cutting off all the extra stepchildren. As a rule, gardeners leave 3-4 stems on a bush. In this case, each trunk should have no more than 4 brushes.

Important! Tall tomato bushes Masha need a timely garter. Otherwise, under the weight of the fruit, fragile shoots will begin to break. Pagons of tomatoes are tied to a vertical support or trellis.

The entire growing season, Mashenka tomatoes need regular watering. In case of severe drought, moisturizing should be done daily. It is preferable to take settled water with a temperature of + 30 ° C.

During the period of fruit formation, Masha’s tomatoes will not interfere with root dressing with magnesium sulfate. As an organic top dressing, it is desirable to use humus. During growth, 2-3 fertilization procedures are sufficient.

In the process of care, it is also worth loosening the ground around the bush, weeding weeds, and carrying out preventive spraying. It would be useful to mulch the ground under the bushes with straw or dry grass.

Attention! In reviews of tomatoes of the Mashenka variety, vegetable growers are advised to remove the lower tops on the bush, then the nutrients will be spent on the formation of ovaries.


Tomato Mashenka is great for beginner gardeners. Since it does not require special knowledge and skills in the process of growing. The plant does not suffer from temperature changes, diseases. The only thing is pinching and tying. There is nothing difficult in this. In general, the variety is productive, and the tomatoes are tasty and large.

Reviews about tomato Mashenka

Natalya Ivanovna, 58 years old, Zelenograd
I have been growing tomatoes Masha in my summer cottage for more than a year. I plant seedlings in the beds somewhere in mid-May. It all depends on the weather and how warm the soil is. A couple of times they tried to plant earlier in open ground, and then cover with a film. But the result was the same fruit ripening period. While the seedlings are growing, I water every other day. When the tomatoes have formed and ripen, I do not moisturize at all so that they gain sugar. All ripen at about the same time. From the Mashenka variety, delicious tomato juice is obtained. We preserve for the winter every year.
Alla Olegovna, 48 years old, Balashikha
Tomatoes Masha – my favorite variety, never let me down. We plant them in a greenhouse. There they practically do not get sick, quickly grow and mature. In addition, in the greenhouse we have supports for tying bushes. True, we do not leave many fruits on one brush. Their weight is decent. They often grow up to 500 g. During flowering, I feed with low concentration mullein. But it is necessary to monitor the lateral sprouts and cut them off in time. Otherwise, the bush will become very thickened, and the tomatoes will be small.
Tomato Masha. Brief overview, description of the characteristics of solanum lycopersicum Mashenka

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