Tomato Lyudmila

Tomato Lyudmila is characterized by medium early ripening and good yields. The plant is tall, which is taken into account when arranging tomatoes. The variety is suitable for planting in protected and open ground.

Characteristics of a variety

According to the description and photo, tomato Lyudmila has a number of features:

  • height from 1 to 1,5 m;
  • mid-early ripening within 101-110 days;
  • red fruits of medium size;
  • mass of tomatoes up to 0,2 kg;
  • number of chambers from 4 to 6;
  • sweetish taste;
  • from 1 sq. m plantings remove up to 7,5 kg of tomatoes;
  • universal use of fruits.

Landing work

Lyudmila tomatoes are grown by seedling method, which involves planting seeds in small containers. When the seedlings grow up and get stronger, they are moved to a permanent place.

Tomato Lyudmila

Getting the seedlings

Tomato seeds Lyudmila should be planted in February or March. To do this, you need a soil consisting of garden soil and compost. You can get the necessary mixture in the fall or use purchased soil.

Important! If land is used from the site, then it is heated in the oven for the purpose of disinfection.

Seeds of the tomato variety Lyudmila will also need processing. They are wrapped for a day in a damp cloth and left warm. Some growers coat the seeds in a nutrient mixture, as evidenced by their bright color. In this case, the material can not be processed.

The soil is poured into containers 12 cm high. The seeds are placed in increments of 2 cm, then a layer of peat 1 cm thick is poured. The containers are covered with foil, watered and left in a dark place at a temperature of 25 degrees.

Tomato Lyudmila

When seedlings appear, the containers are placed in a well-lit place. Seedlings require a certain temperature regime: about 20 degrees during the day and 17 degrees at night. Periodically, tomatoes are watered to prevent the soil from drying out.

Growing in the greenhouse

Plants with a height of 25 cm, whose age reaches 1,5 months, can be transferred to a closed one. Such tomatoes have about 6-7 leaves.

The preparation of the greenhouse begins in the fall, when the topsoil is removed, which may contain fungal spores and insects. The remaining soil is renewed, dug up and fertilized with compost.

Advice! Two years in a row, tomatoes are not grown in one place.

Tomatoes Lyudmila are placed with an interval of 50-80 cm. 90-100 cm are left between the rows. It is most convenient to place the tomatoes in a checkerboard pattern, which makes it easier to care for the plants.

Tomatoes are placed in holes 20 cm deep along with a clod of earth. Then the roots of the plants are covered with earth, which must be trampled down. Be sure to water the tomatoes.

Tomato Lyudmila

Landing in open ground

In open areas, tomatoes of the Lyudmila variety are grown in the southern regions. Landing is carried out after warming up the soil and air.

Important! Tomatoes are planted in places where root crops, onions, garlic, cabbage previously grew.

If eggplants, peppers or potatoes grew in the garden, then you need to choose another place for tomatoes. It is best to place the plantings in a bed that is well lit by the sun.

Tomatoes Lyudmila are arranged in increments of 60 cm. If you plan to plant tomatoes in several rows, then you need to leave 90 cm between them. It is recommended to install trellises in open ground, which will become a support for tomatoes.

Plants are placed in prepared holes and the roots are covered with earth. Tomatoes are poured with warm water and tied to a supporting structure.

Care scheme

Care for the Lyudmila variety includes watering, loosening the soil and fertilizing. Extra stepchildren must be eliminated. To form an even stem, tomatoes are tied to a support. According to reviews on tomato Lyudmila, this variety is unpretentious.

Tomato Lyudmila

Watering and loosening

Tomatoes are watered taking into account weather conditions. Soil moisture is maintained at 80%. With a lack of moisture, the leaves turn yellow and the inflorescences fall off. Its excess also negatively affects plants, which develop much more slowly.

It is best to carry out the procedure in the morning or evening hours to avoid direct exposure to the sun. Due to this, burns on plants and increased evaporation of moisture can be prevented. Tomatoes prefer dry air, so the greenhouse is constantly ventilated.

On average, tomatoes are watered once or twice a week. A tomato bush requires 3 liters of water. During the flowering period, it is enough to water the plantings weekly, but the volume of water must be increased to 5 liters.

Important! Tomatoes are poured with warm water, settled in barrels.

After watering, the soil must be loosened. The procedure improves air exchange in the soil, due to which the plants better absorb water and nutrients.

Tomato Lyudmila

Top dressing of tomatoes

Regular top dressing contributes to the normal development of tomatoes Lyudmila. This crop prefers phosphate or potash fertilizers. Phosphorus strengthens the roots of plants, and potassium strengthens the immune system and improves the taste of fruits.

Advice! Nitrogen top dressing can only be applied at an early stage of tomato development, since they are responsible for the growth of tops.

For the first treatment of tomatoes, Lyudmila prepares a solution containing superphosphate (40 g) and water (10 l). The solution is applied under the root of the tomatoes.

After a week, tomatoes can be fed with potassium sulfate (30 g) dissolved in a large bucket of water. Pour the resulting solution over the tomatoes.

When forming inflorescences, Lyudmila tomatoes are sprayed with boric acid. Add 5 g of this fertilizer to a 5-liter bucket of water.

Minerals can be replaced with wood ash, which contains a complex of useful substances. It is embedded in the ground when loosening tomatoes or preparing an infusion for watering plantings.

Pinching and tying

Variety Lyudmila is tall, so it needs pinching. As the tomatoes develop, shoots that appear from the leaf axils need to be eliminated. The procedure allows you to avoid thickening on the beds and direct the forces of tomatoes to fruit formation.

Tomatoes are tied at the top to a metal or wooden support. To prevent branches with fruits from falling to the ground, they also need to be fixed.

Reviews of gardeners

Maria, 47 years old, Moscow
I plant tomatoes Lyudmila for canning. The fruits are medium in size, so they are very easy to process. There were no problems with growing this variety. I bought seeds according to the reviews of neighbors for tomatoes Lyudmila.
Konstantin, 64 years old, Ulyanovsk
Lyudmila is a good variety of tomatoes. I planted the seeds in early April. When the first leaf appeared on the sprouts, I planted them in separate containers. In May, when the seedlings got stronger, he transferred it to the beds. In open ground, tomatoes grow well; in hot summers, they should be watered at least once a week.
Evgenia, 29 years old, Chelyabinsk
Lyudmila chose tomatoes according to the description and photo, planted them in the dacha of her parents. In greenhouse conditions, the variety feels great, reacts positively to watering and fertilizing. The taste of these tomatoes is at its best, most of it was spent on preparing salads.


Tomatoes Lyudmila are an early ripe variety that is suitable for planting in various regions. Tomatoes are medium in size, suitable for inclusion in the daily diet and canning. The variety is unpretentious, caring for it includes watering, top dressing and pinching.


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