Tomato Long Keeper: reviews, photos, yield

Tomato Long Keeper refers to varieties of late ripening. Breeders of the seed company “Gisok-Agro” were engaged in breeding varieties of tomatoes. The authors of the variety are: Sysina E. A., Bogdanov K. B., Ushakov M. I., Nazina S. L., Andreeva E. N. Long Keeper tomato variety was entered in the State Register in 1999. The culture is suitable for growing in open ground, in heated and unheated greenhouses. Due to its high technical characteristics, it can be grown throughout Our Country.

Tomato Long Keeper: reviews, photos, yield

Characteristics and description of the Long Kipper tomato variety

When considering the characteristics of a culture, the following should be taken into account:

  • tomato variety name – Long Kipper;
  • late-ripening determinant variety;
  • high level of productivity;
  • long shelf life;
  • the ripening period is 128-133 days after transplanting to the greenhouse;
  • unripe fruits have a light milky tint, after ripening the color changes to pearl pink;
  • a ripe fruit weighs about 125-250 g, in some cases the weight can reach 330-350 g;
  • since the fruits are universal, they can be eaten fresh or used for canning;
  • up to 4 kg of crop comes out from each bush;
  • seeds must be sown 70 days before the intended planting in the greenhouse;
  • per 1 sq. m allowed to plant a maximum of 8 tomato bushes;
  • high level of resistance to many types of diseases.

Tomato varieties Long Keeper can grow up to 1,5 m in height. The leaves are medium in size, rich green in color with a metallic tint. High yields can be obtained if seedlings are formed in 1 stem. Due to the large growth, it is necessary to take care of the support, and do not forget about regular pinching. It is recommended to grow a crop in a greenhouse, in the south of Our Country it is allowed to plant in open ground.

Important! As a rule, tomatoes practically do not ripen on the bushes, so they need to be picked green and put in boxes for further ripening.

Description of fruits

Ripe tomatoes of the Long Keeper variety can be round or flat-round. The weight of a ripe fruit varies from 130 to 200 g, in some cases it can reach 350 g. The peel of a tomato is quite smooth, unripe fruits have a white color, gradually, as they ripen, the color becomes light pink.

As practice shows, the process of fruit ripening is impossible on the bushes, as a result of which green tomatoes must be removed in their green form and sent for ripening. If the tomatoes remain on the bushes, then upon reaching technical maturity, they begin to crumble. The number of seed nests is 4 pcs. subject to all the recommendations and high-quality care for plantings, it is possible to collect from 1 square. m from 7 kg of fruit.

Since the Long Keeper tomato variety is versatile, it can be eaten fresh or used for canning. Judging by the characteristics, the taste of ripe fruits remains at an average level, as a result of which they are used mainly for canning.

Fruiting time and yield

If we take into account the description of Long Keeper tomatoes, it is worth noting that this species is late, as a result of which they start harvesting 130 days after transplanting seedlings to a permanent place of growth. From each bush you can collect up to 4 kg of fruit, and from each square. m from 8 kg.

Tomato Long Keeper: reviews, photos, yield


Long Keeper tomato varieties have a high level of resistance to the following types of diseases:

  • cladosporiosis;
  • tobacco mosaic;
  • Fusarium wilt.

If ventilation is disturbed, then tomatoes may suffer from the appearance of late blight. To treat tomatoes, use special chemicals or resort to folk remedies.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before growing seedlings, many experienced gardeners are advised to first study the photos and reviews of the Long Keeper tomato, in addition, do not forget about the description of the variety, advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages of the Long Keeper tomato variety, the following main points can be distinguished:

  • a high level of resistance to many types of diseases and pests that are characteristic of this type of crop;
  • if necessary, it can be transported over long distances without loss of presentation, which is a big plus if you grow tomatoes on an industrial scale for further sale;
  • high level of productivity – from each bush it is possible to collect up to 4 kg of ripe fruits;
  • stable yield, regardless of weather conditions;
  • preservation of an attractive appearance even with a long period of storage.

Despite such a number of significant advantages, Long Keeper tomatoes also have some disadvantages, including:

  • it is necessary to tie up the bushes in the process of growth, since under the weight of the fruit they can break;
  • taste qualities are rated at an average level;
  • a greenhouse is required for growing a crop; it is allowed to plant planting material in open ground in the south of Our Country;
  • since tomatoes do not ripen on the bushes, they must be removed and sent for ripening at home.

Only after the information has been studied in detail, it is possible to make a decision on planting a particular crop.

Rules of landing and care

Before planting the planting material, it must be disinfected. To do this, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After that, the seeds are hardened for some time and only then planted to obtain seedlings.

Attention! As soon as the first shoots appeared, it is worth lowering the temperature regime of the planting material.

If necessary, you can place the roots of tomatoes before planting for some time in the rooting solution, which will allow the tomatoes to take root much faster.

Tomato Long Keeper: reviews, photos, yield

Growing seedlings

For growing seedlings, it is necessary to use high-quality soil. For these purposes, a mixture of turf, humus and sand is excellent, the proportion must be observed as follows – 2: 2: 1. For planting seeds, you can use any container – disposable cups, peat cups, flower pots.

It is recommended to sow seeds in the second half of March – 2 months before the proposed planting of seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground. Between the seeds, a distance of up to 3 cm must be observed. Peat is poured over the planting material with a layer of up to 1 cm.

Seedling transplant

Tomato variety Long Keeper is recommended to be planted in a greenhouse for a permanent place of growth in the second half of May. Planting material is planted after the seedlings are 60-65 days old. 7 days before the planned landing, you must first prepare the beds. For this, it is recommended to introduce potassium-phosphorus fertilizers into the soil.

In the process of planting seedlings, it is necessary to adhere to the following scheme:

  • planting material is planted to a depth of 12-15 cm;
  • between the bushes must be a distance of at least 40 cm;
  • if landing in several rows is planned, then a distance of 50 cm is left between the rows.

The maximum planting density is 8 tomato bushes per 1 sq. m.

Attention! It is allowed to plant a crop in open ground only in the south of Our Country.


The most difficult moment in growing Long Keeper tomatoes is the shaping process, which must be done correctly. If a dense landing pattern is chosen, per 1 sq. m planted from 5 to 8 tomato bushes, and the formation is carried out in 1 stem, if it is planned to plant up to 4 bushes per 1 sq. m, then in 2 stems.

After 14 days, after planting the planting material in the greenhouse, it is necessary to tie the bushes to the trellises. This is necessary so that the fruits do not come into contact with the ground and are not further exposed to fungal diseases.

Every 2-3 days the culture must be watered. Many experienced gardeners recommend using a drip irrigation system. During watering, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • use warm water;
  • do not allow water to get on the leaves;
  • water tomatoes after sunset or early in the morning.

Weeds should be removed every week. During the season, top dressing is applied up to 3 times. For these purposes, you can use a solution of chicken manure, mullein, mineral fertilizers.

Advice! Stepchildren must be removed at an early stage.

Tomato Long Keeper: reviews, photos, yield


Tomato Long Keeper is perfect for growing both beginners and experienced gardeners. As a rule, in order to obtain a high yield, it is necessary to provide high-quality care, adhere to all recommendations for growing and further care.


Tatyana Shabalova, 34 years old, Tver
I have been growing Long Keeper tomatoes in my summer cottage for 3 years now. I grow seedlings myself, after which I plant them in an unheated greenhouse. I fell in love with this variety for its unusual appearance, and to be more precise, for its color. Bushes grow quite tall and powerful. A large number of tomatoes, very large. Unfortunately, they do not ripen on the bushes, so you have to remove the green tomatoes and send them for ripening. Despite the fact that their peel is a light milky shade, the flesh is a rich red color. Taste is average, but perfect for canning. I really like that tomatoes can be stored for quite a long time.
Elena Semenova, 40 years old, Perm
I have been growing Long Keeper tomatoes for the second year in a row. During cultivation, I follow all the recommendations. The harvest was good, from each bush I collected up to 3,5-4 kg of tomatoes. I would like to note the long-term storage – more than 3 months. Since the fruits ripen at home, the taste of tomatoes is much inferior to those varieties that ripen on the bushes. I mainly use Long Keeper tomatoes for canning and making tomato juices.
Tomato LONG KEEPER. Recommended!

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