Tomato Krasnobay: characteristics and description of the variety

Krasnobay tomatoes are a high-yielding hybrid. The variety is grown for fresh consumption or for processing. Since 2008, the variety has been registered in the state register. Krasnobay tomatoes are planted under a glazed or film shelter.

Botanical description

Characteristics and description of the Krasnobay tomato variety:

  • mid-late maturation;
  • indeterminate standard variety;
  • 120-125 days pass from planting to harvest;
  • bush height from 1,5 m;
  • average leaf size;
  • the first inflorescence develops above the 9-11th leaf.

The fruits of the Krasnobay variety have a number of characteristic features:

  • rounded, slightly flattened shape;
  • dense smooth skin;
  • rich red color;
  • weight from 250 to 350 g;
  • maximum weight – 500 g;
  • dry matter concentration – up to 5,1%.

Tomato Krasnobay: characteristics and description of the variety

From 1 sq. m plantings harvest up to 8 kg of fruits, subject to agricultural technology. The fruits lie for a long time and are suitable for long-term transportation. When picking Krasnobay tomatoes at the stage of technical maturity, they are left at home until ready.

According to reviews, photos and yields, the Krasnobay tomato is suitable for growing in garden plots and farms. Tomatoes are used for fresh consumption, preparation of snacks, salads, soups, sauces, second courses. In home canning, salads, pickles, and tomato juice for the winter are obtained from fruits.

Seedlings of tomatoes

Tomatoes Krasnobay are grown in seedlings. First, seeds are planted at home. Tomatoes develop rapidly with the provision of temperature and watering.

Tomato Krasnobay: characteristics and description of the variety

Preparing for planting

For planting Krasnobay tomatoes, soil is prepared, consisting of garden soil and humus. You can get the necessary substrate by combining peat, sand and sod land in a ratio of 7:1:1. It is allowed to use the soil sold in gardening stores or peat tablets.

The soil must be treated to get rid of pests and pathogens. It is placed in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Additionally, the soil is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Important! Before planting, Krasnobay tomato seeds are soaked in warm water to improve germination.

If the planting material is covered with a colored shell, then it is immediately planted in the ground. Such a shell contains a complex of nutrients necessary for the germination and development of Krasnobay tomatoes.

The seeds are deepened into moist soil to a depth of 1-1,5 cm. A layer of peat or fertile soil is poured on top. Landings are covered with glass or film, and for the next few days they are kept in a warm and dark place.

Tomato Krasnobay: characteristics and description of the variety

seedling conditions

The development of Krasnobay tomato seedlings occurs under certain environmental conditions:

  • Temperature. Tomatoes provide a temperature regime: 20-25 ° C during the day and 15-18 ° C at night.
  • Airing. The room with plants is regularly ventilated. However, tomatoes should not be exposed to drafts.
  • Watering. Tomatoes are watered with settled water using a sprayer after the appearance of the first leaf. When 4-5 sheets form in Krasnobay tomatoes, they are watered 2 times a week. It is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the soil, which contributes to the spread of diseases.
  • Lighting. Within 12 hours, tomatoes should have access to sunlight. If necessary, equip additional lighting and install phytolamps.

2 weeks before the transfer of the Krasnobay variety to a permanent place, hardening of plants begins. They are taken out to the balcony or loggia. At first, the time spent in the open air will be 2 hours, gradually this period is increased.

Tomato Krasnobay: characteristics and description of the variety

Landing in the ground

Tomatoes that have reached a height of 30-40 cm are suitable for transfer to a permanent place. Plants already have 5-7 fully formed leaves and a powerful root system.

A place for planting tomatoes Krasnobay is chosen in the fall. The best predecessors for tomatoes are cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, garlic, legumes. Planting is not performed on the beds where peppers, potatoes, eggplants grew.

In the greenhouse, the top layer of soil is removed, in which insects and pathogens hibernate. To disinfect the greenhouse, Bordeaux mixture or potassium permanganate solution is used.

Advice! Re-planting of tomatoes is carried out no earlier than after 3 years.

Tomatoes Krasnobay are transferred along with a clod of earth. Leave 40 cm between plants. When organizing several rows, make a gap of 60 cm.

The roots of Krasnobay tomatoes are covered with earth, which is slightly compacted. Be sure to water the plants and tie them to a support.

Tomato Krasnobay: characteristics and description of the variety

Care of tomatoes

Tomatoes are cared for by watering and fertilizing. According to the description and reviews, Krasnobay tomatoes are formed by removing stepchildren to obtain a high yield. Preventive treatments help prevent the spread of diseases and pests.

Watering plants

Krasnobay tomatoes are watered weekly. For irrigation, settled water, warmed in barrels, is suitable. Water is brought under the root of the plants, preventing it from getting on the leaves and stems.

The intensity of watering depends on the stage of development of tomatoes. Before the formation of inflorescences, they are watered with 4 liters of water. During the flowering period, tomatoes are watered using 2 liters of water every 3-4 days.

Advice! When the fruits ripen, Krasnobay tomatoes are watered less frequently to prevent them from cracking.

After watering, the soil is loosened. So plants better absorb moisture and nutrients. Mulching the beds with peat or humus helps to maintain a high level of moisture.

Tomato Krasnobay: characteristics and description of the variety

Application of fertilizers

Krasnobay tomatoes are fed 3-4 times during the season. There must be 14 days between treatments.

The first application of fertilizers occurs 7-10 days after the transfer of plants to a permanent place. To feed the Krasnobay variety, a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers is used. First, a solution is obtained consisting of mullein and water in a ratio of 1:10. 20 g of superphosphate is added to the resulting fertilizer.

Advice! For the second top dressing, take 20 g of superphosphate and potassium salt. Substances are dissolved in water for irrigation or applied dry to the soil.

When flowering, Krasnobay tomatoes are treated with a solution of boric acid. For 2 liters of water, 2 g of the substance is required. Spraying stimulates the formation of ovaries, improves the taste of fruits.

After 2-3 weeks, repeat phosphorus-potassium top dressing. The solution is applied under the root of the plants in the morning or evening.

Tomato Krasnobay: characteristics and description of the variety

Shrub formation

According to its characteristics and description, the Krasnobay tomato variety is tall. Proper formation of tomatoes ensures a high yield and avoids dense plantings. The plant is formed into 1 stem.

Excess inflorescences are removed manually. No more than 5 flowers are left on the brush. At the end of the growing season pinch out the growing point. Leave 7 brushes on the bushes.

Protection against diseases and pests

The variety Krasnobay is resistant to Fusarium, Cladosporiosis, Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Viral diseases are the most dangerous for tomatoes, because they cannot be treated. The affected bushes are eliminated, and the planting site of the tomatoes is changed.

With high humidity, fungal diseases develop on tomatoes. They are identified by dark spots that occur on the stems, tops and fruits.

Tomato Krasnobay: characteristics and description of the variety

Of the pests, Krasnobay tomatoes attract gall midges, aphids, whiteflies, and bears. Insects are controlled by spraying plantings with insecticides.

From folk remedies, tobacco dust or wood ash is used, which is sprayed over the beds. Homemade preparations based on soda, onion and garlic husks are effective.

Reviews of gardeners

Elizaveta, 49 years old, Novosibirsk
Every year I plant tomatoes on my plot, I try to try new varieties. Last year I chose the Krasnobay tomato based on reviews, photos and yields. The fruits grew weighing 500 g. The taste of tomatoes is sweet, suitable for salads and juicing for the winter. During the season, the variety did not get sick. The yield was low. I think that the heat affected, a lot of ovaries crumbled.
Semyon, 53 years old, Volgograd
Last year, Krasnobay planted tomatoes for the first time. The variety favorably stood out among other varieties. 4-5 brushes were formed on the bushes. The fruits are even, weighing from 300 to 500 g. I had to tie up each brush so that the bush does not break. The taste is average, the tomatoes are gone for salads and sauces.
Natalia, 35 years old, Bratsk
Krasnobay liked the high yield and large fruits. Tomatoes do not always have time to ripen on the bushes. Therefore, I pick them green and store them at home, where they calmly ripen. Ripe tomatoes lie until the New Year. On average, I collect a bucket of tomatoes from a bush of the Krasnobaya variety.


Tomato Krasnobay: characteristics and description of the variety

According to the description and reviews, Krasnobay tomatoes are suitable for planting in a greenhouse or in open areas. The grade differs in good taste and the big sizes of fruits. The variety is resistant to viral diseases. For the prevention of fungal diseases, the rules of agricultural technology are observed.

Tomatoes Izhevsk Evpator, Grandma’s gift, Krasnobay, Verlioka plus

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