Tomato Khokhloma: reviews, photos

Those who have a garden or several beds try to plant their favorite crops. Among the popular plants is the tomato, the seeds of which can be chosen from any variety. A fairly popular variety that is in demand is Khokhloma tomato. It is produced by the Gavrish company, and before planting it is recommended to know the characteristics and description of the Khokhloma tomato variety.


Tomatoes of this variety are a non-hybrid species, mid-ripening, begin to ripen 120 days after the first shoots. The bushes are tall, the stem can grow up to 2 meters. Due to this characteristic, during cultivation, it is necessary to tie up the bushes, as well as form them by removing stepchildren. For maximum yield of Khokhloma tomato, it is necessary to leave 2 stems on the bushes, no more.

The description of Khokhloma tomatoes is formed in several points:

  • The bushes have medium leaves, simple in shape, green.
  • The first color appears above the 8th leaf, the rest appear after the 3rd leaf.
  • There can be a maximum of 11 tomatoes on the brush, and after ripening they do not fall, but hold tightly.
  • The fruits are elongated, on average the size of each tomato is about 17 cm. The tomato resembles a cylinder, their peel is smooth.
  • A ripe tomato develops a bright, beautiful red color.
  • The mass of one tomato is 110-120 grams.
  • The peel is thick, dense, which is excellent for pickling, preservation, transportation. The pulp is also dense, not watery.

Khokhloma tomatoes are a versatile variety that can be used for any purpose. From the resulting crop, excellent seamings are obtained, they are suitable for fresh consumption, for salads. The shape makes it easy to fit in a jar.

A brief description can be viewed on the video:

Tomatoes Chukhloma and Khokhloma – good for pickling

Instead of a review, the yield of Khokhloma tomato is visible in the photo:

Tomato Khokhloma: reviews, photos

From a garden with an area of ​​​​5 square meters. m. it will be possible to collect up to 50 kg of fruit. Such a yield can be subject to proper cultivation, using the advice of agronomists.

Important! Khokhloma is often used for greenhouse cultivation, but they can be planted in open areas if it is a southern region with a warm climate.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is necessary to add their positive and negative qualities to the description of the Khokhloma tomato. The advantages of the type are as follows:

  • Good yield, subject to the rules of cultivation, care. In small areas you can get a lot of fruit.
  • Fruiting persists throughout the season, which makes it possible to use fresh tomato constantly.
  • Tomatoes taste very pleasant, fragrant, they are beneficial to use for salads.
  • Good immune system, resistance to diseases and pests. Bushes are not susceptible to phytophthora, fusarium.
  • Long storage time without loss of its external and taste qualities.
  • Excellent transportability, thanks to the peel. You can transport the crop in a box, bucket and other containers, without losing its appearance.

Tomato Khokhloma: reviews, photos

The variety has few negative sides, many note their density, insufficient water content, thick skin. Such disadvantages are easy to dispute, since these properties are positive for seaming, but it will not be possible to make tomato juice.


Growing tomatoes of this variety is best done in a greenhouse, but since the bushes are quite tall, the design itself must match. To form a bush and a garter, it is ideal to use a trellis net. To grow a tomato, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • Initially, seedlings are prepared. For this, pickled seeds of the variety are used, which are sown in light, nutrient-rich soil. The depth of the seeds is 2 cm. Before planting, the soil is well moistened.
  • To get good seedlings and a future harvest, you must constantly water the land and feed it. An equally important factor will be the temperature, if the landing is made in the cold, then they simply will not sprout.
  • After the first shoots, with the appearance of the first leaf, a pick is made into a separate bowl. When the seedlings are 60 days old, they can be planted in open ground.
  • Before planting in the garden, you need to prepare it. Initially, the soil is dug up, fertilized. Humus, ash or special complex fertilizers are suitable for feeding.
  • If seedlings are planted in a greenhouse, then the ideal time for this is in April. If the landing is on an open plot of land, then the month of May will do. One of the important rules is warm soil, the temperature of which will be from 14 degrees.
  • As the reviews and photos of the Khokhloma tomato show, the maximum yield will be when the plant is formed into one stem. Small stepchildren, less than 4 cm should be cleaned once a week.
  • The bushes are tied up on trellises.
  • The bottom sheets are removed one at a time each day, thus reducing unnecessary intake of nutrients that are important for the ripening of tomatoes. In addition, it is the lower leaves that take bacteria, spores of diseases from the ground.
  • During cultivation, loosening of the earth, fertilizer and weeding from weeds are constantly carried out.
  • Be sure to water the tomatoes and mulch them.


Important! It is necessary to abandon the use of mineral-type fertilizers during the ripening of the crop, since the bushes may begin to hurt, the number of leaves will increase, which begin to take away nutrients and reduce yields.

Tomato Khokhloma: reviews, photos

Storage and collection

For further preservation of fruits, you need to use those that did not fall under frost, otherwise they will deteriorate in 1-2 days. The collection itself is recommended to be carried out when the yard is from 8 degrees and above. If you need to store tomatoes, then the weather should be good, it is not recommended to pick tomatoes during or after rains.

The ideal tomato for storage is small in mass, without visual damage, dense in structure. Fruits of a brown shade or milky ripeness are well suited. The resulting tomatoes can be put in boxes made of plastic or wood, first put the paper down. The tomatoes themselves are laid up with their stalks, each layer is covered with sawdust. For further storage, cellars are ideal, where it will be cool, and the humidity will be no more than 80%, with good ventilation. Boxes can be stacked on top of each other.

It’s great if there is an opportunity to divide the crop according to ripeness, since different tomatoes need different temperatures. +1 degree is suitable for red Khokhloma, +4 degrees for brown ripeness, and +10 for green fruits. By adhering to the described rules, you can increase the safety of the crop by 2 months. In this case, ripening will be slow, the composition and taste will not change and differ from fully ripe Khokhloma.

As the description and photo of the Khokhloma tomato variety shows, they are perfectly stored, they have a small number of seeds inside, and are always dense in structure. If you properly collect and store the variety, then fresh tomatoes will be suitable for use until winter.

Tomato Khokhloma: reviews, photos

Disease Prevention

The Khokhloma variety has excellent immunity and this species is healthy, but disease prevention will not be superfluous. Even before the start of planting, you need to decide on a place on the site or in the greenhouse. If there were plants in the selected area that were sick, then it is better not to plant a tomato there.

To get healthy bushes and fruits, weeding must be done and this process should not be neglected. They love watering tomatoes, but it should be moderate, and before that you need to loosen the ground. During feeding, you need to monitor fertilizers, add a little nitrogenous substances. Do not fertilize with fresh manure.

You can avoid diseases and protect bushes, fruits from pests if you use the following measures:

  • Seedlings before planting and after 1 week must be treated with Bordeaux mixture (0,5%).
  • 21 days before the start of harvesting, you need to treat the bushes with a solution of copper oxychloride, using 4 grams per liter of water.
  • Constantly sprinkle the soil with ashes.


Tomato Khokhloma: reviews, photos

Nina, 40 years old Podolsk
I read reviews with a photo of Khokhloma tomato and decided to plant it on my site. I liked the tomatoes very much, they amazed me with their productivity and height. I did not expect that the bushes could be so high, about 2,5 meters. There were a lot of brushes, fruit picking was carried out until the end of October. For seaming tomatoes came up perfectly. I tried to plant Khokhloma in the garden, and not in the greenhouse, but the results were poor, I harvested little, so I use the species only for greenhouse cultivation.
Dmitry, 42 years old, Mytishchi
After looking at the description of the Khokhloma tomato variety, his photo and reviews, he began to grow seedlings. I was pleased with the result, Khokhloma turned out to be tasty and unpretentious. Especially pleased with fresh storage. True, the manufacturer indicates on the package that there will be 15 tomatoes per brush, I got a maximum of 7 fruits, but I am satisfied.


Each person selects the right variety based on needs, by the method of personal mistakes and trials. Those who love elongated tomatoes should take a closer look at the Khokhloma variety. They start to ripen early, are convenient for seaming, and the bushes are easy to care for. It is the Khokhloma variety that is called “tomato for the lazy.”

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