Tomato Kemerovets: reviews, photos, yield

Tomato Kemerovets is a variety of selection. It has been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements since 2007. It is recommended for cultivation in open ground under film shelters on personal plots. Allowed for cultivation in the West Siberian region. Refers to an early ripe variety, unpretentious in care.

Tomato Kemerovets: reviews, photos, yield

Description of tomato Kemerovo

Tomato Kemerovets belongs to a standard plant with a determinant type of growth. Undersized bushes do not reach a height of 80 cm. The leaves form medium in size, dark green in color. The foliage of the bush is not strong. The inflorescence has a simple – peduncle with articulation. The stem is strong, withstands a large number of fruits. According to the reviews and photos of those who planted the Kemerovo tomato, it is recommended to tie the plant to a support.

Description of fruits

The fruits of the tomato variety Kemerovets are heart-shaped, with a slight ribbing. Unripe tomatoes are light green in color with a dark spot at the stalk. Ripe fruits have a pink-raspberry color. The variety is multi-nested, in one fruit there are from 6 nests or more. Fruit weight – from 60 to 104 g.

According to reviews and photos, Kemerovots tomatoes can reach a maximum weight of 150 g. The pulp of the fruit is dense. The taste is pleasant, tomato, with sweetness. Tomatoes of the Kemerovets variety are used for fresh consumption, but they are also ideal for whole-fruit canning.

Characteristics of tomato Kemerovo

Variety Kemerovets refers to tomatoes with early ripening. Reaches maturity 3 months after germination. The plant does not require formation and pinching.

On a low bush, many ovaries are formed. Fruits within a few weeks. The yield is 3-5 kg ​​per plant. The yield of marketable fruits is 93-100%. The variety of Siberian selection is characterized by cold resistance, resistance to late blight.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the Kemerovets tomato variety is the possibility of growing them in open ground. The variety is acclimatized and suitable for growing in the Northern regions.

Other advantages of Kemerovets tomato variety:

  • a small bush that does not require much space on the site;
  • high yield;
  • early ripening;
  • fruits of high commercial qualities;
  • compact tomatoes;
  • the bush does not require formation, which is especially suitable for beginner gardeners;
  • fruits are easily transported;
  • suitable for conservation;
  • Phytophthora resistant.

Tomato Kemerovets: reviews, photos, yield

Minuses in the tomato variety Kemerovets have not been identified.

Growing rules

To obtain early production, Kemerovets tomato varieties are grown through seedlings. Determinate tomatoes are distinguished by the fact that they independently complete their growth with a flower brush. Therefore, during their cultivation, the top of the plant is not pinched. Determinant tomatoes lay the first flower brush earlier than other varieties. Tomato Kemerovo is easy to grow and care for.

Seeding for seedlings

Due to the small growth of the bush, the seedlings also turn out to be compact and strong. The cotyledon knee is low, a few cm long. The first flower brush appears above the 6-7th leaf, the next – after a few leaves.

The sowing time is calculated depending on the conditions in which the seedlings will be transferred. It will take 40-45 days to grow seedlings, by which time a week is added for the sprouts to emerge and another week for the seedlings to adapt after picking.

The soil is disinfected by calcination or freezing. The soil is also disinfected with a fungicide; for this, it is shed with a biosolution a few days before planting.

Advice! The lumpy soil is sifted through a sieve with a large mesh to give uniformity.

Coconut substrate is also suitable for growing tomato seedlings; pathogenic microflora is formed in it to a lesser extent. Coconut substrate always remains loose, which is important for the formation of a strong root system of plants.

Seeds before sowing germinate in a damp cloth, pre-soaked in growth stimulants. Sprouting helps identify live seeds and also allows seedlings to emerge from the soil quickly and evenly.

When sowing in a common planting container, the distance between seeds is kept at 2 cm. When grown in separate containers, two seeds are placed in one hole. In the future, when both sprouts emerge, a stronger seedling is left. A weak plant is cut with disinfected scissors at the soil level.

When planting in separate cups, tomato seedlings also need to dive. For the initial planting, take small containers, because the soil, not occupied by the roots, quickly rots.

Growing seedlings of tomato variety Kemerovets:

  1. Seeds are planted in moist soil, deepening no more than 1 cm.
  2. Crops are covered with a film and cleaned in a warm place. Containers with crops are not placed on heating devices.
  3. The film is periodically removed for ventilation.
  4. For moistening, crops are sprayed from a fine spray gun, but only when the soil dries.
  5. A few days after sowing, the first seedlings appear. At this point, the shelter is removed and the containers are placed in places with natural or artificial lighting. In the first days, the seedlings need to be illuminated for a full day, then a 14-hour light regime is established.
  6. At the time of germination, it is important to reduce the temperature of seedlings to + 18 ° C. This slows down the growth of the vegetative mass in favor of the beginning of the formation of the root system. Then the growing temperature is maintained in the range of +20°C … +22°C.
  7. When a pair of true leaves appears, the plants are transplanted into looser containers in which they will be grown before transplanting into open ground.

Tomato Kemerovets: reviews, photos, yield

Water the seedlings when the top layer of the soil dries. When watering, it is necessary to soak the earth lump completely. Once a month, tomatoes can be watered with fungicide solutions to prevent fungal diseases.

Seedling transplant

For transplanting into open ground, ridges for Kemerovets tomatoes have been prepared since last season. Choose sites, observing crop rotation. Favorable predecessors of nightshade are pumpkin varieties of vegetables and cabbage.

During autumn digging, mineral or organic fertilizers are applied to the soil. The amount of which depends on the initial fertility of the soil.

Important! The determinant type of growth of the Kemerovets tomato variety allows planting bushes compactly.

In the open ground under film shelters, you can use a planting pattern of 30 by 40 cm. Plants are placed in a checkerboard pattern.

Hardened seedlings are transferred to the ground when constant positive temperatures rise above + 10 ° C. For better warming of the soil when growing tomatoes, high ridges are used. For a plant with many fruits, a subsequent garter will be required, so the support stake is placed next to the planting in advance.

Before planting, water-charging watering of the soil is done. To do this, warm water is poured into the hole until it is absorbed. Then, at the bottom of the hole, a slurry of soil and water is mixed, and seedlings are planted in it. Seedlings are watered the day before planting so that it is better removed from the planting container. This will allow less trauma to the roots, the plant will take root faster in open ground. Then the planting is covered with dry soil, lightly pressed. After planting, the tomatoes are not watered for about 2 weeks.

Good care rules

Caring for a tomato variety Kemerovets is simple. The bush does not require pinching and shaping. During the growing season, several top dressings are carried out, using ash and herbal infusions for this. Potash fertilizers are applied a week after planting. Potassium affects the formation and ripening of fruits. When using mineral fertilizers, do not use those that contain chlorine.

Advice! Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are used in spring soil preparation.

Water the tomatoes of the Kemerovets variety with warm water, without affecting the green parts of the plant. To protect the roots in open ground, the soil is mulched. Reception allows you to maintain the required level of moisture, protects the vegetative mass from contact with the soil. The soil under the mulch remains airy and weeds germinate less. For mulching, organic materials are used, for example, mowed grass, compost, as well as artificial ones – agrofiber or film.


Tomato Kemerovets is an early, highly productive variety. Pink heart-shaped fruits are formed on the bush in large quantities. The bush does not require the formation, removal of side shoots. Suitable for farming areas with difficult climates. Resistant to late blight.

Tomato Kemerovo on August 25

Reviews about tomatoes Kemerovets

Anna Levkova, 38 years old, Novokuznetsk
Tomato Kemerovets is one of the best varieties for our region. I plant tomatoes in a greenhouse for early fruit. Tomatoes grow in the shape of a heart or slightly elongated. Their color is pink, the pulp is of medium density, multi-chamber. We use tomatoes for fresh consumption. The bush grows independently without the constant removal of the vegetative mass. It is very pleasant to grow it. The seedling is strong. Diseases did not affect my plantings.
Galina Ivantseva, 42 years old, Tyumen
Recently, I have been planting only unpretentious varieties of tomatoes, so as not to mess with their growth. For several years in a greenhouse I have been growing a Kemerovo tomato, which is especially suitable for the Northern regions. He also has a non-capricious seedling. Tomatoes ripen on the bush, early variety. He does not get sick with anything, but he gives a lot of tomatoes. When ripe, the fruit has a spot at the stalk, then it disappears. Tomatoes lie well, the pulp is pleasant. The peel is dense, so tomatoes are suitable for conservation.

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