Tomato Juggler F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Juggler is an early ripe hybrid recommended for planting in Western Siberia and the Far East. The variety is suitable for outdoor cultivation.

Botanical description

Characteristics and description of the Juggler tomato variety:

  • early maturation;
  • 90-95 days pass from germination to harvest;
  • determinant type of bush;
  • height 60 cm in open ground;
  • in the greenhouse grows up to 1 m;
  • the tops are dark green, slightly corrugated;
  • simple inflorescence;
  • 5-6 tomatoes grow in a brush.

Features of the fruits of the Juggler variety:

  • smooth and strong;
  • flat-round shape;
  • unripe tomatoes are light green, turning red as they ripen;
  • weight up to 250 g;
  • high palatability.

The variety is drought tolerant. In open areas, the Jongler variety brings up to 16 kg of fruit per sq. m. When planting in a greenhouse, the yield increases to 24 kg per square meter. m.

Due to early ripening, Jongleur tomatoes are grown for sale by farms. The fruits tolerate transportation well. They are used fresh and for canning. Tomatoes do not crack and retain their shape during heat treatment.

Getting the seedlings

At home, seedlings of Juggler tomatoes are obtained. In the spring, seeds are planted, and after their germination, the necessary conditions are provided for seedlings. In the southern regions, they practice planting seeds immediately in a permanent place after warming up the air and soil.

Planting seeds

Planting Juggler tomato seeds begins in late February or March. First, prepare the soil by mixing an equal amount of fertile soil, sand, peat or humus.

In gardening stores, you can buy ready-made soil mixture designed for planting tomatoes. It is convenient to plant tomatoes in peat pots. Then the tomatoes do not need picking, and the plants suffer less from stress.

Tomato Juggler F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Before planting Juggler tomatoes, the soil is disinfected by exposure to low or high temperatures. The soil is left for several days on the balcony or put in the freezer. For disinfection, you can steam the soil in a water bath.

Advice! The day before planting, tomato seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth. This stimulates the emergence of seedlings.

Moistened soil is poured into containers. Seeds are placed in 2 cm increments. Peat or fertile soil 1 cm thick is poured on top. When using separate containers, 2-3 seeds are placed in each of them. After germination, the strongest plant is left.

Landings are covered with a film or glass, then left in a warm place. After the appearance of sprouts, the containers are kept on the windowsill.

seedling conditions

For the development of seedlings of tomatoes provide certain conditions. Tomatoes need a certain temperature, moisture and good lighting.

Juggler tomatoes provide a daily temperature of 20-25°C. At night, the allowable temperature drop is 16°C. The planting room is regularly ventilated, but the plants are protected from drafts.

Tomatoes are watered with warm settled water. It is most convenient to use a spray bottle and spray the soil when the top layer dries up. If the plants look oppressed and develop slowly, then prepare a nutrient solution. For 1 liter of water, 1 g of ammonium nitrate and 2 g of superphosphate are used.

Important! Juggler tomatoes provide bright diffused light for 12-14 hours a day. If necessary, artificial lighting is installed above the seedlings.

With the development of 2 leaves, tomatoes dive in separate containers. 3 weeks before planting, they begin to prepare tomatoes for natural conditions. For several hours, tomatoes are left in the sun, increasing this period daily. The intensity of watering is reduced, and the plants are provided with an influx of fresh air.

Tomato Juggler F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Landing in the ground

Juggler tomatoes are grown in open areas. Plants under cover produce higher yields. The variety tolerates temperature changes and changing weather conditions.

Tomatoes prefer areas with constant sunlight and light fertile soil. Soil for culture is prepared in the autumn. The beds are dug up, rotted manure or compost is introduced.

In the greenhouse, 12 cm of the upper soil layer is completely replaced. You can fertilize the soil with superphosphate and potassium salt. Each substance is taken at 40 g per 1 sq. m.

Important! Tomatoes are planted after onions, garlic, cucumbers, root crops, legumes, green manure. Places where tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers grew are not suitable for planting.

Juggler tomatoes are ready for planting if they have about 6 leaves and have reached a height of 25 cm. 40 cm are left between the tomatoes in the garden. The plants are removed from the containers and placed in the holes. The roots must be covered with earth and compacted. After planting, the tomatoes are watered with 5 liters of water.

Care of tomatoes

According to reviews, Juggler F1 tomatoes bring a high yield with constant care. Plants are watered and fed. A bush of tomatoes is stepchildren to eliminate thickening. For the prevention of diseases and the spread of pests, plantings are sprayed with special preparations.

Watering plants

The intensity of watering tomatoes depends on the stage of their development and weather conditions. According to its characteristics, the Juggler tomato is able to tolerate a short drought. Tomatoes are watered in the morning or in the evening. Preliminarily, the water is defended in barrels.

Tomato Juggler F1: characteristics and description of the variety

The scheme of watering tomatoes Juggler:

  • after planting, the tomatoes are watered abundantly;
  • the next introduction of moisture occurs after 7-10 days;
  • before flowering, tomatoes are watered after 4 days and 3 liters of water are spent per bush;
  • when forming inflorescences and ovaries, 4 liters of water are added weekly under the bush;
  • after the appearance of fruits, the frequency of watering is 2 times a week using 2 liters of water.

Excessive moisture contributes to the spread of harmful fungus and cracking of fruits. Its deficiency causes shedding of ovaries, yellowing and twisting of the tops.

Application of fertilizers

Top dressing of Juggler tomatoes involves the use of mineral and organic substances. Between treatments make a break for 15-20 days. No more than 5 dressings are carried out per season.

15 days after planting, the tomatoes are fed with a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:10. 1 liter of fertilizer is poured under the bush.

For the next top dressing, superphosphate and potassium salt will be required. Dissolve 5 g of each substance in 15 liters of water. Phosphorus stimulates metabolism and strengthens the root system, potassium improves the taste of fruits. The solution is applied under the root of the tomatoes.

Advice! Watering can be replaced by spraying tomatoes. Then the concentration of substances decreases. On a bucket of water take 15 g of each fertilizer.

Instead of minerals, they take wood ash. It is covered with soil in the process of loosening. 200 g of ash is placed in a 10-liter bucket of water and infused for a day. Means watered planting under the root.

Tomato Juggler F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Shaping and tying

Variety Juggler needs partial pinching. The bush is formed into 3 stems. Be sure to eliminate stepchildren, thickening plantings.

According to its characteristics and description, the Juggler tomato variety is short-growing, but it is recommended to tie the plants to a support. In the greenhouse, a trellis is organized, consisting of several supports and a wire stretched between them.

Protection against diseases

Variety Juggler is a hybrid and is resistant to diseases. Due to early ripening, the bush is not susceptible to phytophthora. For prevention, plants are treated with Ordan or Fitosporin preparations. The last spraying is carried out 3 weeks before harvesting the fruits.

Reviews of gardeners

Larisa, 42 years old, St. Petersburg
Last year I chose for planting, according to reviews, the tomato Juggler F1. The seeds sprouted quickly, the seedlings turned out to be strong, did not hurt and did not stretch. In May, I planted tomatoes in the greenhouse. The variety was liked by abundant fruiting. The bushes were strewn with medium-sized fruits. The taste is good, Juggler tomatoes are suitable for canning and salads.
Mikhail, 35 years old, Perm
I recommend for landing on the beds without shelter variety Jongleur. The seeds have good germination. Bushes grow up to 0,5 m in height, which greatly simplifies the care of tomatoes. I feed the tomatoes with bird droppings in the spring, in the summer I add wood ash. Variety Juggler is very fruitful. Most of the fruits were used in home preparations.
Maria, 28 years old, Ekaterinburg
Juggler is a good hybrid tomato variety intended for cultivation in the Ural region. The bush is very compact, but you still have to tie it up and stepchild. Ripening early compared to other varieties. Tomatoes are small in weight, which is convenient for canning. Variety Juggler withstood difficult weather conditions, was not subject to diseases during the season.


Tomato Juggler F1: characteristics and description of the variety

The characteristics of the Juggler tomato allow it to be grown in open areas. The variety is resistant to diseases, brings a high yield under adverse climatic conditions. Tomatoes have a good taste and versatile use.

2016 Tomato variety “Juggler”

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