Tomato Japanese truffle

The Japanese truffle tomato variety has not yet gained much popularity among gardeners. It appeared relatively recently, but some have already managed to test the novelty. Agree, such an unusual name cannot but attract attention. But the peculiarity of this variety is not only in the exotic name. Due to its density, the fruits of the “Japanese truffle” are excellent for various types of preservation. Also, these tomatoes have an interesting shape that looks like a truffle. For those who have never seen truffles, they are more likely to resemble a light bulb.

Tomato Japanese truffle

In this article, we will take a closer look at what characteristics and description of the Japanese truffle tomato variety. Each of you will be able to draw your own conclusions whether it is worth growing it or not.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato “Japanese truffle” refers to indeterminate varieties. This means that the main stem of these tomatoes can grow continuously. The tomato is not high yielding. From the bush it will be possible to collect no more than 4 kg of tomato, on average – 2-3 kg. According to the period of fruit ripening, the tomato belongs to mid-ripening species. From seed germination to the appearance of the first tomatoes, 110–120 days pass. “Japanese truffle” has a high disease resistance, so you don’t have to worry about the crop being lost due to diseases and pests.

Tomato Japanese truffle

This tomato variety is suitable for warm climates. If you live in the northern regions, it is better to plant truffle tomato in a greenhouse. In it, it can grow up to 2 meters in height, and in open ground only up to 1,5 m. Of course, such tall bushes need to be tied up and pinched. Fruit weight can reach up to 200 grams. Tomatoes are pear-shaped with longitudinal ribs. Up to 5 brushes can form on the stem, 5-6 fruits grow on each of them.

Tomato Japanese truffle

Advice! It is better to leave only 3 brushes for full ripening, and pick the rest of the fruits green and leave to ripen in a warm place. This will allow the tomatoes to grow to the right size and speed up development.


Japanese truffle tomatoes are divided into several varieties. The characteristics and description of the variety remain unchanged, the species differ in color and have their own taste characteristics. So, the Japanese truffle tomato variety is divided into the following varieties:

“Japanese red truffle”

Differs in saturated red color with a brown shade. The color is very nice and glossy. The fruit is sweetish in taste, has a slight sourness. Great for conservation.

Tomato Japanese truffle

“Japanese black truffle”

In terms of fruit shape and general characteristics, it is no different from others. The color is more like brown than black. Has a more refined taste.

Tomato Japanese truffle

“Japanese pink truffle”

It has no special differences. Except the taste is a little sweeter.

Tomato Japanese truffle

“Japanese golden truffle”

Differs in saturated yellow color with a golden shade. The fruit is sweet in taste, even somewhat similar to fruit.

Tomato Japanese truffle

“Japanese orange truffle”

Very similar to the golden look. Only the color is deeper, sunny orange.

Tomato Japanese truffle

As you can see in the photo, the fruits have almost the same shape.

Tomato Japanese truffle

All varieties of this variety are suitable for transportation and long-term storage, due to their dense skin. After standing for a while, the tomatoes become even sweeter. Perfect for fresh consumption, as well as for preservation whole and in the form of tomato products.

Cultivation and care

Tomatoes need to be grown in 1-2 stalks. When pinching, leave only 5-6 brushes. If you leave more, the fruits will develop poorly. For full ripening, we leave only 2-3 brushes, and pick the remaining fruits green for further ripening. When grown in a greenhouse, you can get a greater yield than in the open field. The bush will be much higher, and there will be more fruits.

Sowing seedlings begins in late March, early April. It is necessary to plant in the ground at the end of May. If you are growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can start as early as the beginning of the month. Then by mid-June you will be able to collect the first fruits. It is necessary to plant seedlings at a distance of 40 cm from each other. The distance between rows should also be at least 40 cm.

Tomato Japanese truffle

Important! Bushes will need to be tied up frequently. Due to heavy brushes, fractures may appear. So it is desirable to tie up the brushes, and not just the stem itself.

Young stepchildren appear very quickly, you need to get rid of them in time. Like all other varieties of tomatoes, it needs moderate watering. It is better to do this in the evening. To defend the water for irrigation, it should not be cold. From time to time, loosen the soil and destroy weeds. Do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse. For better yields, you need to fertilize the soil.

Tomato Japanese truffle

As the characteristics and description of the variety say, these tomatoes have high disease resistance. They tolerate cold well and are not susceptible to fungal diseases. One of them is late blight. It most often destroys the tomato crop. But, with the “Japanese truffle” this will not happen.

Tomato Japanese truffle

Growing “Japanese truffle” is not difficult at all. As you can see, it is not whimsical and has a fairly good yield. The characteristic and description of this variety guarantees resistance to various diseases. Tomatoes keep very well after picking. If you haven’t grown these tomatoes yet, give it a try and you won’t regret it!


Hope, 50 years, Belgorod
I liked the Japanese truffle tomatoes very much. I grew yellow tomatoes. I can say that they are much tastier than other varieties of yellow tomatoes. The taste is sweeter and more delicate. Canned together with tomatoes of other colors, they look very original in a jar. But they are not suitable for other types of preservation. I tried to make adjika: my relatives didn’t like the yellow color, and no one tried it. It takes some getting used to. As for the rest, I was very satisfied.
Alexandra, 46 years old, city ​​of Saratov
“Japanese truffle” is my favorite variety of tomato. I have been growing it for many years. My good friend gave me the first seeds. I’m glad I listened to her opinion. Since then, it has been the main one in my greenhouses. Bushes grow over 2 meters, bear fruit very generously. But he conquered our family with his amazing taste. The fruits are moderately sweet, almost no sour taste. For so many years he has not become boring to us, and I think he will not let us down in the future either. I have already transferred many neighbors to this variety. I advise everyone!
Maria, 43 years old Volgograd
I chose my tomatoes very carefully. I was impressed by the characteristics and description of the Japanese truffle tomato variety. According to the manufacturer, this species is unpretentious to the conditions, bears fruit for a long time and is very resistant to various fungi and viruses. I have been planting in my dacha for 4 years. The first time I bought only seeds of golden color. Everyone liked it so much that the next year I took as many as four types: black, red, orange and golden again. I liked everything except the red one. Not pleased with the taste or yield. By the way, I noticed that these tomatoes become even tastier when stored. If picked green, you can enjoy fresh tomatoes until November.

To summarize

Probably, there are few varieties of tomato that would speak so well. Many gardeners have already appreciated the excellent taste of the “Japanese truffle”. We hope these tips will help you grow excellent tomatoes on your site.

Varieties of delicious tomatoes

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