Tomato Honey fingers: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Honey Fingers is a great choice for vegetable growers who appreciate the diversity of crops. The variety is interesting in all respects – size, color, taste characteristics. The modern hybrid was bred by breeders for lovers of yellow tomatoes. The tomato variety Honey Fingers was entered into the State Register in 2010.

Tomato Honey fingers: characteristics and description of the variety

Detailed description of the variety

The most basic characteristic for vegetable growers is that the variety is indeterminate. Such tomatoes do not have a growth stop point and continue to constantly increase in size. The life of the plant exceeds a year, so the harvest can be obtained throughout the entire period. To collect as many Honey Fingers as possible, the variety is recommended to be grown in greenhouses with heating. Main characteristics:

  1. Maturing period. Tomato Honey fingers f1 refers to mid-season varieties. From the moment of planting to harvesting, no more than 3 months (95-105 days) pass.
  2. Bush appearance. The height of an adult plant reaches 1,8 m and above. Shtambovy, very decorative. Carpal type hybrid.
  3. The leaves of the variety are not quite “tomato” in appearance. They are narrower, located on the stems not too often. The stems are more strewn with brushes with fruits.
  4. Brushes are numerous, arranged alternately on the stem. One contains from 5 to 10 fruits.

If you plant Honey fingers in open ground, then the height of the bush will be less. However, you will have to tie up the tomato so that the stem does not break from the load of fruits. The stem will also form stronger in sunlight and fresh air.

Description and taste of fruits

According to reviews, it is the characteristics of the fruits of tomatoes Honey fingers that are the main criterion for the popularity of the variety. They have the original shape of an elongated cylinder and a small size.

At the end of each tomato stands out a small “nose”. The weight of one tomato ranges from 70-80 g, the color of the tomatoes is yellow, sometimes orange stripes stand out on the skin.

Fruit pulp is juicy yellow.

Tomato Honey fingers: characteristics and description of the variety

It contains a high content of sugars, which gives ripe tomatoes a honey taste. In a transverse section, 2-3 seed chambers are visible.

The fruits are used in a variety of ways. Honey Fingers look great in fresh salads and preparations. Extraordinary color and original size decorate any dish. The pickled variety has an excellent taste.

Important! Tomato Honey fingers should not be used to make juices and ketchups.

Firstly, the variety does not have a very good color for such blanks. Secondly, the small size of the fruit gives a small yield of the finished product, which is not entirely effective.

Varietal characteristics

The most sought-after characteristics of Honey Fingers are productivity, disease resistance and undemanding care. The variety has a very attractive quality – prolongation of fruiting. The first crop of ripe tomatoes is ready for harvest 95 days after planting. Then the fruits ripen gradually.

Important! Do not wait until the entire brush is ripe.

Tomatoes should be harvested as they ripen. Otherwise, the upper ones will overripe, lose their taste and elasticity. According to the description, the honey fingers tomato is very fruitful, as in the photo:

Tomato Honey fingers: characteristics and description of the variety

From one bush, vegetable growers collect up to 14 kg during the season in greenhouse cultivation. In open ground, the yield is lower – about 5 kg per bush. The decrease in the indicator depends on the fruiting period and growing conditions. In a heated greenhouse, a tomato bears fruit much longer. It is also important to provide the variety with sufficient lighting.

The variety is rarely affected by the main crop diseases. Diseases from which the plant needs to be protected are phomosis and dry spotting.

Honey fingers are very demanding on lighting and heat. Therefore, in open ground they can be grown in the southern regions. The conditions of the middle lane, as well as the northern regions, are not suitable for such cultivation. Vegetable growers need to equip greenhouse areas, supports for tying.

Pros and cons of the variety

The hybrid is quite young. But many vegetable growers have already managed to grow a variety and share their impressions. Among the advantages of small-fruited tomato are:

  1. High stable yield.
  2. fruiting duration.
  3. Resistance to crop diseases.
  4. Great fruit flavor.
  5. Ability to tolerate transportation well.
  6. Keeping quality, possibility of long storage.
  7. Versatility of use.

The disadvantages of tomato Fingers Honey vegetable growers consider:

  1. Mandatory pinching and shaping.
  2. Inability to use collected seeds.

At the same time, everyone who grew the variety on the plot noted the high responsiveness of the tomato to improving the agricultural background. If you follow the recommendations of the originator, then the fruits of the Honey Fingers fully correspond to the description.

Rules of landing and care

Variety Honey Fingers is recommended to be grown in seedlings.

To get a decent crop of tomatoes, it is necessary to correctly carry out all the stages of cultivation:

  1. Preparation and sowing of seedlings.
  2. Caring for tomato seedlings.
  3. Landing on a permanent place (greenhouse or vegetable garden).
  4. Care of mature plants.
  5. Collection and processing of crops.

Each stage has its own characteristics and nuances.

Seeding for seedlings

Initially, you should calculate the time for sowing seeds for seedlings for a particular region. In addition to the recommendations of the originator of the variety, it is good to use the tips of the lunar calendar. At the same time, it is important to consider in which soil it is planned to grow Honey fingers. The best time is the first decade of March.

Important! The age of seedlings during transplantation is 2 months, the weather conditions of the region should be taken into account.
  1. Seedlings prepare soil and containers. It is best to take a ready-made mixture for seedlings. If it is possible to prepare your own, then you will need to mix equal amounts of humus, peat, garden soil, half the dose of sand. Then add wood ash, mineral fertilizers. Thoroughly mix the mixture for tomato seedlings and pour over with a disinfectant for disinfection.
  2. Wash the containers with a solution of potassium permanganate, dry, fill with soil mixture.
  3. Soak tomato seeds in a growth stimulator (according to instructions).

Sowing can be done in two ways:

  1. Make shallow grooves, lay tomato seeds, level the soil.
  2. Gently lay the seeds on the surface of the soil mixture, cover with a layer 1 cm thick on top.

Tomato Honey fingers: characteristics and description of the variety

Moisten the crops with a spray bottle, cover with a film until shoots appear. It is important to maintain the temperature regime in the range of + 20-26 ° С. As soon as shoots appear on the surface, reduce the temperature to + 20 ° C during the day and + 12 ° C at night. It is important to keep the temperature in the normal range. Make sure that the plants do not overheat, otherwise the seedlings will stretch. Excessive cooling will lead to the appearance of diseases and the death of seedlings.

During the period of growth of seedlings, it is necessary to monitor the degree of soil moisture, take measures so that a crust does not form on the surface. Watering tomato seedlings is enough 1-2 times a week. It is best to feed with liquid ready-made complex formulations for vegetable seedlings. Top dressing must be combined with watering. In the photo, healthy seedlings of tomatoes Honey fingers:

Tomato Honey fingers: characteristics and description of the variety

Seedling transplant

When the seedlings form 5-7 true leaves, they are ready for transplanting.

You can grow Honey Fingers in:

  • greenhouse;
  • open ground;
  • film greenhouses.

For the regions of the middle lane, it is necessary to meet the deadlines. The first decade of June is open ground, mid-late May is a greenhouse, late April or early May is a greenhouse.

It is necessary to plant a variety according to a certain pattern. For 1 sq. m can be placed no more than 4 plants. After transplanting, the seedlings must be watered and shaded from the sun. It will take 10-14 days for plants to adapt.

Care of tomatoes

The basic rule for a gardener is to create optimal conditions for tomatoes. Honey fingers need warmth and light. Watering is regulated depending on weather conditions and soil conditions. It is best to moisten the plants in the evening after sunset.

You can start feeding plants only after they take root. The first time you need nitrogen components. For honey fingers, it is good to use ammonium nitrate or herbal infusion. The next top dressing is needed at the time of flowering, then during the formation of ovaries. Complex mineral fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium components are introduced into these phases.

It is recommended to form a bush in 1 or 2 stems. In this case, it is imperative to remove the side stepchildren, this will have to be done regularly. It is important to prevent the stepson from growing over 10 cm. A necessary measure is also the tying of bushes. It protects the stems from breakage during the period of abundant fruiting.

To prevent the spread of diseases, preventive treatments with fungicides are necessary. With regular prevention, honey fingers are enough spraying with biological products.

If the plants show signs of phomosis, immediately treat with Hom, reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizers and reduce the frequency of watering. Against dry spotting, you can apply Consento, Tattu, Antrakol. The main pests of tomatoes Honey Fingers are a rusty mite (“Bison”) and a whitefly (“Confidor”).


Tomato Honey fingers fully justifies the expectations of vegetable growers. In addition to the original color and shape, the high yield and taste of the variety deserve special attention.

Reviews of tomato Honey fingers

Elena Petrovna Kozyreva, 33 years old, Belgorod region
I love yellow tomatoes. Variety Fingers Honey also has an original shape. Shrub care is easy. Especially for those who have already grown tall tomatoes. In our region, the variety grows well without a greenhouse. From one bush I collect more than 6 kg of amazing “fingers”. I make preparations, preserve, salads turn out very beautiful. I advise the hybrid to all my friends summer residents. In addition to the review, a photo of tomatoes Honey fingers from my garden:

Tomato Honey fingers: characteristics and description of the variety

Kirill Dmitrievich Stepanov, 40 years old, Novocherkassk
I grow tomatoes for sale. Variety Fingers Honey has a super marketable appearance. In addition, it lies for a long time and perfectly tolerates transportation. The harvest is not lost, the profit is high. Tomatoes are sold very quickly, due to their taste and appearance. To avoid problems, be sure to develop a schedule of preventive treatments. Landings for diseases have never had to be treated. Excellent variety!
Tomato (Honey fingers F1). Brief overview: Tomato characteristics description, where to buy seeds

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