Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia: reviews, photos

When choosing varieties for future plantings, summer residents are guided by indicators such as ripening time, plant height and fruit size. And tomatoes are no exception. In every garden, you can definitely find early, mid-early and late varieties. One of the most favorite varieties of gardeners was the tomato “Heavyweight of Siberia”. Despite the average yield, it has long gained popularity due to its unpretentious care, rather large and very tasty fruits.

General characteristics

Working on the creation of a variety, the breeders of the Siberian Garden agricultural company tried to combine several positive qualities in one plant at once:

  • precocity
  • large fruits;
  • the possibility of growing tomatoes in harsh climatic conditions;

    Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia: reviews, photos

  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • resistance to many diseases.

And I must say that they have turned out to be a truly unique variety of its kind.

Tomato “Heavyweight of Siberia” fully justifies such an unusual name. Being an early ripe, determinant plant, it produces very large fruits. But he received great recognition for a completely different reason.

Not every variety can be grown in regions with a harsh climate, both in open ground and in protected. But the tomatoes “Heavyweight of Siberia” are distinguished precisely by the fact that they bear excellent fruit at very modest ambient temperatures. Tomatoes give an excellent abundant harvest when grown at temperatures up to + 28˚С + 30˚С, higher rates immediately affect the decrease in yield.

Tomato “Heavyweight of Siberia” belongs to the group of undersized vegetable crops. When growing tomatoes in open ground, the height of the plant barely reaches 60-70 cm. In greenhouses and greenhouses, its height can reach 80-100 cm, no more. The foliage of the bush is medium, the foliage has a rich dark green color.

Interesting! Due to the low acid content, tomatoes of the “Heavy Weight of Siberia” variety are recommended for dietary nutrition.

Usually undersized varieties of tomatoes do not need a garter. But not the Heavyweight. For the simple reason that its fruits reach truly gigantic sizes, plants must be tied up.

The stem of a tomato, despite the rather sonorous name, does not differ in power. Bushes often fall sideways, without a garter, the brushes break off even before the tomatoes ripen.

The creators of the variety advise tying up not only bushes, but also fruits so that the brushes do not break off. You can use conventional supports instead of the traditional garter. Small branches in the form of a “slingshot” are substituted for the heaviest brushes. Thus, you can protect the bushes.

According to the characteristics and description of the tomato variety “Heavyweight of Siberia” does not need such a mandatory event as pinching. However, in order to obtain larger fruits, many summer residents still prefer to occasionally remove extra stepchildren and form bushes in 2-3 stems.

Tomato “Heavyweight” is not a hybrid, and therefore the seeds can be harvested independently. The largest tomatoes perfectly retain their varietal characteristics. But after 4-5 years it is still worth updating the seed material, since over time the signs of belonging to this variety gradually disappear.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia: reviews, photos

Characteristics of fruits

The fruits of the tomato “Heavyweight of Siberia” reach an average weight of 400-500 grams. But to increase productivity, the following measures are required:

  • regular feeding;
  • removal of stepchildren;
  • bush formation;
  • cupping of ovaries.

Cupping – removal of excess ovaries. They should remain on one plant no more than 8-10 pieces. In this case, the tomatoes will be very large – up to 800-900 grams. All forces and nutrients will go to the growth and ripening of giant fruits.

Interesting! From Italian, the word “tomato” is translated as “golden apple”.

The shape of the fruit is quite remarkable – heart-shaped, slightly flattened. The color of the tomatoes is predominantly pink, the pulp is juicy and fleshy. The taste of tomatoes is very sweet, with a barely noticeable sourness. The number of cameras is not more than 4-6.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia: reviews, photos

Tomatoes have a smooth, flawless surface and do not crack during ripening. Tomatoes “Heavyweight of Siberia” well tolerate transportation over short distances without loss of presentation. But over long distances, it is best to transport them in an unripe form.

In terms of taste characteristics, size, shape and color of the fruits, “Heavyweight” is very similar to the tomatoes “Alsu”, “Velmozha” and “Danko”. All varieties belong to the collection of the Siberian Garden agricultural firm.

Application area

Judging by the characteristics and description, tomatoes “Heavyweight of Siberia” are more likely to be table varieties, which determines the scope of the fruit. They are good for slicing, summer salads, fresh consumption.

Tomato juices of this variety are thick, tasty and rich, but do not have that bright scarlet color that traditional tomato juice has.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia: reviews, photos

Tomatoes “Heavyweight of Siberia” are also excellent for winter harvesting. And if they are unsuitable for whole-fruit canning due to their large size, then they are perfect for preparing a variety of salads, pickles, sauces, pastes as a component.

Many housewives prefer to freeze tomatoes. “Heavyweight of Siberia” can be frozen in small portions to add to second courses in winter, to prepare a variety of casseroles and pizza.

For drying, this variety of tomato is not suitable. Juicy fruits in the process of shrinkage lose too much moisture.

Interesting! At the moment, more than 10 varieties of tomatoes are known.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia: reviews, photos

Peculiarities of growing

Tomatoes “Heavyweight of Siberia”, judging by the description and characteristics of the variety, do not have a high yield. Subject to all the rules of agricultural technology, you can collect up to 10-11 kg of tomatoes from 1 m². From a bush, the yield is 3-3,5 kg.

At first glance, the yield indicators are not so hot. But this disadvantage is more than offset by the excellent taste of the fruit. It is for this reason that he has long been deservedly popular with many gardeners.

The tomato bears fruit well when grown under a film cover. Along with polyethylene, lutrasil or other non-woven materials can be used as a covering material.

A decrease in ambient temperature does not affect the yield of tomatoes in any way, which makes them especially valuable when grown in regions with a harsh climate.

But elevated temperatures can cause a decrease in the quality and quantity of the crop. Judging by the numerous reviews of summer residents who have already planted tomatoes “Heavyweight of Siberia” and were able to appreciate its taste, in cool weather, the set and ripening of fruits is higher than in hot summer. This feature is consistent with the characteristics and description of the variety.

The taste and quality of tomatoes is affected by the right place for planting “Heavyweight”. The soil should be neutral, fertile and loose, and the site should be sunny and well lit. With insufficient lighting, the taste of tomatoes becomes sour.

When growing undersized tomatoes, the recommended planting scheme involves planting 6-10 plants per 1 m², but not “Heavyweight”. When growing this variety of tomatoes, you must strictly adhere to the following recommendation – no more than 4-5 bushes per 1 m². As a rule, planting density is the reason for the decrease in yield.

Interesting! The debate about whether tomatoes are berries or vegetables has been going on for more than 100 years. And only 15 years ago, the European Union decided to call tomatoes “fruits”

Seeding for seedlings

It is necessary to prepare the soil for seedlings 5-7 days before planting the seeds. For tomatoes “Heavyweight” soil mixtures for growing seedlings of tomatoes and peppers or garden soil with the addition of humus in a ratio of 2: 1 are suitable.

Seeds of tomatoes “Heavyweight of Siberia”, purchased in a store, do not need pre-treatment. They can only be soaked for a day in warm, settled water with the addition of any stimulant for the formation and growth of roots.

Self-prepared seed material must be kept for 2-3 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Subsequently, the seeds can be soaked in water or growth promoter.

Sowing seeds of tomato “Heavyweight” is carried out at least 60-65 days before the proposed transplant into the ground. In the Urals and Siberia, seeds should be planted in late February – early March.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia: reviews, photos

A 2-centimeter layer of drainage (small pebbles, expanded clay) is placed in containers or boxes, and then soil prepared and heated to room temperature is poured. Burying tomato seeds by more than 1,5-2 cm is not worth it, otherwise it will be difficult for fragile sprouts to break through a thick layer of earth.

In the process of growth, tomatoes need to provide an optimal microclimate: air temperature + 23˚С + 25˚С, humidity no more than 40-50%. Picking is carried out, as usual, at the stage of 2-3 well-developed leaves. Regular watering and loosening are a must.

Tomatoes can be planted in heated greenhouses in mid-late April, in greenhouses and unheated greenhouses – in mid-late May, but in open ground only in early-mid June. No more than 1-4 plants can be planted per 5 m².

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia: reviews, photos

Interesting! Seedlings of “Heavyweight” tomatoes do not stretch and do not “outgrow” if, for various reasons, the planting of plants in the ground is postponed to a later date.

Further planting care involves the following work:

  • regular watering;
  • timely feeding;
  • weeding and removal of weeds from the greenhouse;
  • if necessary – pinching tomatoes and forming a bush;
  • at will – cupping of ovaries to increase the mass of fruits;
  • prevention against pests and diseases.

Diseases and pests

Since the tomato “Heavyweight of Siberia” was bred by Siberian breeders for cultivation in open ground in difficult climatic conditions, its main advantage is precocity.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia: reviews, photos

Due to early ripening, the fruits are not affected by such a fungal disease as late blight. This is a big plus of this variety, because this advantage allows gardeners to save precious time during the harvest period and avoid additional hassle.

Root rot often affects undersized tomato varieties. To avoid the hassle with this disease, you should only follow the recommendations regarding the tomato planting scheme, remove the lower 2-3 leaves in a timely manner and remove the weeds from the site or from the greenhouse in time.

Tomatoes “Heavyweight of Siberia” have good resistance to many diseases and pests, which are often susceptible to plants of the nightshade family. But for the purposes of prevention, you should not forget about timely processing.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia: reviews, photos

Advantages and disadvantages

Comparing the pros and cons of any variety, gardeners immediately conclude whether it is worth growing these tomatoes on their site. The “Heavyweight of Siberia” really has many advantages:

  • high resistance to low temperatures;
  • large and tasty fruits;
  • tomatoes can be grown both in open ground and in protected;
  • simple rules of landing and care;
  • fruits retain their presentation for a long time;
  • transportable;
  • is resistant to many diseases.
Important! When the first tomato ovaries appear, nitrogen-based fertilizing should be replaced with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Unfortunately, it was not without drawbacks:

  • relatively low productivity;
  • a sharp decrease in yield at high (+30˚С +35˚С and more) temperatures.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia: reviews, photos

But for residents of regions with a harsh climate, the latter disadvantage can be regarded more as a virtue.

Those gardeners who planted the Siberian Heavyweight tomato variety note that the fruits are fleshy and have a wonderful, rich taste.

The author of the video shares the secrets of growing tomatoes in the open field in the Siberian region

How do I grow tomatoes outdoors?


Tomato “Heavyweight of Siberia”, description and characteristics of the variety and fruits, photos, as well as numerous reviews of those who planted, say only one thing – in order to judge the taste of fruits, they need to be grown. Perhaps by planting this “hero”, you will add another favorite variety of tomato to your piggy bank.


Ella, 32 years old, Novokuznetsk
I grew Siberian Heavyweight in a greenhouse. The bush was very tall, almost under the roof. Pasynkoval rarely, and especially did not look after, as I come to the dacha once a week. The tomatoes were quite large, about 350-450 grams each. Liked the taste very much. I will definitely plant.
Marina, 48 years old, Kamen-on-Obi
I really enjoyed growing this variety. Unpretentious, does not require much attention and care, but at the same time gives very large fruits. Almost did not stepson. I just put boards under the brushes. What else I would like to note. I planted 12 bushes, but not a single tomato cracked. All were smooth and whole. Very sweet and tasty.
Katya, 51 years old, p. Maryanovka
“Heavyweight” I plant for six years in a row. Your seeds. Excellent variety. Suitable for those who cannot or do not want to constantly mess around in the garden. Fertilized only twice with mullein, there were a lot of tomatoes. I grow it mainly for salads. I don’t use it for blanks – there isn’t enough, we eat everything.

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