Tomato Gypsy: reviews, photos, yield

Gypsy tomato is a medium-ripening variety that is distinguished by dark chocolate-colored fruits. The fruits have a good taste and salad purpose.

Features of the variety

Characteristics and description of the Gypsy tomato variety:

  • average terms of maturing;
  • 95-110 days pass from germination to harvest;
  • bush height from 0,9 to 1,2 m;
  • the first bud appears above the 9th leaf, the next – after 2-3 sheets.

Features of the fruits of the Gypsy variety:

  • round shape;
  • weight from 100 to 180 g;
  • pinkish chocolate color;
  • fragile skin;
  • juicy and fleshy pulp;
  • sweet taste with slight sourness.

The fruits of the Gypsy variety are added to snacks, salads, hot and main dishes. Juices, purees and sauces are obtained from tomatoes. The fruits have a limited storage period and can be transported over short distances. Gypsy tomatoes are distinguished by a high content of solids, vitamins and trace elements.

Getting the seedlings

Gypsy tomatoes are grown in seedlings. Seeds are planted at home. The resulting seedlings provide the necessary conditions: temperature, soil moisture, lighting.

Preparatory stage

Gypsy tomato seeds are planted in mid-March or early April. Under planting take an equal amount of fertile land and humus. It is allowed to use peat tablets or soil for seedlings sold in gardening stores.

Before starting planting work, the soil is calcined in an oven or microwave oven for the purpose of disinfection. The processing time is 20 minutes. Another disinfection option is to water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Advice! To improve germination, tomato seeds of the Gypsy variety are placed in warm water for a day.

If the seeds have a colored shell, then they are ready for planting without additional treatments. The manufacturer covered such planting material with a nutrient mixture. During germination, tomatoes will receive the nutrients necessary for their development.

Tomato Gypsy: reviews, photos, yield

Planting containers 12-15 cm high are filled with soil. When using individual cups, tomatoes do not need a pick. If the seeds are placed in large containers, then in the future the plants will have to be seated.

Gypsy tomato seeds are deepened by 0,5 cm and watered. The top of the container is covered with a film and transferred to a dark place. Seed germination occurs at a temperature of 20-25°C for 7-10 days.

Care of seedlings

After germination, the Gypsy tomatoes are rearranged on the windowsill. For the active development of tomato seedlings, certain conditions are necessary:

  • daytime temperature 18-24°C;
  • night temperature 14-16°С;
  • bright diffused light for half a day;
  • regular ventilation;
  • watering every 3 days.

If necessary, Gypsy tomatoes are provided with artificial lighting. Fitolamps are installed above the seedlings and turn them on when there is a lack of daylight.

Tomatoes are watered by spraying with warm settled water. When 2 leaves appear, the tomatoes are planted in separate containers with a capacity of 0,5 liters or more.

A couple of weeks before landing in a permanent place, they begin to harden Gypsy tomatoes. Watering is gradually reduced, and the seedlings are left for 2 hours a day in direct sunlight. This period is increased so that the plants get used to natural conditions.

Landing in the ground

Tomatoes of the Gypsy variety are recommended for growing indoors. In autumn, prepare a place for planting tomatoes. About 12 cm of soil in the greenhouse is replaced, since insects and fungal pathogens hibernate in it.

Tomatoes prefer light fertile soil, well-permeable to moisture and air. In autumn, the soil in the greenhouse is dug up and fertilized with 5 kg of humus, 15 g of double superphosphate and 30 g of potassium salt per 1 sq. m.

The best predecessors for tomatoes are legumes, cabbage, carrots, onions, green manure. After any varieties of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and potatoes, planting is not performed.

Advice! Tomatoes are transferred to the greenhouse 2 months after germination. The length of the plants is 30 cm, the number of leaves is from 6.

Tomato Gypsy: reviews, photos, yield

According to the characteristics and description, the Gypsy tomato variety is tall, so the plants are planted in increments of 50 cm. When organizing several rows with tomatoes, a gap of 70 cm is made. Be sure to water the plants abundantly.

Care of tomatoes

Constant care for Gypsy tomatoes ensures a high yield of the variety. Tomatoes are watered, fed with minerals and organics. Be sure to form and tie up a bush. Additional processing is required to protect plants from diseases and pests.

Watering plants

Gypsy tomatoes are watered taking into account weather conditions and their stage of growth. For irrigation use warm water, settled in barrels. Moisture is applied in the morning or evening strictly under the root of the plants.

Watering scheme for Gypsy tomatoes:

  • before the appearance of inflorescences – weekly with 5 liters of water under the bushes;
  • during the flowering period – after 4 days with the use of 3 liters of water;
  • when fruiting – every week 4 liters of water.

Excess moisture provokes the spread of fungal diseases. After watering, the greenhouse or greenhouse is ventilated. It is especially important to ration watering during fruiting to prevent cracking of tomatoes.


The intake of nutrients is necessary for Gypsy tomatoes for full development. Top dressing involves the use of organic and mineral substances.

For the first processing of tomatoes, 0,5 liters of liquid mullein is required, which is diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution is applied under the root in the amount of 1 liter per bush.

The next treatment is carried out after 2 weeks. When forming ovaries, plants require phosphorus and potassium. Tomatoes will receive the necessary substances from a solution consisting of 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

Important! Instead of watering, spraying tomatoes on the leaf is allowed. The concentration of substances in the solution decreases. 10 g of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are dissolved in water.

An alternative to minerals is wood ash. It can be applied directly to the soil or added to water a day before watering.

Tomato Gypsy: reviews, photos, yield

Shrub formation

Gypsy tomatoes are formed into 2 or 3 stalks. Extra shoots growing from the leaf sinus are removed manually. Then the plant will direct its forces to fruit formation.

Gypsy tomato bushes are tied to a support. To do this, metal rods, wooden slats, thin pipes are dug in next to the plants. This ensures the formation of an even stem. Additionally, you need to tie brushes with fruits.

Protection against diseases and pests

According to reviews, the Gypsy tomato is resistant to diseases. Prevention of diseases is the ventilation of the greenhouse, proper watering and the elimination of excess shoots.

When signs of disease appear, the affected parts of the plants are eliminated. Landings are treated with Fundazol or Zaslon.

Against pests in the garden plot, insecticides Thunder, Bazudin, Medvetoks, Fitoverm are used. Tobacco dust is an effective folk remedy for insects. It is sprayed on the soil and tops of tomatoes. Pests are repelled by strong odors remaining after treatment of plants with a solution of ammonia.

Reviews of gardeners

Vasily, 38 years old, Moscow
Based on numerous reviews, photos and yields, I chose the Gypsy tomato for planting on my site. I bought seeds from a garden store. I start planting in March, already in May the seedlings are strong and tall. About 95% of seeds sprouted from one package. Tomatoes have grown to 1,2 m. The fruits are round with a smooth skin. The pulp is juicy and fleshy. We use the fruits of the Gypsy variety in salads and for making juice.
Lyudmila, 59 years old, Khabarovsk
I grow more than ten varieties of tomatoes in the country. Part of the fruit goes to home harvesting, the rest is for sale. I planted a Gypsy tomato after reading positive reviews. Seeds have good germination, seedlings develop quickly and do not get sick. For planting seeds in the fall, I prepare light fertile soil. The variety bears large brown-brown fruits, they are fleshy and sweet in taste. Bushes necessarily stepson and tie up. Gypsy tomatoes for salad purposes, although lecho and juice from them are very tasty.
Svetlana, 28 years old, Orel
Every year I buy new varieties of tomatoes for planting from my parents. Last year, I became interested in Gypsy tomatoes from photos, reviews and yields. Seedlings sprouted amicably, with watering and good daylight, they develop normally. Bushes have grown to 2 m, so be sure to tie them up. The variety did not get sick, the yield was high even in rainy and cool summers. The fruits are sweet and tasty, I will definitely repeat the planting next year.


Tomato Gypsy: reviews, photos, yield

Gypsy tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption or further processing. The variety gives a high yield with regular watering and top dressing. Gypsy tomatoes are grown under film shelters, where the necessary temperature and humidity conditions are provided.

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