Tomato Gravity F1

Successful cultivation of tomatoes depends on many factors. Weather conditions, care and regular feeding, of course, are very important. But the most important thing is to choose a good variety of tomatoes. In this article I would like to talk about the Gravity F1 tomato. This is an excellent hybrid. It is unpretentious and gives excellent yields. It is successfully grown by many farmers. From the description of the Gravitet F1 tomato variety, you can see that even an inexperienced gardener can handle growing such tomatoes.

Tomato Gravity F1

Characteristic of the variety

This variety of tomatoes belongs to the semi-determinant tomatoes. Subject to all growing conditions, bushes can grow up to 1,7 m in height. In addition, Gravitet tomatoes ripen very early. Already 65 days after planting the seedlings, it will be possible to collect the first ripe fruits. The plants are quite strong, the root system is well developed.

Tomatoes ripen almost at the same time. This is very convenient for those who grow tomatoes for preparing preparations for the winter. On each bush, from 7 to 9 brushes are formed. Fruit quality is high. All tomatoes are round and slightly flattened. They are dark red in color and have a beautiful sheen. The pulp is dense and juicy, the skin is strong. In general, tomatoes have an excellent presentation. They easily tolerate transportation without losing taste.

Attention! The weight of each fruit is from 170 to 200 grams. Fruits from the first clusters can weigh up to 300 grams.

Tomatoes often ripen in whole bunches. There are no green or pale spots on them. The color is uniform and brilliant. Often these tomatoes are not sold individually, but immediately in clusters. The internodes of the fruits are short, so the tomatoes look very attractive on the branch. The shape of some fruits may be slightly ribbed.

Tomato Gravity F1

Reviews of gardeners about the Gravitet F1 tomato show that the variety can be grown again after the first harvest. In the second turn, the tomatoes may be slightly smaller in size, but remain just as tasty and juicy. True, in this way tomatoes should be grown only in greenhouse conditions.

A nice bonus to everything is the high resistance of the variety to a variety of tomato diseases. Gravitet F1 variety is not afraid of such diseases:

  • tobacco mosaic virus;
  • fusarium wilt;
  • gall nematodes;
  • verticillosis.

All these characteristics have already conquered many gardeners. They claim that caring for the bushes is very simple. Tomatoes rarely get sick and bring a good harvest. The variety, of course, needs certain top dressings, which only improve the quality of the product. For this, both organic and mineral fertilizers are used.

Based on all of the above, we can distinguish the following advantages of this variety:

  1. High yield.
  2. Beautiful and large fruits.
  3. The maturation time is only 2 months.
  4. Even in unsuitable conditions, green spots do not form.
  5. High resistance to tomato diseases.
  6. Possibility to grow tomatoes in two turns under cover.

Tomato Gravity F1


Well-lit areas with fertile soil are suitable for growing tomatoes of the Gravitet F1 variety. It is desirable that they be covered by buildings or trees on the north side. You can determine the appropriate time for planting seedlings by some signs. The soil in the garden should warm up to +20 ° C, and the air temperature is at least +25 ° C. It is very important to harden seedlings before planting. To do this, the temperature in the room is gradually lowered. You should also reduce watering. In this way, plants will be able to adapt to more severe conditions.

The preparation of beds begins in the fall. The soil is carefully dug up with the addition of organic fertilizers. In the spring, as soon as the soil warms up, you can start planting seedlings. Tomatoes should be well watered so that they can be easily removed from containers. Young bushes are planted at a great distance from each other. Plants should not shade each other’s sun.

Important! 2 or 3 bushes are planted per square meter of the plot.

The planting technology itself is no different from other varieties. To begin with, dig holes of a suitable size. One plant is placed there. Then the holes are buried with soil and tamped a little. Next, the tomatoes will need to be watered. For one bush you need at least a liter of water.

Tomato Gravity F1

Caring for tomatoes

The quality and quantity of the crop largely depends on the care of the bushes. It is imperative to remove weeds from the beds, as well as to loosen the soil between tomatoes. In this case, one should be guided by the condition of the soil. If a crust forms on the surface, then it’s time to loosen the aisles. This procedure helps oxygen to freely penetrate deep into, saturating the root system of the bushes.

Reviews of the Gravitet F1 tomato variety confirm that this hybrid is undemanding in terms of soil moisture. Water the plants as needed. In this case, it is better not to overdo it. If the soil is too wet, the tomatoes may get sick. Most often, this variety affects brown spotting and late blight.

In addition, tomatoes need to be fed periodically. Just three steps are enough:

  1. The first top dressing is carried out 10 days after planting the seedlings. If the plants are not yet strong, you can wait a few more days. For the preparation of the nutrient mixture, both organic and mineral fertilizers are used. Alternatively, you can combine liquid mullein and superphosphate (no more than 20 grams) with 10 liters of water. This solution is used for watering bushes. This solution is used for watering the bushes (a liter of the mixture per tomato).
  2. During the second subcortex, only mineral fertilizers are most often used. It is carried out approximately 2 weeks after the first procedure. A bed of tomatoes is sprinkled with a dry mineral mixture after loosening the soil. To feed 1 square meter of beds, you need to mix 15 grams of potassium salt, 20 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of ammonium nitrate.
  3. The third and last feeding is also carried out 2 weeks after the previous one. For this, the same mixture is used as during the second feeding. This amount of nutrients is enough for plants to grow and develop successfully.
Advice! But also do not forget about pinching tomatoes.

Tomato Gravity F1

To increase productivity, you can grow Gravitet F1 tomatoes in a greenhouse. Thus, the fruits will be much larger, and their quality will also improve. In addition, tomatoes will ripen much faster. In such conditions, tomatoes are not afraid of rain or cold winds. This is an ideal solution for residents of the northern regions.

The variety of tomatoes “Gravitet F1” is intended for cultivation in the south and in the conditions of the middle lane. But even in the north, it is possible to grow such tomatoes if you build a reliable and warm shelter. Such excellent characteristics made this variety popular not only in our country, but also abroad.


Every gardener dreams of an unpretentious and high-yielding variety of tomatoes. Tomato “Gravitet F1” is just that. Many gardeners love this variety for its excellent taste and high disease resistance. Of course, bad weather conditions and improper care can undermine the health of tomatoes. But in general, the bushes are very strong and hardy. Caring for this variety is no more difficult than for other hybrids. Given all the advantages and disadvantages, it becomes clear why Gravity F1 is gaining such great popularity.


Leonid Viktorovich, 45 years old, Volgograd
I saw on the Internet a photo of the Gravitet F1 tomato variety and decided to plant it in my country house. From the first year, I noticed many advantages of this variety over the tomatoes that I had grown earlier. The bushes have never hurt. I carry out the prevention of late blight every year, because I know that if the disease appears, it will be difficult to cure it. I don’t use any more. I carry out top dressing as usual, I use only organic matter. Tomatoes are very large and tasty, the flesh is fleshy. Excellent marinated and pickled tomatoes are obtained.
Valentina Sergeevna, 38 years old, Voronezh
For the first time, I saw the Gravitet F1 variety from my neighbor. She always finds some new and interesting tomatoes. Then I looked at the description on the Internet and decided to purchase seeds in order to grow seedlings on my own. The seeds sprouted quickly and grew strong. By the time of planting, the seedlings barely fit on the windowsills. Planted tomatoes outdoors. Plants quickly took root and began to grow. A couple of times I fed the bushes with superphosphate and organic fertilizers. Harvested with great pleasure, as he was very generous.
The most important secret to a big tomato crop

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