Tomato Golden Fleece: reviews, photos

In recent years, colorful vegetables have come into fashion. There was even a theory that in order to save from depression and simply to maintain the necessary balance in the body, a person needs to eat about one serving per day (which is about 100 grams in weight) of vegetables or fruits of various colors. Among the varieties of tomatoes, such a large number of shades have recently appeared that only by eating these beloved vegetables (or, from a botanical point of view, berries), you can provide yourself with a so-called multi-colored plate for many days and weeks. It is especially easy to do this in the summer for those lucky ones who have their own plot with a garden. Indeed, many multi-colored varieties are not difficult to grow on their own, it does not take much time, and already, starting in July, you will get the opportunity to enjoy the taste of your own ground tomatoes.

Tomato Golden Fleece: reviews, photos

This article will focus on one of the most attractive in appearance tomato varieties of rich orange color – the Golden Fleece. Even the very name of the variety is very poetic and only the appearance of ripe bunches of golden tomatoes can cheer you up and make you smile. True, in the description of the Golden Fleece tomato variety, the characteristics of the fruits themselves sometimes vary in various sources. But this may be due to the difference in care and growing conditions for tomatoes.

Variety description

The Golden Fleece tomato was the result of the selection of specialists from the Poisk agricultural company. It appeared about 10 years ago and already in 2008 it was officially registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Our Country. This variety can be grown both in open ground and under various shelters. It is distributed throughout our country.

Tomato Golden Fleece: reviews, photos

Bushes are determinate, although someone tends to classify them as semi-determinant, because in favorable conditions they are able to grow quite tall, up to 1 meter in height or more. However, under standard open ground conditions, the height of Golden Fleece plants is about 40-60 cm.

Attention! The bushes of this variety of tomatoes are not spread out in all directions and have a rather compact appearance, which allows them to be planted with a density above average.

Reviews of gardeners who grew the Golden Fleece tomato indicate that up to 7 plants can be planted in open ground per square meter, and all of them will develop well. True, with a dense planting, this variety needs pinching, while if you plant it more rarely (4-5 plants per 1 square meter), then you can not even pinch the tomatoes, but let them develop freely.

Tomato Golden Fleece: reviews, photos

Here, everyone is free to choose the method of cultivation that he prefers. And beginners can be advised to try both methods and, after analyzing the results, choose the most suitable one for themselves.

The leaves of this tomato are medium in size, of a standard appearance, the foliage is also medium.

In terms of ripening, the Golden Fleece can be attributed to early-ripening tomatoes, since usually the first ripe fruits appear 87-95 days after germination. Although in some reviews, gardeners call the variety rather late-ripening, this fact can only be attributed to the possibility of regrading in seeds.

It is difficult to call a record yield from one bush – it is about 1,5 kg of tomatoes. But, given the possibility of denser plantings of Golden Fleece tomatoes, one square meter can result in quite good yields – up to 10 kg of fruit.

Tomato Golden Fleece: reviews, photos

Tomatoes resist various diseases and adverse growing conditions well.

Important! They show especially good resistance to a dangerous incurable disease of tomatoes – tomato mosaic virus.

Tomatoes of this variety are also not subject to cracking.

Characteristics of tomatoes

The Golden Fleece variety is distinguished by very attractive-looking fruits that have the following characteristics.

The shape of the fruit is usually ovoid, but, according to gardeners, some tomatoes grow more elongated, somewhat similar to bell peppers. Sometimes on the tips of the tomatoes you can observe a small outgrowth, in the form of a spout. There is a small indentation at the base of the stem.

The size of the fruits of this variety is small, on average they weigh from 90 to 110 grams. They grow in the form of brushes, each of which contains from four to eight tomatoes.

Tomato Golden Fleece: reviews, photos

Tomatoes at the stage of technical maturity have a green tint, ripening, they gradually turn yellow, which becomes bright orange when fully ripe. The pulp of the fruit is also a very beautiful rich red hue, somewhat reminiscent of the pulp of exotic fruits.

The skin of tomatoes is smooth, rather dense, the number of seed chambers is small – 2-3 pieces.

The taste of the fruit is rated as good. Many people like it, they find sweetness and some zest in it. Others consider it ordinary and suitable only for conservation. But taste, as you know, is too individual.

Golden Fleece tomatoes are well preserved and suitable for transportation over long distances.

Tomato Golden Fleece: reviews, photos

Most gardeners agree that the Golden Fleece is ideal for whole-fruit canning, especially when combined with tomato varieties of the same shape, but red. And if you add yellow tomatoes to them, then a multi-colored fairy tale will come to life in the jars.

Advice! Tomatoes with such beautiful pulp make very tasty and original tomato juice in color.

And fresh, in salads, they look very attractive.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Tomato Golden Fleece is popular among gardeners due to its advantages:

  • Unpretentiousness in cultivation (garter and stepson are optional) and resistance to diseases.
  • Early fruit ripening.
  • Attractiveness and originality in the appearance of tomatoes and their good preservation.
  • Possibility of growing in thickened plantings.

The variety also has some disadvantages:

  • Average yield from one bush;
  • Not the best tomato flavor.

Testimonials from truck drivers

Tomato Golden Fleece: reviews, photos

In most lists of the most attractive tomatoes for growing among the colorful orange tomatoes, the Golden Fleece variety is necessarily mentioned. And this is direct evidence of the popularity of this variety. Reviews of gardeners about the Golden Fleece tomato are also mostly positive.

Oksana, 31 years old Leningrad Region
I liked the Golden Fleece tomatoes from the Poisk agricultural company. The plants were grown in a greenhouse, grew to 90 cm. Ripe about 90 days after emergence. The fruits are very pretty, yellow-orange in color, dense, good for any kind of processing.
Vladislava, 28 years old, Kemerovo city
The Golden Fleece tomato accidentally got into my greenhouse, although I planned it for open ground. Well, I left about 4-5 stepsons on it, grew in height right up to 150 cm. The taste seemed ordinary to me. Only the size of the tomatoes disappointed me – some are too small.
Alexander, 49 years old, Moscow region
I have been growing Golden Fleece tomatoes for several years now and love them very much for their unpretentiousness and good taste. My bushes grow almost without care, I don’t tie them up and I don’t stepchild. I just fill up all the bases of the roots with straw, and all my fruits lie and ripen on a high litter. The bush is simply strewn with tomatoes of different sizes, both small and rather large. Responds very well to organic fertilizing. I water rarely, but plentifully. Especially in order to get a late harvest, I plant them in the ground no earlier than the beginning of June. And in August I cover the beds with it with a home-made polyethylene roof. I protect, thus, from excess dampness and, accordingly, from late blight.
Victoria, 34 years old Penza
My Golden Fleece tomatoes made me very happy this year. The whole family ate them and was very pleased. The tomatoes were sweet, the taste even more reminiscent of some kind of fruit than tomatoes. There wasn’t even much left for preservation. The variety is completely non-capricious, there was not a single sore, although it was grown in open ground. I specifically counted – there were 6-8 tomatoes in each brush. There were three brushes on the bush, and two of them had time to fully ripen. Next year, I think, I will plant more of them, so that there is enough for salads and to prepare for the winter.
Svetlana, 37 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
I grew this variety of tomatoes in a greenhouse. It grew up mid-late, I would rate the taste as a three, it is only suitable for cans. A bit like a Goldfish, but worse.
Anna, 48 years old Ufa
I have been growing the Golden Fleece for two years in open ground. In the first year, the summer was good, it grew to 70-80 cm. I didn’t stepchild, the harvest was good. Tomatoes were stored for a long time, and looked very beautiful in pickling. And last year there was no summer at all, but it grew, although there were fewer fruits. I will keep planting it.


Tomato Golden Fleece: reviews, photos

For lovers of multi-colored tomatoes and housewives who appreciate not only the practical, but also the aesthetic component in conservation, the Golden Fleece tomato will be a good choice. After all, he does not require scrupulous care and will endure many hardships. But, it can give you the opportunity to eat ripe tomatoes quite early, already in July. In contrast to its more delicious and fruitful, but also later ripening counterparts.

Proven variety of tomatoes: “Golden Fleece”

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