Tomato Gazpacho: reviews, photos, yield

To enjoy the taste of ripe tomatoes until the next season, vegetable growers grow varieties of different ripening periods. Mid-season species are very popular. They are inferior to the early ones in terms of harvest time, but are valued for the ability to preserve fruits longer and make high-quality harvesting. The mid-season varieties include the magnificent Gazpacho tomato, the characteristics and properties of which we will consider in the article.

Features of a mid-ripening tomato

The choice of a new variety always causes some difficulties. Tomato varieties differ in many ways. Growing conditions also leave their mark. Ground tomatoes are much tastier, greenhouse ones are better resistant to diseases, early ones do not always have a rich taste, and late ones often have to be harvested unripe in cold summers. But there are universal varieties of tomatoes that save vegetable growers from many problems. “Gazpacho” is on the list of species that remain favorites of summer residents for a long time, due to their qualities.

In the description of the Gazpacho tomato variety, attention should be paid to the following characteristics:

  1. Bush type. Determinate, undersized, strong, medium leafy. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 45-50 cm.
  2. Ripening time is average. Tomatoes ripen 115-120 days after germination. A very convenient time for compiling a varied menu and culinary preparations.
  3. Fruit quality. Tomatoes of the Gazpacho variety are cylindrical in shape and red in color. Covered with smooth shiny skin. The taste of the fruit is sweet, very pleasant and memorable. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, allows the use of tomatoes for the preparation of fragrant juice. The weight of tomatoes ranges from 75 to 90 grams.
  4. The yield of the variety is high. With good care, more than 4 kg of ripe tasty Gazpacho tomatoes are harvested from one plant (see photo).

    Tomato Gazpacho: reviews, photos, yield

  5. The keeping quality and transportability of the variety deserves the attention of farmers. Tomatoes do not lose commercial qualities for a long time, if you create optimal conditions for storage.
  6. Growing method. The Gazpacho tomato variety is recommended for open ground, but many farmers also grow it in greenhouses. Most importantly, the result does not disappoint.
  7. The resistance of the Gazpacho tomato to diseases and climatic changes is quite high.

The described qualities of the variety will be very pronounced if the agricultural practices of growing mid-ripening tomatoes are carefully observed, which will be discussed below.

Preparing and growing seedlings

If you decide to grow the Gazpacho tomato variety, then it is better to refuse the reckless method.

Tomato Gazpacho: reviews, photos, yield

This will allow early planting of already strengthened seedlings in the ground and harvest in time.

In their reviews, vegetable growers note that it is better to plant seedlings of Gazpacho tomatoes in a permanent place no later than the first decade of June. Therefore, the sowing date is set for the middle or end of March, so that the seedlings have time to grow. Too early sowing is also undesirable. Tomato seedlings can outgrow, and will not take root well. The optimal age of tomato seedlings of the mid-season Gazpacho variety for planting in the ground is 55-60 days.

Care should be taken when purchasing seeds. Although the seeds of the Gazpacho tomato variety are able to remain viable for up to 7-8 years, it is better not to use planting material older than 4-5 years. It is good if the tomato seeds are collected independently on their site. In this case, you can be sure that the most healthy and productive bushes are selected for collection.

According to gardeners, the seeds of the Gazpacho tomato variety can be sown both dry and pre-soaked. This does not affect the yield. For soaking use:

  1. Ash infusion. In 1 liter of hot water, stir 2 tbsp. spoons of wood ash and insist two days.
  2. Solution “Fitosporin-M”. This drug will not only improve the germination of Gazpacho tomato seeds, but also protect against fungal infections.

Before sowing tomato seeds, you need to prepare the soil mixture and container. A good option is to collect all the components for the soil in advance (in autumn). You will need to mix peat (2 parts), compost (1 part), soddy soil (1 part), sand (0,5 parts), a little complex mineral fertilizer (2 tablespoons) and wood ash (1 cup). According to summer residents, such a composition will increase the yield of the Gazpacho tomato, and the bushes will be strewn with ripe fruits, as in the photo.

Tomato Gazpacho: reviews, photos, yield

To properly care for seedlings, vegetable growers sow Gazpacho tomatoes in special containers or plastic containers. When growing seedlings, they must be dived, so the container should be comfortable. The containers are washed with a disinfectant, dried and filled with soil.

When sowing in boxes, the seeds are arranged in rows to provide comfortable conditions for care.

Then lightly sprinkle with earth and cover with a film. Until the emergence of seedlings, the temperature of the tomato is maintained at 23°C-25°C. As soon as sprouts appear on the surface of the earth, the container is transferred closer to the light and the temperature is reduced to 16 ° C -18 ° C.

After 2 weeks, tomato seedlings need to dive. Plants are deepened to the cotyledons and shaded from sunlight for a couple of days. When transplanting, try not to damage the roots.

Further care for seedlings of the variety:

  1. Very good lighting. Do not forget to turn the container around the axis so that the tomato seedlings do not lean. And you still have to light up if there is no sun or the day is very short.
  2. Watering without fanaticism. Excessive zeal will harm the Gazpacho tomatoes more than indifference. Waterlogging will cause trouble in the form of a “black leg” on seedlings. Therefore, a little warm water will be enough when the topsoil dries.
  3. Top dressing. If the soil is purchased, then at first the seedlings of the Gazpacho tomato are not fed. There are enough nutrients in the mixture. If the soil was prepared independently, then after 2 weeks the seedlings are fed with complex mineral fertilizer. The solution is made weak by halving the concentration than it should be for adult tomatoes.
  4. hardening. Tomato seedlings are constantly ventilated, and 2 weeks before planting in a permanent place, they begin to harden intensively. Intense does not mean immediately. Plants are gradually accustomed to the temperature in which they will have to grow further. This also applies to solar lighting.

Vegetable growers consider Gazpacho tomato seedlings ready for planting if it has a stem up to 30 cm high and 6 full-fledged dark green leaves.

Landing in the ground and care

The first days of June, when the heat is established, is the best time for planting the Gazpacho tomato variety. In the southern regions, you can shift the deadline by a whole month.

For the first two weeks, the plants, apart from watering, do not need to do anything. Then vegetable growers will need to devote time and attention to tomatoes:

  1. Weeding, loosening, mulching ridges. According to summer residents, when growing the Gazpacho tomato, these procedures should not be ignored.
  2. Top dressing. The variety responds well to nutrition with mineral fertilizer complexes. During the growing season, 2-3 dressings are enough for tomatoes to bear fruit well. At the beginning of tomato growth, compounds are used that contain more nitrogen components. During flowering and the formation of ovaries – potassium.
  3. preventive treatments. In order not to have to deal with pests and the consequences of diseases, at least 3 treatments of the Gazpacho tomato are carried out during the season. The first time 2 weeks after planting the seedlings, then at intervals of at least 14 days.

Among the pests that can harm Gazpacho tomatoes, it is worth noting the bear, the Colorado potato beetle, aphids and slugs. Vegetable growers are recommended to use drugs to combat parasites:

  • Actophyte;
  • Bioslimax;
  • Natur Guard.
Important! When working with such substances, precautions must be taken.

For those who prefer natural remedies, folk recipes are suitable. Infusions of garlic, nettle and soap have proven themselves well.

Sometimes vegetable growers note poor germination of seeds of a variety, so there is an alternative solution – to collect tomato seeds on your own. To do this, choose the best fruits that are located on the first or second brushes.

Important! The selected fruits of Gazpacho tomatoes must have all varietal characteristics.

Fully ripened tomatoes are laid on a plate and left in the light. A week later, the fruits are cut, the seeds are taken out with the pulp and again left for fermentation. Then the seeds are washed, dried in the shade and sent for storage.


Galina Yakusheva
We have been growing Gazpacho tomatoes for sale for several years. Excellent variety. It does not deteriorate during transportation, the keeping quality is good. Withstands unloading and loading operations without problems. Customers really like the shape and taste of tomatoes. They are sweet, fleshy, suitable for canning and processing.
Semen Zamyatin
The first time I got more negative emotions – my seeds did not sprout. But I decided to try again. Homemade people like large-fruited tomatoes, but Gazpacho won everyone’s love from the first time. Tomatoes are juicy, neat, sweet and fleshy. Unpretentious to growing conditions and almost does not get sick. If late blight appears, then it is enough to remove the affected bushes in time to save the entire garden.
TOMATO GASPACHO is good for tomato soup and pasta. Gavrish.

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