Tomato Female share F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Female share F1 – a hybrid of the latest generation, is at the stage of experimental cultivation. Obtained by crossing an early maturing and frost-resistant variety. The originators of the tomato are the employees of the Chelyabinsk breeding station, the copyright holders of the agricultural company Uralskaya Usadba.

Tomato Female share F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Variety description

Tomato Female share F1 of indeterminate type, it was created for growing in the conditions of a short summer in Siberia and the Urals. The variety is early ripe, ripens in 3 months from the moment of planting. Recommended for cultivation in a protected area. To get an early harvest, this variety of tomatoes needs a certain temperature regime (+250 C). It is possible to fulfill agrotechnical requirements in a temperate climate only in greenhouses, then the fruits begin to ripen in early July. In the Southern regions, the variety is grown in open ground, tomatoes ripen at the end of July.

Tomatoes with unlimited growth in height, without regulation reach 2,5 m. The growth parameter is determined in accordance with the size of the trellis, approximately 1,8 m. A strong lower process is used to strengthen the bush with a second trunk. This measure unloads the plant and increases the yield.

Description of Tomato Women’s share F1:

  1. The central trunk of a tomato is of medium thickness, dense, hard, gray-green in color, gives a large number of light green stepchildren. The structure of tomato fibers is stiff and flexible. The indeterminate type of vegetation affects the stability of the central stem, it does not withstand the mass of fruits, fixation to the trellis is necessary.
  2. Tomato variety Female share F1 has intense foliage, the leaves are a tone darker than young shoots. The shape of the leaf plate is oblong, the surface is corrugated, with a fine edge, the edges are carved.
  3. The root system is powerful, superficial, overgrown to the sides. Fully provides the plant with nutrition.
  4. The tomato blooms profusely with yellow flowers, the variety is self-pollinated, each flower gives a viable ovary, this feature is a guarantee of a high yield of the variety.
  5. Tomatoes are formed on long brushes of 7-9 pieces. The first bookmark of the bunch is near the 5th leaf, then after each 4th.
Attention! The female share of F1 ripens unevenly, the last tomatoes are removed at the stage of technical ripeness, they ripen safely without losing their taste and appearance.

Brief description and taste of fruits

The visiting card of the tomato Women’s share F1 is the unusual shape of the fruit. The mass of tomatoes is not the same. The fruits of the lower circle are large, the higher the clusters are located on the trunk, the less the weight of the tomatoes. The filling of the brush with ovaries also decreases.

Description of tomatoes varieties Women’s share F1:

  • tomatoes located on the lower circle, weighing 180-250 g, from medium brushes – 130-170 g;
  • the shape of the tomatoes is round, pressed from above and at the base, they are dissected into several lobes of different sizes, outwardly they resemble a pumpkin or squash in shape;
  • the peel is thin, glossy, resilient, elastic, does not crack;
  • tomato Female share F1 maroon color with a yellow-green pigment spot near the stalk;
  • the pulp is dense, juicy, without voids and white fragments, has 5 chambers filled with a small amount of small seeds.

Tomato Female share F1: characteristics and description of the variety

The taste of the tomato is well balanced, sweet with a slight concentration of acid. Tomatoes Women’s share F1 universal application. Due to their high palatability, they are consumed fresh, they are well suited for processing into juice, ketchup, homemade tomato paste. Grow a tomato in the garden and large farm areas. The sweet taste of juicy tomatoes allows them to be used as an ingredient in vegetable salads.

Attention! The variety is stored for a long time and is safely transported.

Varietal characteristics

Hybrid tomato Female F1, thanks to the genetic material taken as a basis, is a high-yielding variety. It tolerates night and day temperature changes well. It has a strong immune system, practically immune to fungal infections. Does not require additional lighting in greenhouse structures.

A high yield is achieved due to the formation of a bush with two central shoots. To unload the tomato, there is no need to cut the bunches. The variety of tomatoes is self-pollinating, each flower gives an ovary. Agricultural technology includes pruning stepchildren and removing excess leaves. Tomatoes receive more nutrition, which also increases the level of fruiting.

Tomato Women’s share F1 is fully adapted to regions with a temperate climate; lower temperatures do not affect productivity. Photosynthesis of the variety proceeds with a minimum amount of ultraviolet light; prolonged rainy weather will not affect the growing season.

Tomato bush Women’s share F1, grown in a greenhouse, gives an average of up to 5 kg. In unprotected territory – 2 kg less. 1 m2 3 plants are planted, the yield is about 15 kg. The first tomatoes reach biological ripeness 90 days after the seedlings are placed in the ground. Tomatoes begin to ripen in July, harvesting continues until September.

When hybridizing the culture, the originators of the variety took into account the need to increase resistance to fungal and bacterial infections. In an open area, tomatoes do not get sick. In a greenhouse structure at high humidity, late blight or macrosporiosis is possible. Of the parasitic insects, there are moths, whiteflies.

Pros and cons of the variety

Tomato Women’s share F1 fully complies with the description provided by the copyright holders. The advantages of the variety include:

  • high and stable yield regardless of temperature changes;
  • the possibility of growing in small plots and territories of farms;
  • early ripening;
  • long fruiting;
  • frost resistance;
  • universal use of tomatoes;
  • high gastronomic assessment;
  • resistance to diseases;
  • rarely affected by pests;
  • the indeterminate type of vegetation allows you to plant several plants in a small area.

Conditional disadvantages include:

  • the need to form a bush;
  • pinching;
  • support installation.

Rules of landing and care

Tomato variety Women’s share F1 is grown by seedlings. Seeds are purchased in specialized stores. Preliminary disinfection before placement in the ground is not required. The material is pre-treated with an antifungal drug.

Important! Seeds collected from a hybrid on their own are not suitable for planting next year. Planting material does not retain varietal characteristics.

Tomato Female share F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Seeding for seedlings

The laying of seeds is carried out at the end of March, a nutrient soil mixture is preliminarily prepared. They take a sod layer from the place of subsequent planting, mix it with peat, organic matter, river sand in equal proportions. The soil is calcined in the oven. Suitable container for seedlings: low wooden boxes or plastic containers.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pour the mixture into the container.
  2. Make indentations of 2 cm in the form of furrows.
  3. Planting material is laid out at a distance of 1 cm, watered, covered with soil.
  4. The container is covered with glass or polyethylene.
  5. Cleaned in a lighted room with a constant temperature of +220

After germination, the covering material is removed, the plant is fed with organic matter. After the formation of 3 sheets dive into peat or plastic glasses. Water at least 1 time in 10 days.

Seedling transplant

Tomato seedlings are transplanted Female share F1 in open ground after warming up the soil to +160 C, are guided by the peculiarities of the regional climate in order to exclude return spring frosts, around the end of May. Seedlings are placed in the greenhouse 2 weeks earlier. The landing pattern in an open area and a protected area is the same. 1 m2 3 tomatoes are planted. The distance between seedlings is 0,5 m, row spacing is 0,7 m.

Care of tomatoes

For good growth and fruiting, tomatoes of the Female Share F1 variety are recommended:

  1. Top dressing at the time of flowering with a phosphorus agent, during the formation of fruits – with potassium-containing fertilizers, organic matter.
  2. Maintenance of temperature and air humidity.
  3. Periodic ventilation of the greenhouse during the hot season.
  4. Mulching the root circle with straw or peat.
  5. Watering 2 times a week.
  6. Formation of a bush with two stems, pruning of young shoots, removal of leaves and fruiting branches.

As it grows, it is necessary to fix the shoots to the support, loosen the soil and remove weeds, as well as preventive treatment with copper-containing agents.


Tomato Female share F1 – a hybrid variety of early ripening. An indeterminate plant gives a consistently high yield. The variety of tomatoes is adapted to the weather conditions of a temperate climate. It has stable immunity to fungal infections, is rarely affected by pests. Fruits with a good gastronomic evaluation, versatile in use.

Tomato “Women’s share F1” or Timento from the Ural Dachnik


Olga Ryzhova, 38 years old, Kemerovo region
This year, the Women’s Share planted a tomato in a greenhouse, attracted by the exotic shape of the fruit. Caring for a tomato is the same as for any indeterminate species: it formed a bush, removed stepchildren and extra leaves. According to the declared characteristics, the tomato variety is high-yielding, the crop was specially weighed. From 1 unit received 6,5 kg. I think the result is good.
Tatyana Starchenko, 60 years old, Chelyabinsk
At the dacha I grow a tomato. Women’s share for the 3rd year. I recommend to everyone for growing. Despite the fact that the fruits of the hybrids are hard, the tomatoes of this variety are very tasty, moderately sweet. The pulp is juicy, the seeds are small. Good for homemade. For all the time of cultivation, the tomato never got sick, there were no pests on it. The harvest gives a good one, from 4 bushes I collected about 23 kg.

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