Tomato Fatima: variety description, photos, reviews

Fatima tomatoes are considered a godsend for people who have summer cottages, vegetable gardens and love to grow vegetables. This variety requires almost no care, unpretentious, brings a lot of harvest. Prior to the purchase of seeds and the start of cultivation, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics and description of the Fatima tomato variety.


The bushes of the Fatima variety are small, their height is not more than 60 cm. They are strong and each bush is productive. If you know all the subtleties, the rules for caring for tomatoes, then it is possible to get 10 kg of fruit from each square meter.

Fatima tomato is an early ripe variety, the fruits are quite large, they belong to the dessert type. A positive feature is the duration of fruiting, until autumn. It is worth noting that you can buy seeds of a hybrid species, which has a similar name, but there is an F1 prefix. Description of tomato Fatima F1, its characteristics will be different. The hybrid belongs to the mid-season species, the bushes are tall and it is better to grow them in a greenhouse or film shelter.

Tomato Fatima: variety description, photos, reviews

People who constantly grow the variety give only a positive description of the Fatima tomato variety. The fruits have a pleasant sweet taste, high juiciness, as well as fleshy pulp. The color of the tomato is pink, the size is quite large, which reaches 200-400 grams. This type is suitable both for salads, fresh consumption, and for the production of juice, sauce, pasta or winter preparations.

Additional advantages of Fatima are that the peel does not crack, which allows you to store tomatoes for a long time. The positive qualities of tomatoes include:

  • Excellent taste qualities.
  • High calorie content of each tomato.
  • Good immune system.
  • The tomato does not crack when ripe.

It is very difficult to find faults, because the breeders have done a good job creating this species. Weaknesses include only some difficulties in collecting seed material, because there is not so much of it. Description and visual features can be seen in the video:

Tomato variety FATIMA


Fatima tomatoes grow well in any region, but for this it is necessary to sow seeds in March. You can grow Fatima tomatoes both in open ground and in a greenhouse or under a film cover. Tomatoes prefer places on the site that are well lit and warmed by the sun; the variety does not like shady areas. Before sowing, the seeds are prepared, and the process should begin a couple of months before transplanting the seedlings. Although Fatima can be planted without seedlings.

To prepare the seeds, they must be put in a solution of potassium permanganate. If the seeds are stored for a year or longer, then before processing they are soaked in warm water, leaving for a couple of hours. When using potassium permanganate, the seeds must lie for 20 minutes. To prepare a solution for 1 gram of potassium permanganate, 125 ml of water is added.

Advice! The characteristic of Fatima tomatoes is such that they do not need to stepchild, but the bush itself will need to be tied up using supports for this.

If seeds are purchased, then they do not need to be processed in potassium permanganate, since this will only cause harm.

Tomato Fatima: variety description, photos, reviews

Before planting, the gardener needs to prepare the soil itself. For this, ordinary garden or garden soil is used, but it often contains a lot of bacteria, pests, and you need to get rid of them. To disinfect the soil, the earth is laid on a baking sheet and sent to the oven for calcination. You can go the other way, put the soil in a colander and put it over boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

The prepared soil is poured into the desired container, then grooves of about 5 cm are made. 2-3 seeds are placed in one hole, the distance between them is about 2 cm. After sowing, the grooves are covered with soil, everything is watered. For better germination, it is recommended to close the container with a film, cellophane or simply cover it with glass, leave the seedlings in a warm place, for example, near the battery.

Transfer to the site

Seedlings should be planted in open ground with the onset of May. If Fatima is grown under film cover or greenhouse conditions, then seedlings can be transferred even in mid-spring.

2-3 days before planting the bushes, you will need to treat the seedlings with agents that stimulate growth. Effective drugs include:

  • Immunocytophyte.
  • Appin.

When using such means, the growth of bushes and fruits will increase significantly. The Fatima variety should be planted in nutritious and rich lands. In this regard, it is necessary to treat the selected area with a mineral-type fertilizer. At home, feeding is carried out using:

  • Compost.
  • Potassium humus.
  • Phosphorus humus.

Before planting, the earth on the site is loosened, about 5 cm deep, in order to remove the crust. Now you can transplant the seedlings by making small holes for them. For each, the depth should not exceed 15 cm. It is recommended to use the 40×50 planting technique. All bushes must be planted at a right angle, but if the seedlings are very tall, then a peg is immediately inserted, used for further tying the plants.

Important! With light and fertilized soil, the variety will give excellent yields, especially if you engage in additional feeding during growth.

Caring for the Fatima tomato variety is very simple, since there is no need to form bushes, as well as get rid of stepchildren. But based on the mass of tomatoes, you will definitely need to tie up each bush. In addition to care includes watering and weeding the land from weeds. It is best that the soil is loosened, not brought to the point where a crust forms. After planting, you can expect a harvest for 85-90 days.

Care instructions

Like other varieties of tomato, Fatima requires some care, although the variety is undemanding. For the good development of the bushes, it will be necessary to ensure the normal humidity of the earth. Watering is carried out regularly; in case of drought, the development of the plant will be slow.

If there is bad weather outside the window, without the sun, then watering is done once a week. For sunny and hot weather, the amount of watering increases, the interval between moistening is a couple of days.

Fertilizers are applied throughout the growing season. The very first top dressing should be made approximately 10 days after transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place. For this, solutions made from mullein, saltpeter, and also superphosphate are used. To get enough oxygen to the roots of Fatima tomatoes, the soil is loosened, and weeds can be removed at the same time.


According to the description of the tomato variety Fatima, it can be noted that the immune system is good, which means that the characteristic tomato diseases are not terrible. Fatima is not subject to late blight and resists other diseases. However, in some cases, problems can arise. If the bushes began to hurt, then they are processed. To do this, use a fungicidal composition. Insecticides are used to protect the plant from pests and parasites.


With proper care, cultivation, as well as positive weather for tomato growth, the harvest will be large. From 1 sq. m. plantings can be obtained by 10 kg of tomato. The collection of the Fatima variety is recommended to be carried out in the middle of summer, and to be more precise, from the end of July. Tomatoes are plucked as they grow and mature. The collection is simple, and given that the peel does not burst, storage can be carried out for a long time.

For long-term storage, it is recommended to collect slightly unripe fruits, without obvious damage. Put them in boxes lined with paper. You can store in the cellar, as well as places with high humidity, excellent ventilation and a temperature of about +5 degrees. Fatima tolerates transportation normally, the presentation does not disappear.

If all the rules are followed, then you can get a lot of fruits that will delight with taste and aroma, as well as delight winter preparations using this variety. Fatima tomatoes are suitable for personal needs or for making money selling them.


Eugene, 37 years old, Zvenigorod
I looked through and read the reviews and photos of the Fatima tomato, the yield surprised me, I decided to plant them in my garden. After the first harvest, I was very pleased, I immediately began to take tomatoes to obtain seeds that will be used in the future. The taste is very good, the fruits are quite large, juicy. I have been growing tomatoes for 3 years and I recommend them to everyone.
Ekaterina Viktorovna, 54 years old, Dmitrov
On the advice of the godfather, I decided to buy several packages of seeds and plant a small area with this variety. In general, I was satisfied, however, I managed to collect only 5-6 kg per 1 sq. m., but, despite this, the harvest was enough. Tomatoes make a lot of tasty juice, they are suitable for tomato paste. I use other varieties for preservation, because I like whole rolled tomatoes, but I can’t find equal fresh ones.


Any person can grow Fatima tomato, without special agronomic skills. The variety is undemanding, easy to care for. It is enough to know a few simple rules and you can get a lot of fruit.

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