Tomato Far North: characteristics and description of the variety

Not all varieties of vegetables, fruits and berries are suitable for cold regions of the country due to climatic conditions. One of these special developments was the Far North tomato. Its main feature is that it belongs to cold-resistant varieties that easily and without consequences endure low air temperatures and at the same time give an excellent harvest.

Tomato Far North: characteristics and description of the variety

Basic description

The description of the Far North tomato includes its main characteristic – an early ripe appearance. The bush itself is undersized, reaching a height of no more than 50 centimeters. By splendor, the bush is very compact, standard. The leaves of the plant are medium in size. The dimensions of this species allow you to plant more bushes on a small plot of land.

Reviews of the Far North tomato show that this variety grows well and ripens not only in the “special” regions of the country, but also where the summer is cool and rainy. Even with a minimum amount of sun and exposure to the rays, the fruits ripen quickly without affecting the taste.

The time interval from germination to the first fruits is approximately 90 days. Ripening begins from the end of July to mid-August. During this short period of time, there is an almost complete return of fruits that ripen in a few days.

Given the fact that this type of tomato was developed for growing in the conditions of the Northern regions, the bushes are distinguished by a strong trunk, with a small number of leaves and simple inflorescences.

This variety has an increased resistance to the most common diseases.

This type of tomato was included in the State Register in 2007 as an achievement of the Biochemist agricultural enterprise.


Tomatoes Far North have rounded fruits of small size. Their skin is smooth and dark red in color. The pulp has an average density, due to which there is a lot of juice in one tomato and they are easy to process. The average weight of one fruit is 50-70 grams.

Reviews about Far North tomatoes say that their fruits are versatile. They are well suited both for preparing fresh salads and for preserving preparations for the winter. The sweetish taste of these tomatoes will be an excellent basis for freshly squeezed juice.

Under the worst weather conditions, the first ripe tomatoes on the bushes will appear in early August.

Reviews and photos about the yield of the Far North tomato indicate that a fairly large number of seeds ripen on small bushes of this species. Moreover, those who have already planted this variety note a high level of seed germination from one pack.

Despite the juiciness of the fruit, when cut, they do not release juice very abundantly. That is why tomatoes of this variety are well suited for decorating the festive table and using them in vegetable cuts. Thanks to their rich taste, they make excellent tomato juice both fresh and canned.

Tomato Far North: characteristics and description of the variety


The characteristics and description of the Far North tomato variety, knowingly classifies this species as suitable for growing in harsh climatic conditions. The main advantage is that the root system of these plants has an increased resistance to top rot as well as root rot. The problem of root rotting in plants is most common in the Northern regions of Our Country due to high humidity and a minimum amount of heat, when water from the soil simply does not have time to evaporate.

The second, no less important advantage of this species is the early ripening of fruits. Due to the accelerated ripening process, the Far North tomato variety simply avoids a collision with such a plant disease as late blight. Early ripening of fruits does not affect their taste.

Well, the most important, distinguishing feature of this variety is the resistance of planted seedlings to cold and low air temperatures. Although, nevertheless, in the first 2 weeks immediately after planting in the ground, the seedlings should be insulated by covering with a film.

The first buds appear on seedlings about a month after they have sprouted. That is why there is an accelerated growth and maturation of this variety.

With a small size of the bush, the number of fruits on it is quite large.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that due to the fruits of a small size, the bush does not need to be tied up, since the strength of the trunk can fully withstand the emerging load in the form of ripening fruits.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the fruit: strong skin and dense pulp, this variety tolerates transportation well even after full ripening. Tomatoes do not wrinkle or crack during transportation.

Tomato Far North: characteristics and description of the variety

How to grow

Like other types of tomatoes, this variety is grown by seedlings. Seeds are placed in seedling boxes and are there until the seedlings germinate and the stem is fully strengthened.

Important! For this variety, in seedling boxes, land with a special soil composition should be prepared: soddy land, humus and sand in proportions of 2: 2: 1.

Seeds should not be planted deep in the box. They only need to be lightly sprinkled with soil on top. Further, they should be in a room where the air temperature does not fall below +16 degrees.

After at least 2 pairs of leaves appear on the seedlings, they must be planted in separate pots with a diameter of at least 10 centimeters.

Experts recommend planting tomato seedlings of this species at a distance of 40 centimeters from each other. On average, it turns out that on an area of ​​​​1 square meter it will be possible to plant up to 8 bushes.

Comment! Seedlings can be planted outdoors only when the danger of night frost has passed. Despite the cold resistance of this variety, it does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures.

To maintain the resistance of this species to diseases and excessive moisture, experts recommend about a week before planting in open ground, fertilizing seedlings with a fertilizer with a mineral component, in which substances such as potassium and phosphorus predominate.

Those who have already planted the Far North tomato share reviews and photos from which it is clear that this variety germinates and ripens well not only in the open field, but also in the greenhouse. It can be planted even in a bucket at home, of course, if we are talking about 1-2 bushes.

Bush care

Special care for the bushes of this tomato after planting is not required. Moreover, even a standard garter is not necessary. After all, the plant itself ceases to stretch upwards after the 6th inflorescence is formed on it. After planting seedlings on the beds, it is not required to carry out pinching.

Despite the fact that all care for the bushes of this variety comes down to regular watering, it has its own characteristics. It must be fed after planting in the ground at least 1 time before the fruit appears.

Advice! Professionals recommend top dressing about 2 weeks after the seedlings have been transplanted into open ground.

Particular attention should be paid to watering. It is best to water the bushes with settled water and after sunset. If you regularly mulch the ground around the roots, you can significantly reduce the cost of water for irrigation.

Interesting about the variety

Agronomists note that another uniqueness of this variety of tomatoes is that they do not have to be germinated at all. In the middle lane already in April, after the snow melts, you can plant them in open ground with seeds, and cover each of them with an ordinary glass jar, thus organizing a greenhouse effect and providing seeds with warm temperatures.

Tomato Far North: characteristics and description of the variety

It is important to note that this variety ripens massively. That is why by mid-August, almost all the fruits are already ripening. From one bush you can collect about 1 kilogram of tomatoes, neat shape and medium size.

Thanks to the ease of growing and transplanting the plant, as well as the minimum requirements for subsequent care, this tomato variety is an excellent option for those who plant tomatoes for the first time or have recently started gardening. By planting the Far North tomato variety, it is possible to reduce the time and effort for growing bushes and at the same time get a good yield.


Valery Sedov, 52 years old Leningrad Region
This year, for the first time, I tried to grow tomatoes of the Far North variety. I accidentally saw the seeds in the store and decided to try. Seedlings, as it turned out, are really very resistant to high moisture in the soil and low temperatures. I used to think that in our region tomatoes can only be grown in greenhouses, but with this variety I realized that even tomatoes grown in the ground can be very tasty.
Oksana Ilyina, 47 years old, Kaluga
I planted tomatoes of the Far North variety on the recommendation of a friend. I didn’t believe that small bushes could have many fruits. As my personal experience has shown, it is possible. From the seedlings of this variety, small bushes have grown on which many small tomatoes have ripened. The tomatoes turned out to be very tasty and my family and I enjoyed eating them fresh. I did not manage to close these tomatoes, since almost all of them were eaten in salads.
Tomatoes are undersized. TAIMYR AND THE FAR NORTH. Do not require formation, stress-resistant.

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