Tomato Eternal Call

Tomato Eternal Call is a plant widespread in the regions of the country. It is considered a subspecies that is resistant to changes in environmental conditions and is oriented towards salad use.

Tomato Eternal Call

Description of the variety of tomato Eternal call

The subspecies belongs to early, determinant, high-yielding varieties. It can be grown outdoors and in greenhouses.

Since the bushes are massive, sweeping, grow up to 70 cm, the plant needs a strong support and tying up, pinching. When seedlings are formed in 2-3 stems, it is possible to obtain good yields of large fruits.

The variety has a high yield. From 10 acres, it is quite possible to get up to 3,7 tons of crops. Since the tomato variety Eternal Call is mid-season, the first fruits ripen in 110 – 120 days.

Tomatoes Eternal Call are not classified as hybrid. The leaves grow medium in size and have a dark emerald hue. The inflorescence is simple, and the stalk has no articulations.

Tomato Eternal Call

Brief description and taste of fruits

Ripe tomatoes of the variety are four-chambered, with a light emerald spot at the stem. The fruits themselves are intense crimson. They are perfectly amenable to transportation and do not lose their data. In addition, the features of the subspecies are:

  • good palatability, sugary texture and delicate taste;
  • fleshy tomatoes;
  • belong to salad, and are practically not used for blanks;
  • the tomato itself is flat, with rounded ribbed surfaces and a glossy sheen;
  • on average, the weight of the fruit reaches 500 g, but there are tomatoes up to 900 g;

Mostly the crop is used for fresh consumption.

Varietal characteristics

Tomatoes of the Eternal Call variety are classified as hardy Siberian varieties. They can withstand fairly low temperatures. Tomatoes are harvested both in the greenhouse and when grown on an open surface. After up to 5 brushes are formed, the bushes give the maximum collection of fruits.

Tomatoes grow in those climatic zones where conditions are critical for other varieties. It is worth noting that at the same time the yield is high – from 1 m2 collect up to 3,8 kg of tomatoes. If you provide storage conditions with good air circulation and without access to light, tomatoes are well preserved for up to one and a half months.

The volume of the harvest is affected by:

  1. Maintaining distance. 1 m2 planting up to 9 bushes is allowed.
  2. If the plant is tied up, several stems can be formed, which will increase the volume of the harvest.
  3. You can get a high yield from plots where cucumbers, greens, zucchini, carrots and cauliflower were previously grown.
  4. If the soil is treated with hot steam from parasites, nothing will threaten the seedlings, although it is not susceptible to most of the diseases characteristic of tomatoes.
  5. In order for the fruits to be large and the harvest to be large, seedlings should be planted in sunny areas.
  6. The Eternal Call tomato variety can grow painlessly at a temperature of +18 ° С, but +23 – +25 ° С is considered optimal for the full development of the bush and fruits.

Evaluate the result, taste, aroma and crop volumes for the first harvest. Further, the taste and size will change not for the better.

Tomato Eternal Call

Pros and cons of the variety

Each gardener selects a variety taking into account the characteristics and taste: accordingly, Eternal Call tomatoes have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • good yield – up to 4 kg of ripe tomatoes from a bush;
  • large, resistant to transportation and storage fruits;
  • frost resistance and ability to withstand the northern climate;
  • fast maturation even in short summer conditions;
  • they easily transfer transportation to long-distance routes if they are collected a little ahead of schedule.

With such excellent characteristics, the Eternal Call variety also has disadvantages that are taken into account before acquiring seeds and starting the laborious growing process:

  • the variety is not universal – large fruits do not fit in a jar;
  • the first harvest is ideal, with bulky fruits and good taste, and subsequent ones have small and juicy fruits.

The advantages significantly outweigh the disadvantages. Since summer residents usually plant several varieties of tomatoes, it is worth getting an Eternal Call tomato, which has an amazing taste and aroma.

Tomato Eternal Call

Rules of landing and care

Tomatoes Eternal Call leave only positive feedback after cultivation. They do not require special care, resistant to low temperatures. The yield of the variety is high, and the fruits themselves reach impressive sizes.

Seeding for seedlings

Two months before planting seedlings, seeds should be sown in the soil mixture. It can be purchased at garden stores, or you can prepare it yourself, which will significantly reduce costs. For cooking you will need:

  • humus – 3 parts;
  • garden soil – 3 parts;
  • coarse river sand – 1 part.

All components are combined, mixed until smooth, roasted in the oven for disinfection.

The mixture is leveled, seeds are sown. The earth is being destroyed from above.

Important! The soil layer should not cover the seeds by more than 3 mm.

The main conditions for the successful cultivation of seedlings:

  1. Light day – 14 – 16 oC.
  2. Temperature – 23 – 25 oC.
  3. Temperature after diving – 18 – 20 oC.

In order for the plant to develop properly, it is necessary to provide it with regular, but moderate watering.

Important! Excessive moisture intake gradually leads to acidification of the soil. Irrigation is best done with a spray bottle.

The first dressing of seedlings is carried out after diving, not earlier than after 2 weeks. Subsequently, tomatoes need to be fertilized twice more.

Attention! The interval between soil saturation should be at least two weeks.

Tomato Eternal Call

Seedling transplant

In order for Eternal Call tomatoes to give good collections of high-quality fruits, it is enough to plant up to 3 seedlings per 1 m2. Thus, the bushes will be able to go through a full cycle of vegetation. Sufficient space is one of the conditions for high yields.

Once a decade, the soil around the bushes is watered, allowed to absorb moisture and cultivated. The quality of the soil is important, but the defining characteristic is looseness and air circulation. Any soil can be chosen. The best option is black soil or earth mixed with humus in advance.

When planting seedlings, adhere to a certain scheme. It is important that the distance from the bush to the bush is at least 40 cm. To increase the harvest, the bushes must stepchild, leaving up to 3 side shoots.

Important! To exclude the development of late blight, the soil before planting seedlings should be treated with Bordeaux liquid with a solution concentration of 1%.

Tomato Eternal Call

Care of tomatoes

To avoid burns of leaves under the action of sunlight, watering should be carried out in the early morning, after sunset or in cloudy weather. After planting seedlings, irrigation is carried out regularly, in moderate volumes. When the bush throws out color and fruits begin to knit, more moisture is required: then watering should be more intense.

The ideal solution that vegetable growers have come up with is soil irrigation combined with top dressing. Each summer resident has his own secrets, and this condition is not considered mandatory.

The first time fertilizers are applied 14 days after planting seedlings in open space. To do this, it is advisable to use organic mixes with minerals or organic fertilizers.

It is more acceptable if, at the first feeding, the mullein with superphosphate is diluted in a ratio of 8: 1 in water. Further, fertilization for the Eternal Call variety is carried out in a dry form. To do this, you need (per 1 m2 soil):

  • ammonium nitrate – 1 part;
  • superphosphate – 2 parts;
  • potassium salt – 1,5 parts.

All components are mixed until smooth and evenly applied to the soil.

The fruits of the Eternal Call tomatoes are quite large, so the bush needs a garter when the brushes ripen or pinching. To enjoy an excellent harvest, it is enough to leave no more than 3 main shoots. For tying the plants, strong wooden stakes are driven in.


Tomato Eternal Call was created by a resident of Novosibirsk, taking into account all the features of the climate. Today, the variety is registered in the State Register of the Federation of the list of plants that are recommended for planting in open ground in subsidiary plots. It is loved by summer residents and gardeners for its excellent taste and productivity, as well as for its resistance to harsh environmental conditions and pests.


Tomato Eternal Call

Reviews about tomato Eternal call

Valentina Nikolaevna, 48 years old, Nikolaev.
I have been growing tomatoes Eternal Call for more than a year. At first I bought seeds, now I sow my own. Everyone in our family liked the Eternal Call. The fruits are large and really occur even up to a kilogram. It turns out a very tasty salad, and even those that are smaller suit us quite well. From them we prepare excellent thick tomato juice. It is worth noting that the variety is resistant to pests and is grown without problems.
Nikolai, 65 years old, Balashikha.
Eternal Call tomatoes are grown by my wife, but our whole family is expecting the first harvest of this particular variety. They have a real tomato taste and aroma. I usually choose ribbed ones – they are tastier and meatier. For conservation, we plant other varieties of tomatoes, since we eat the Eternal Call in the form of salads.
Vladimir Sergeevich, 52 years old, Orel.
I did not treat the soil with Bordeaux liquid and, unfortunately, did not reap a good harvest. Tomatoes Eternal Call are very sensitive to late blight and you should not expect that the disease will bypass. Last year I collected large crops of delicious, fragrant tomatoes. I won’t make that mistake again.

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