Tomato Diva

Tomatoes that can give a rich harvest in a short period of time are highly valued by vegetable growers, especially in the northern regions, where the duration of the warm period is minimal. One of these early ripening varieties is the Primadonna tomato.

Tomato Diva


Tomatoes “Primadonna” are hybrid, early ripe varieties. The period of biological maturity occurs 90-95 days after seed germination.

The bushes are tall, determinant. Plant height reaches 150 cm. The variety is intended for cultivation both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. Due to their rather large size, tomato bushes need timely and regular garter as they grow. There are few side shoots in this type of tomato, so there is no need for frequent stepsoning.

Tomato Diva

The fruits of the Primadonna variety, as you can see in the photo, have a rounded shape with a small “nose” characteristic of this species. The weight of one tomato is 120-130 grams. The color of the ripe vegetable is scarlet. The pulp is dense, fleshy.

Important! The fruits of the tomato “Prima Donna F1” do not crack when ripe and tolerate transportation even over long distances.

Yield is high. From one plant, you can collect up to 8 kg of vegetables with proper care.

Tomato Diva

The application of the variety is universal. Due to its characteristics, the tomato is widely used for making salads, ketchups and is especially valued for canning and pickling.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the clear advantages of the Prima Donna tomato, the following can be distinguished:

  • early ripening of fruits;
  • high yields in all weather conditions and even on poor soil composition;
  • good resistance to most typical tomato diseases;
  • fruits have good transportability.

There are practically no shortcomings in the variety. The only thing that can cause inconvenience to the gardener in the process of growing is the height of the plant.

Tomato Diva

Features of cultivation and care

The process of reproduction of the hybrid tomato “Primadonna” includes the following successive stages:

  1. Sowing seeds.
  2. Growing seedlings.
  3. Planting a plant in open ground or a greenhouse.
  4. Tomato care: watering, fertilizing, loosening, garter.
  5. Harvesting.

Let’s consider all these stages in more detail.

Seed sowing

Seeds are planted in pre-prepared soil in late March, early April to a depth of 2-3 cm. With the advent of the first shoots, it is necessary to regularly water the plants and monitor their growth and development.

Growing seedlings

With the advent of the first three true leaves, the seedlings dive. Picking is necessary for the proper development of the plant and good growth.

Tomato Diva

Seedlings must be watered in a timely manner, fed and turned over to the sun at least once a day so that the trunk is even.

Tomato Diva

Planting a plant in open ground or a greenhouse

When planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to harden the plant at least a week before this process. To do this, the tomatoes are taken out into the air, first for a couple of hours, and then at night. When planting a tomato in a greenhouse, preliminary hardening can be omitted.

Bushes are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. Since the plant is tall, it is necessary to think in advance about the options for gartering the bush as it grows.

Tomato care

As you may have noticed from the description of the variety, the Primadonna tomato is unpretentious, therefore, in order to get a good harvest, it is enough to water, loosen, fertilize and tie the plant in a timely manner.


After 90 days, judging by the reviews, it is already possible to harvest the first crop of tomatoes. Mature fruits should be harvested regularly and at least 1-2 times a week in order to increase the chances of ripening of the remaining, later fruits.

You can learn more complete information about the Primadonna variety from the video:

Primadonna Tomatoes


Elvira Gennadievna, 41 years old, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
I like to grow determinate tomatoes because of their high yield. When a neighbor suggested planting a tall hybrid, she immediately agreed. Hybrid varieties do not need to be treated with pesticides, as they are resistant to late blight and other diseases. The prima donna was grown in a greenhouse. The bush was about 1,5 m high. There are many inflorescences. The fruits ripen quickly, do not crack at all. The taste is wonderful, sweet with a slight sourness. Liked the variety very much.
Maria Ilyinichna, 56 years old, Perm
Quite by accident I saw a tomato with the amazing name “Diva” in the seed store. Interested. Decided to plant it in my yard. Seedlings were planted in early May in open ground. The bushes grew quite quickly. At the end of June, I was already harvesting the first crop of tomatoes, which hung in large clusters from a huge bush. The height of the plant is 130-140 cm. I didn’t take special care of the tomatoes. As always, I watered, loosened the soil, fertilized. I did not spray any poisons – there was no urgent need for that. I made salads from ripe tomatoes, marinated them. I really liked Primadonna. The name justifies the result. Indeed, the royal harvest.

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