Tomato Dachnik: reviews, photos, yield

Among garden crops, there are several types that can be found in any suburban or personal plot. These are potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. Potatoes can be planted and forgotten about, but then the harvest will be meager and unlikely to be worth all the effort expended on planting. Cucumbers are the most capricious culture, because they are the most thermophilic, moisture-loving and demanding on top dressing. To obtain even a minimal yield, they need the constant attention of the gardener. But among tomatoes, oddly enough, there are varieties that, after the correct planting of seedlings in the ground, will practically not require attention at all until the harvest period.

Tomato Dachnik: reviews, photos, yield

Of course, such varieties do not have outstanding characteristics of yield or taste. As a rule, all their characteristics are at an average level, so they are unlikely to be of interest to professionals or collectors. But for ordinary summer residents, such varieties of tomatoes are a real find. Indeed, with minimal attention, they are able to provide a family with tomatoes throughout the summer season. One of these varieties of tomatoes is called the Dachnik. This tomato is unlikely to surprise you with the size of its fruits, or the unusual coloring and shape of tomatoes, but in almost any region of Our Country and under any weather conditions, you are likely to be with tomatoes, even if you grow them for the first time and absolutely nothing about them do not know. This article is devoted to the description of the Dachnik tomato variety and its characteristics.

Tomato Dachnik: reviews, photos, yield

The emergence and description of the variety

The Dachnik tomato was obtained by breeders from the All- Research Institute of Vegetable Growing under the guidance of N.S. Gorshkova. In the State Register of Our Country, the Dachnik variety was registered a long time ago, in 1999. The originator was the Poisk agricultural company, although the seeds of this tomato variety are offered by many manufacturers.

Comment! Gardeners often confuse the Dachnik tomato variety with the hybrid of the same name, which is produced by the Aelita company.

In addition, on sale sometimes there are also seeds of tomato varieties with names that also contain the word “cottage resident” – the Ural summer resident, the Summer resident of the Kuban and others. Of course, all this cannot but confuse the difficult task of determining suitable varieties of tomatoes for growing.

Although the Dachnik variety is officially zoned for cultivation only in the North Caucasus region, it is successfully grown in open ground by gardeners in the Central regions, as well as the Urals and Siberia.

Tomato Dachnik: reviews, photos, yield

The summer resident tomato is determinant, therefore it does not need mandatory stepsoning, and it can reach a height of 60-80 cm. To tie up these tomatoes or not – choose for yourself. But due to the weight of the fruit, the stems can break and break or even fall completely to the ground.

Both the seedlings of these tomatoes and the bushes themselves look very strong and stocky, while maintaining compactness.

Attention! Partly due to the compactness of the tomato bushes, partly due to the small size of the tomatoes themselves and the general unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention, the Dachnik variety is often used for growing indoors and on balconies.

Although the variety of these tomatoes was created exclusively for outdoor cultivation, it is unlikely that any ordinary gardener would come up with the idea of ​​​​taking a place in a greenhouse for a tomato that ripens perfectly in an ordinary garden bed even under not very favorable weather conditions.

Tomato Summer resident is characterized by a simple inflorescence, up to 10 tomatoes are tied in a brush.

Tomato Dachnik: reviews, photos, yield

Tomato varieties summer resident belongs to the group of early ripening tomatoes. Some summer residents even speak of it as an ultra-early tomato, since the first ripe fruits can sometimes be harvested on the 85-90th day from the appearance of mass shoots. But usually tomatoes of this variety ripen 95 days after the start of the growing season.

The Dachnik variety has quite a good yield, especially considering the fact that for early tomatoes this characteristic is not particularly significant. On average, one bush gives about 3 kg of fruit, and with careful care, you can get up to 4 kg of tomatoes. Accordingly, in terms of industrial cultivation, the yield of tomatoes Dachnik can be from 300 to 360 centners / ha.

Comment! The output of marketable tomatoes from the total number of fruits can range from 75 to 100%.

A positive aspect in the cultivation of tomatoes of this variety is their resistance to low temperatures, and to certain diseases, such as fusarium and blossom end rot. Tomatoes of the Dachnik variety may be susceptible to late blight, but most often, due to their early ripeness, they manage to give the entire crop before the time when an outbreak of this disease usually occurs.

Tomato Dachnik: reviews, photos, yield

Characteristics of tomatoes

The fruits of the Dachnik variety are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • The shape of the tomatoes is standard flat-round without ribbing.
  • During the period of technical ripening, the color of the fruit can be light green, and in a mature state they acquire a bright red hue.
  • The flesh of tomatoes is pink-red, juicy, the skin is thin, but rather dense. The number of cameras exceeds four. Has a characteristic tomato flavor. The dry matter content is 5,6%.
  • Tomatoes The summer resident is small in size, the weight of one is on average 70-86 grams.
  • The taste characteristics of the fruits are good, they have a slight sourness. Sugars make up about 3,3% of the total mass of tomatoes. And ascorbic acid is contained in an amount of 17 mg per 100 g of pulp.
  • Tomatoes are universal in purpose, as they are good both fresh and in the form of any preparations.
  • Tomatoes are distinguished by good preservation and suitability for long-term transportation.

    Tomato Dachnik: reviews, photos, yield

  • Since the tomatoes ripen rather unevenly, the fruiting period is very extended, which is very convenient for summer residents who have the opportunity to collect tomatoes in small portions for a long period.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The popularity of the Dachnik variety is explained by the many advantages that are inherent in this tomato:

  • early maturation;
  • Resistance to diseases and to growth conditions;
  • Relatively simple agricultural technology;
  • stable yield;
  • Good taste;
  • Versatility of use and good preservation of fruits.

Among the minuses, only not the most delicious taste of the fruit and not the most unique external properties of the fruit can be noted. However, these shortcomings for an ordinary gardener often do not matter at all.


Summer residents and gardeners respect this variety, because its unpretentiousness can really soon become legendary.

Galina, 46 years old, Perm
I have been planting tomatoes Summer resident for more than a year, and in open ground. Summers were different, the weather could be very changeable. But this one has never let me down. I use it mainly for twisting, there are more valuable tomatoes to taste, but they have to dance around them a lot. And this tomato planted itself and grows. The harvest from it also suits me quite well. From each bush I get about three kilograms of tomatoes.
Olga, 34 years old, Vitebsk
We have been growing this variety for the 5th or 6th year. I have it as a spare in case the summer is cold and rainy. Then at least we’ll be with tomatoes.
Elena, 37 years old, Arkhangelsk
How I love this variety! I recommend it to anyone who is unable to grow tomatoes. The gardener will never let you down. Takes care of himself. After planting the seedlings, I water it abundantly, and then cover it with a layer of straw or hay with an 8-10 cm layer. I don’t do anything else, neither stepson, nor tie up. So he, if a good summer happens and a big harvest, then he falls right on the straw and continues to ripen perfectly on it. The taste, of course, is not the best, but for the taste there are different raspberry, yellow varieties, those that you can only grow in a greenhouse. And if there is no greenhouse, then only the Summer Resident will save.
Ekaterina, 44 years old, city ​​of Tomsk
Although the Dachnik variety is intended for open ground, I planted literally three bushes in a greenhouse. I thought that it would be one of the first to ripen, but it began to bear fruit along with varieties of medium ripeness. I robbed him of the lower leaves, otherwise he was very thickened. The fruits weighed about 150 grams and were plentiful. It really ripened very gradually, the last tomatoes were harvested already in mid-October, when it was frosty outside. I mainly prepared juice and tomato paste from them. There were more delicious varieties for food, I have a lot of them, I don’t remember all of them.


If you are afraid of being left without a tomato due to difficult weather conditions in the area where you live, or due to a lack of experience in gardening, then start with the Dachnik tomato. Most likely, he will not let you down and inspire confidence in his own abilities.

Variety – “COTTAGE resident”. Tomatoes from Fedor.

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