Tomato Countryman: reviews, photos, yield

Growing tomatoes in a difficult climatic zone is always associated with time and effort. Therefore, in such regions, unpretentious and well-zoned varieties are in special demand among gardeners. Tomato “Countryman” is considered by many to be a real gift from Siberian breeders.

Tomato Countryman: reviews, photos, yield

In order to grow a high-quality crop of Zemlyak tomatoes, let’s carefully read the description of the variety and its main characteristics.

The main differences of an unpretentious plant

Those who planted the “Countryman” variety on their site willingly share reviews and photos of ripe tomatoes. Along the way, lay out observations and describe the nuances of growing a plant. This helps other vegetable growers decide on the choice of variety. The basic information you need to know about the tomatoes “Countryman” is:

  1. Growing method. The variety of tomatoes is intended for ridges of open ground. It tolerates the peculiarities of the Siberian climate well, but it can be grown in any region.
  2. Type of plant. Non-hybrid. Summer residents can safely collect tomato seeds, using them for planting next year.
  3. Maturing period. This species belongs to early ripe tomatoes and pleases vegetable growers with delicious fruits already 95-100 days after germination.
  4. Bush type. Determinant. An adult plant reaches 70-75 cm in height. Therefore, it does not require pinching, tying and shaping, which makes it easier for vegetable growers to care for.
  5. Resistance to changes in environmental conditions. According to gardeners, the tomato variety “Countryman” copes well with sharp jumps and drops in temperature.
  6. Susceptibility to diseases. Tomatoes “Countryman” are highly resistant to major crop diseases.
  7. Productivity. Vegetable growers collect up to 4 kg of tasty, beautiful and nutritious fruits from one bush. Many are proud of the yield of the “Countryman” tomato, so they write good reviews about the variety and post photos of plants from their plots.

The description of the variety of tomatoes “Countryman” can be continued by listing the merits of the fruit. In their reviews, vegetable growers note that the tomatoes of the “Countryman” variety have a rich color, the same size and a beautiful oblong shape. The weight of each tomato is about 70-80 g, up to 15 pieces ripen on one brush. The fruits are small-chambered, the maximum number of nests is three. The taste of tomatoes “Countryman” is rich, it is distinguished by a pleasant sweetness. In addition, mature fruits are perfectly stored and transported, therefore they are often grown for commercial purposes.

According to the reviews of lovers of the variety, the shape and size of the “Countryman” tomatoes are suitable for whole-fruit canning, which can be clearly seen in the photo.

Tomato Countryman: reviews, photos, yield

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The reviews of summer residents who grew the variety in their plots will help to group the characteristics of the “Countryman” tomatoes. Among the advantages of the variety, they note:

  • the opportunity to get an early and guaranteed harvest of tomatoes;
  • plant resistance to macrosporiosis, rot, black spot and septoria;
  • the uniformity of the fruits, which allows them to be preserved as a whole;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • good seed germination.

Among the shortcomings there are no explicit ones, but vegetable growers note:

  1. Demanding on the composition of the soil. The variety prefers light fertile soil, so pre-sowing preparation is mandatory.
  2. Careful adherence to the irrigation schedule. Violation of the regime affects the quality of fruits and crop yields.

These requirements bring trouble to vegetable growers only in regions with poor soil and lack of regular water supply. In other cases, according to the description of the variety, the cultivation of tomatoes “Countryman” does not require additional time and money.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

There are two ways to grow a tasty look:

  • seedless or direct sowing in the ground;
  • seedlings, by growing seedlings.

If “Countryman” tomatoes are planted in a region with a cool climate, then it is not advisable to sow seeds in the ground. Therefore, care must be taken to grow strong seedlings.

Tomato Countryman: reviews, photos, yield

You need to start with the selection of seeds and checking the planting material for germination. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of table salt in a glass of water and pour out the seeds of the “Countryman” tomatoes. Gently mix the contents of the glass and watch which seeds sink to the bottom. They are suitable for growing seedlings. Selected seeds are dried at a temperature of 20°C – 24°C. After such a procedure, the germination of tomatoes “Countryman” does not decrease.

The next step is the preparation of high-quality soil and containers for sowing. The soil can be purchased at a specialized store. In this case, it will fully meet the requirements of the culture for nutritional composition and structure. If you decide to cook it yourself, then you need to do it in advance. After all, sowing seeds of tomatoes “Countryman” for seedlings begins when there is snow on the site.

Important! Do not use garden soil for soil mixture from ridges on which nightshade crops grew.

The optimal composition of the soil mixture:

  • peat – 2 parts;
  • garden land – 1 part;
  • humus or compost – 1 part;
  • sand – 0,5 parts;
  • wood ash – 1 cup per bucket of the mixture.

The soil is disinfected, if possible, calcined and placed in clean, disinfected containers for seedlings.

Growing seedlings

According to the description of the “Countryman” tomato variety, you can get a very high yield by growing strong seedlings, as in the photo, which is confirmed by gardeners’ reviews.

Tomato Countryman: reviews, photos, yield

In order for the seedlings to grow healthy, you need to pay attention to each stage – sowing, diving, care. They begin to sow 2 months before the expected date of planting in open ground. Seedlings dive, according to the description of the agricultural technology of early ripe tomatoes “Countryman”, at the stage of the appearance of two leaves (see photo).

When transplanting, it is important to keep an earthen ball so as not to damage the delicate roots of tomato seedlings.

The process of sowing tomatoes is very simple:

  1. Shallow grooves are made in the prepared soil and the seeds are carefully laid out at an equal distance from each other.

    Tomato Countryman: reviews, photos, yield

  2. Sprinkle the grooves with a thin layer of soil and moisten with a spray bottle.
  3. Cover the container with plastic wrap.
  4. As soon as sprouts appear, the film is removed and the containers are transferred closer to the light.

Care of seedlings consists in maintaining the optimum temperature (16 ° C -18 ° C), humidity (70%), high-quality watering and top dressing. It is important to remember that seedlings should not be stretched and waterlogged. Seedlings are watered when the top dry layer appears on the soil. Be sure to regularly inspect seedlings to prevent the appearance of diseases or pests. 2 weeks before planting in the ground, the seedlings are hardened, but protected from drafts. According to the description of the tomato variety “Countryman” and the reviews of vegetable growers, seedlings are planted in open ground in early June.

The planting pattern is standard for early ripe tomatoes. 35 cm are left between plants, row spacing is marked at a distance of 70 cm. No more than 6 tomato bushes are placed on one square meter of area.

Garden plant care

Seedlings are planted in prepared soil in early summer, when it warms up well and the danger of return frosts is gone.

Important! The variety does not grow on soils with high acidity, so check this indicator before marking the ridges on the site.

The main points of plant care are activities that are well known to summer residents:

  1. Watering. Humidify tomato bushes under the root after sunset with warm water.
  2. According to the description of the agricultural technology of the Zemlyak tomato variety and the reviews of vegetable growers, drip irrigation of the ridges is considered the best option (see photo). In industrial cultivation, special irrigation systems are laid, because this type is demanding on the flow of moisture.

    Tomato Countryman: reviews, photos, yield

  3. Top dressing. During the growing season, it is enough to feed the tomatoes 2-3 times. The first time during the mass gain period. You will need nitrogen components. Plants respond well to organics – an infusion of chicken manure or mullein, as well as mineral complexes. The second time with the appearance of flowers and the first ovaries. At this time, tomatoes are fed with potash and phosphate fertilizers. Nutrient formulations are applied in liquid form after watering or rain. Foliar top dressings are applied by spraying the compositions on the sheet.
  4. Weeding and loosening. Removing weeds helps protect tomatoes from many pests and diseases, as well as retain moisture and nutrients in the soil.


A detailed description and photo of the “Countryman” tomato help vegetable growers make the right choice of variety for cultivation. An important role is played by the reviews of those summer residents who have already planted plum tomatoes.

Elena Zabolotova, Voronezh region
Tomatoes of this variety attract me with the ability to grow in open ground and ease of care. I always plant a lot of bushes, so pinching and gartering takes almost all the time. And for “Countryman” they are not required. The taste is pleasant, the fruits do not crack during canning, they look very appetizing. Almost does not get sick, but you need to monitor watering and feed a couple of times during the season.
Tatyana and Viktor Korneev, Krasnodar
They brought seeds of tomatoes “Countryman” from relatives living in Siberia. The variety is excellent. Due to the warm climate, we immediately sow in the ground. There is no need to pinch tomatoes, the harvest is stable, the taste is good – we have been growing the variety for several years. We distribute to neighbors and listen to thanks. Children like it very much for its taste and original shape of tomatoes.

An educational video will help you grow tomatoes correctly:

Tomatoes open ground in Siberia

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