Tomato Country delicacy

Many experienced gardeners agree with the opinion that growing tomatoes turns from a hobby into a real passion over time. Moreover, when many exotic varieties of a wide variety of shapes and color shades have already been tried, the largest tomatoes in terms of size and weight have been grown, it still leaves no desire to try something interesting. One of the possible relatively new directions is the cultivation of cherry tomatoes. In contrast to their huge, fleshy counterparts, these tomatoes are small in size.

Tomato Country delicacy

But not only the small size of the fruit determines the tomatoes of this group. They have many characteristics that fundamentally distinguish them from ordinary tomatoes.

One of the recent varieties of domestic selection was the Dachnoe dainty tomato, which belongs to this unique tomato group. He appeared just a few years ago, and most gardeners have not yet had time to get to know him closely. It’s time to fill this gap. This article will talk about the main characteristics of the tomato Country treat and provide a description of this variety.

Cherry tomatoes

There are many varieties of tomatoes with small fruits, but not all of them can be attributed to the “cherry” variety. Although most often this name is given to tomatoes, the fruits of which do not exceed 25-30 grams. But this characteristic is not limited to the properties of cherry tomatoes.

This group of tomatoes originates from Israel, where in the 70s of the last century they bred tomatoes that are resistant to hot and dry weather conditions and have improved taste. These tomatoes looked completely different from the outside. Initially, these were tall indeterminate bushes with a large number of brushes, each of which ripened from 20 to 40-50 fruits. The length of each brush could reach 100 cm. Many years have passed since then.

Tomato Country delicacy

Now the fruits of cherry tomatoes can be not only red, but also all other colors that are only known in the tomato world. The shape of miniature tomatoes can also be the most diverse: oval, and in the form of a drop, and in the form of an icicle, and in the form of a heart. Small, determinate cherry tomatoes and even standard varieties have also appeared, which are best suited for growing in rooms and on balconies.

But perhaps the main thing that distinguishes all the tomatoes of this group is an unsurpassed taste. It is even difficult to call it tomato, because it rather resembles some exotic berries or fruits. All cherry tomatoes are characterized by friendly ripening, their fruits are resistant to cracking, and the fruiting period can be extended for several months.

Attention! Cherry tomatoes have an interesting feature – they are not able to ripen and gain sugar, being plucked at the stage of technical maturity.

Tomato Country delicacy

Therefore, they are harvested only fully ripe. In addition, with a long stay on the bushes in a mature state, they may begin to crumble. This feature must be taken into account when growing cherry tomatoes in your area and regularly harvest, at least once or twice a week.

In addition to the obvious decorative bushes of cherry tomatoes, their fruits are of great nutritional value. In terms of dry matter content in tomatoes, they are almost twice as superior to their larger counterparts. It is even believed that they can contribute to the production of a special hormone of happiness – serotonin. Therefore, cherry tomatoes are useful for depression, bad mood and general loss of strength.  

Variety description

Gone are the days when cherry tomato varieties could boast of exclusively foreign origin. Modern domestic varieties of cherry tomatoes are not only in no way inferior to their foreign counterparts, but are also much better adapted to the difficult climatic conditions of our country.

Tomato Dachnoe dainty was obtained around 2010 by a breeder working in the Poisk agricultural firm, T.A. Tereshenkova. In 2015, he was officially registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Our Country. Seeds of this variety of tomatoes can be bought in the packaging of the Poisk company in the Vkusnoteka series.

The variety is recommended for cultivation in all regions of Our Country, but mainly under film or polycarbonate shelters. In the open field, the tomato Dacha delicacy will feel good only in the southern regions of the country.

This variety belongs to the determinant tomatoes, but, despite this, it needs a garter to the supports and the formation of a bush. It can grow up to one meter in height. It is best to form it in one stem. If there is a lot of space and sunlight, you can leave a second stem, directly above the first flower brush. All other stepchildren must be carefully broken out, without waiting for them to grow in length up to 10 cm. Its leaves are of the usual shape, but small in size. 

Important! The big advantage of the tomato Dacha delicacy is the early ripening of tomatoes.

It belongs to early ripe varieties, and the first ripened fruits can be tasted already 90-95 days after germination. This is an important characteristic, since most varieties of cherry tomatoes bred abroad are late-ripening or turn into such in our conditions of lack of heat and light.

Cherry tomatoes, of course, cannot be compared in terms of yield with many large varieties of tomatoes, but still, up to 1,5 kg of fruit can be obtained from each bush. Since, when forming into one stem, the bushes of this variety are planted denser than usual, the yield per square meter can be 6-8 kg of tomatoes. And this figure is already quite at the level of average varieties.

Tomato Country delicacy

Tomato Country delicacy is highly resistant to many nightshade diseases, in particular, to tobacco mosaic virus and Fusarium. Late blight is not terrible for him, because thanks to the early ripening, he will have time to give up most of the crop before the onset of weather conditions in August, when this disease begins to rage with particular force.

Characteristics of tomatoes

The fruits of the Dachnoye delicacy variety have the following characteristics:

  • Their shape is traditionally rounded.
  • The color of immature fruits is green, and there is no spot at the base of the stalk. When ripe, tomatoes turn red.
  • The pulp is medium density, the skin is thin and smooth. The number of seed nests – 2 pieces.
  • Tomatoes are very small in size, their average weight is 15 grams.
  • The fruits ripen on long racemes, and up to 20-25 tomatoes can ripen at the same time on one brush.

    Tomato Country delicacy

  • The brushes ripen alternately; during a good summer, from four to six brushes can ripen on one plant. To ensure that as many bunches as possible have time to fully ripen, tear off almost all the leaves to the first brushes at the moment when the tomatoes reach the stage of technical maturity.
  • Taste characteristics of fruits are excellent. Tomatoes are sweet, with a high sugar content, like most cherry tomatoes, delicious, with a pleasant aroma.
  • Tomatoes Summer treat are versatile in use, although they are most delicious fresh. Nevertheless, you can get original pickled and salted spins from them. They are also good in dried form.
  • The safety of tomatoes of this variety is average, they tolerate transportation over short distances well.

Testimonials from truck drivers

Tomato Country delicacy

Since the Dachnoye delicacy tomato is still quite young, there are not very many reviews on it. Although those who have already managed to get to know him, appreciated his high taste and attractive appearance.

Rimma, 29 years old, Lipetsk
I sowed a tomato Summer treat last year. The seedlings were ordinary, although the leaves are really quite small, like the tomatoes themselves. It was my first time growing cherry tomatoes and I was blown away by the long and beautiful fruit clusters. In care, he turned out to be quite simple, only tied him up several times and cut off the lower leaves and stepchildren as they grew. I didn’t get sick with anything, and the tomatoes are so tasty, they resemble some kind of fruit. I didn’t even have time to put them into processing – everything was eaten right from the bush.
Svetlana, 53 years old, Taganrog city
I have been growing cherry tomatoes for several years now – they are my grandchildren’s favorite treat. But, usually you have to wait a long time for the harvest – they ripen towards the end of summer. I was advised to try new varieties of selection from the Poisk company, and I opted for the Dachnoe dainty tomato. The variety is really very curious, although the tomatoes themselves are very tiny, but the brushes on the bushes ripen almost a meter long and are all strewn with tomatoes. It looks very nice. And the tomatoes themselves fully justify their name, the grandchildren begin to feast on them already in July, since this variety is one of the first to ripen even in the open field. Its yield is average, however, like all cherry tomatoes. Although you can’t tell this from the outside, because the bushes seem very full due to the hanging long bunches.


Tomato Country delicacy will appeal to all those gardeners who want to simultaneously decorate their plot with exotics and enjoy the original taste of tomatoes right from the garden or from the flower bed. It is undemanding in care, but in terms of the usefulness of its fruits it surpasses traditional varieties of tomatoes.

How to grow cherry tomatoes? Secrets of cultivation.

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