Tomato Cosmonaut Volkov: cultivation in the open field, greenhouse, greenhouse

Any vegetable, whatever you take, contains a lot of vitamins. Tomatoes are no exception. When they are used, our body is replenished with several groups of vitamins (A, B, C, and more rare K, PP), various trace elements (iron, potassium, zinc), beta-carotene, antioxidants; in addition, these vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber. Therefore, there is no need to argue about the usefulness of tomatoes, but each variety contains a different amount of useful substances. Yes, and there are now a lot of species (more than a hundred varieties !!!), and it can be difficult to decide. Sometimes there are original names. For example, it is immediately clear after whom the Kosmonavt Volkov tomato variety is named, which will be discussed in this article, in particular, about the characteristics of this tomato and agricultural practices during cultivation.

Variety description

First of all, you need to clarify: the tomato Cosmonaut Volkov belongs to the indeterminate type of plants, that is, with unlimited growth, so you will have to make more efforts when leaving. Like all plants of this type, the bushes are tall, from one and a half to two meters. There is only one stem, on which complex and semi-complex inflorescences are laid every 2-3 leaves (the first at the level of the eighth or ninth leaf). In total, there are about 5-6 brushes on the stem, 5-8 tomatoes are formed on each brush. The fruits themselves are ribbed, rather large (on average they weigh 300-450 g, but with careful care they can weigh from 600-700 g to 1 kg at the foot of the plant), they have a flat-rounded shape. The color depends on the amount of useful substances received – from yellow to orange or pale red. You can also collect Cosmonaut Volkov tomatoes at the stage of incomplete maturity; when stored in a warm place, they will reach the desired condition. Fruits are known for their usefulness: they contain approximately 20 mg of ascorbic acid, over 4% sugars, up to 7% solids.

Tomato Cosmonaut Volkov: cultivation in the open field, greenhouse, greenhouse

Tomato Cosmonaut Volkov is the result of amateur selection, so some shortcomings (of which there are not so many) are forgivable to him, and there are much more positive reviews about him on the Internet than negative ones. According to the ripening period, Cosmonaut Volkov falls into the category of medium-early, since the crop ripens over a period of 120-125 days. Taste qualities also receive the best reviews: at one of the world competitions, it was recognized as one of the most delicious among its own varieties. The use of fruits is different: they are consumed fresh, they are often added to salads, used to prepare tomato products (juice, paste, etc.). Cosmonaut Volkov is a very productive variety, sometimes it is possible to collect up to 20 kg of tomato from one bush.

Features of agricultural technology

Tomato Cosmonaut Volkova is equally well suited for growing in the open field, as well as in a greenhouse or greenhouse. You will have to follow both the general rules for caring for tomatoes, and apply some agricultural practices that are more characteristic of this particular variety. In the greenhouse for seedlings, tomatoes begin to be sown in the middle of March, it’s okay if this is done towards the end of the month. About a week before this, the seeds are hardened (you can do this process in different ways, then everyone does as he pleases), treat them to protect against diseases (you can do with a solution of potassium permanganate). Seed planting depth: in a greenhouse up to one and a half centimeters, in open ground – 2-3 cm. You can either dive seedlings (this is done with at least two leaves), or immediately planted in separate containers.

Tomato Cosmonaut Volkov: cultivation in the open field, greenhouse, greenhouse

If you use one large box, then plant Cosmonaut Volkov’s tomatoes no thicker than three bushes per 1 m2, similarly in open ground. Seedlings should be moved from the greenhouse to a new place no earlier than after 50 days, when the danger of frost has completely disappeared.

Tomato Cosmonaut Volkova is not very picky about soils, but you can’t do without dressings, and they are applied several times. Fertilize 2-3 times before fruiting with a full range of fertilizers. Doses depend on the fertility of the soil, if its quality is not very suitable for growing tomatoes, then you need to add substances at least twice as much as under the bushes of ordinary varieties. Watering requires moderate, preferably warm water in the early morning or late afternoon. Also, do not forget to periodically loosen the soil.

When growing a tomato Cosmonaut Volkov in a greenhouse, you must first also provide normal lighting for plants, because its lack leads to stretching of the bushes, the formation of a thin trunk in plants. An important step in the care is the formation of a single stem, the removal of stepchildren. In view of the enormous growth of plants, a garter is mandatory. It will not be superfluous to do this in the garden; although the bushes are shorter, they can be broken by strong winds. Some gardeners break off the top at the end, it is also advisable to remove brushes that clearly do not have time to form, anyway this will not affect the yield in any way.

Tomato Cosmonaut Volkov: cultivation in the open field, greenhouse, greenhouse

This tomato can be grown both for own consumption and for commercial purposes. If you are skeptical about reviews on the Internet, then you should make sure of the splendor of the Cosmonaut Volkov tomato variety from personal experience.

Video “Formation of indeterminate tomatoes”

This video shows the process of forming interderminant (tall) tomatoes.

Formation of indeterminate tomatoes.

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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