Tomato Classic: characteristics and description of the variety

No garden is complete without tomatoes. And if in the zone of risky farming it “registered” among amateur gardeners, then in the southern regions it is a completely profitable industrial crop. You just need to choose the right variety. For both industrial cultivation and amateur gardeners, it is important that the tomato meets the following requirements:

  • productivity;
  • pest and disease resistance;
  • undemanding when growing;
  • easy adaptation to any weather conditions;
  • good presentation and excellent taste.

Many traditional varieties cannot meet all of these requirements. Another thing is hybrids.

What are hybrid tomatoes

Hybrid tomatoes learned how to get at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. Tomatoes are self-pollinating plants – their pollen can only pollinate the pestle of their own or neighboring varieties, so from year to year tomatoes grow from seeds that have the same characteristics. But if the pollen of one variety is transferred to the pistil of another, the resulting plant will take the best qualities from the two varieties. At the same time, its viability increases. This phenomenon is called heterosis.

The resulting plants, in addition to the name, must put the letter F and the number 1, which means that this is the first hybrid generation.

Now more than 1000 varieties and hybrids of tomatoes have been zoned in Our Country. Therefore, choosing the right one is not easy. Abroad, they have long switched to growing hybrid tomatoes. Chinese and Dutch hybrids are especially popular. One of the representatives of the Dutch line is the heterosis hybrid tomato Classic f1.

It appeared in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2005 and zoned for cultivation in the North Caucasus region, which, in addition to the Caucasian republics, includes the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, as well as the Crimea.

Attention! In the southern regions, this tomato grows well in open ground, but in the middle lane and to the north, it needs a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Tomato Classic: characteristics and description of the variety

Description and characteristics of tomato Classic f1

The originator of the tomato Classic f1 is Nunhems, it is located in Holland. Many firms bought the technology for creating this tomato hybrid from the originator, so there are Chinese-made seeds and those created by seed companies on sale.

This tomato can be considered early, since ripening begins already 95 days after germination. In case of adverse weather, this period can be extended up to 105 days.

Advice! In the regions recommended for cultivation, Classic f1 can be sown in the ground. To the north you need to prepare seedlings. It is planted at the age of 55 – 60 days.

Tomato Classic: characteristics and description of the variety

This tomato sets fruits well even in the heat and can produce up to 4 kg from each plant, but subject to all the rules of agricultural technology.

By strength of growth, it belongs to determinant tomatoes, it grows up to a maximum of 1 m. The bush is compact, the first flower brush is located above the 6th or 7th leaf, then they go almost one by one through 1 or 2 leaves. In the southern regions, the tomato is formed in 4 stems, in the middle lane it is not recommended to leave more than 3 stems.

Warning! A garter for this tomato is required, as it is overloaded with a crop.

per sq. m beds can be planted up to 4 bushes.

Tomato Classic: characteristics and description of the variety

Harvest gives together. The fruits are medium-sized – from 80 to 110g, but very dense and fleshy. They are uniform, have a bright red color and a beautiful elongated plum shape.

Tomato Classic f1 is not affected by the nematode, does not suffer from Fusarium and Verticillium wilt, as well as bacterial spotting.

Important! This tomato has a universal use: it is good fresh, suitable for the production of tomato products and perfectly preserved.

The main advantages of tomato Classic f1:

  • precocious;
  • good presentation;
  • easy to transport over long distances without loss of fruit quality;
  • good taste;
  • universal use;
  • high yield;
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • resistance to heat and drought;
  • the fruits do not suffer from sunburn, as they are well covered with leaves;
  • can grow on any type of soil, but prefers heavy.

Tomato Classic: characteristics and description of the variety

A feature of the Classic f1 hybrid is a certain tendency to crack fruits, which is easy to prevent with proper regular watering. This tomato needs increased nutrition and regular feeding with complex fertilizers throughout the growing season.

Tomato Classic: characteristics and description of the variety

Each gardener decides for himself what is best for him to plant: a variety or a hybrid. If the choice is made in favor of the Classic f1 tomato hybrid, you need to know what he prefers.

Peculiarities of growing

  • An important condition is the correct preparation of seeds for sowing, if they have not been processed by the manufacturer, about which there must be an inscription on the bag of seeds. It is best to soak Classic f1 tomato seeds untreated before selling in aloe juice diluted in half with water. Soaking time – 18 hours. In this way, the seeds are stimulated and disinfected at the same time.
  • It is necessary to sow the seeds of the Classic f1 tomato in loose soil, which holds water well and is saturated with air. In order for the tomato to yield faster, it is grown without picking, sown in separate cups. Such seedlings take root better after planting.
  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the appearance of the first shoots, and immediately place the plants in a bright place.
  • When caring for tomato seedlings Classic f1, it is necessary to provide it with maximum lighting and the correct temperature regime with a mandatory decrease in temperature for 3-5 days after germination.

    Tomato Classic: characteristics and description of the variety

  • If Classic f1 tomato seedlings are grown with a pick, it is important to observe its terms. Usually it is done no later than the tenth day. The sprouts should already have two true leaves.
  • Tomato Classic f1 is very responsive to top dressing, so seedlings need to be fed every 2 weeks with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer. Its concentration should be half of that which is prepared for top dressing in open ground.
  • Hardening seedlings before planting.
  • Landing only in warm ground with sufficient air temperature for comfortable development.
  • A greenhouse for tomato Classic f1 is preferable to open ground in all regions where it is not zoned. If not, you can build temporary film shelters.
  • The soil should be prepared in the fall and fully filled with the necessary fertilizers. This tomato grows best in soil with a high content of clay. If the soils are sandy or sandy, their composition is adjusted to the required by adding a clay component.
  • Tomato Classic f1 in the middle lane needs to be formed. If the summer is warm, you can leave 3 stems; in cool weather, more than 2 stems are not left. This fruitful tomato must be tied to the pegs installed when planting seedlings.
  • Increased growth force and high yield of tomato Classic f1 requires regular top dressing. They are made every decade with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer, increasing the amount of solution poured under the bush during flowering and fruit formation.
  • The irrigation regime must be observed, but it is better to organize drip irrigation. Constant uniform moisture will not allow the fruits to crack.

    Tomato Classic: characteristics and description of the variety

  • Harvest ripe fruit promptly.
  • Carry out preventive treatments for major diseases. Tomato Classic f1 is resistant to viral and bacterial diseases, but from fungal diseases, including late blight, preventive treatments must be carried out completely.
Advice! It is good to hang open vials of iodine in the greenhouse. Iodine vapor will not allow phytophthora to develop.

If all these conditions are met, up to 1 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from each Classic f4 tomato bush.


Tomato hybrid Classic f1 is an excellent industrial tomato that will not be superfluous in garden beds. Universal use, high yield, ease of cultivation gives it advantages when choosing among other varieties and hybrids of tomatoes.

More information about the seeds of hybrids and the conditions for their cultivation can be viewed on the video.



Irina, 48 years old, senior Hot key
Planting tomatoes for sale. Therefore, it is important that they are easy to grow and transport so that they do not deteriorate for a long time. For the past few years we have been planting the Dutch Classic f1. Of course, the seeds are expensive, but a large harvest pays for them. We always stay profitable, and growing these tomatoes is easy.
Tatyana, 30 years old, Tula
I am fond of canning, I especially love pickled tomatoes. I don’t have my own dacha, so I buy tomatoes in the market. This season I liked the cream, even one to one and not very large. The seller said that this is a Dutch hybrid Classic f1. We have already tried canned food, everyone liked it. Now I will only look for these tomatoes in the market.

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