Tomato Chelyabinsk meteorite: reviews + photos

Tomatoes Chelyabinsk meteorite is a new variety bred for growing in regions with a harsh climate. The variety has a universal application and brings a high yield in drought and cool weather. It is planted in the middle lane, in the Urals and in Siberia.

Botanical description

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Chelyabinsk meteorite:

  • tall bush from 120 to 150 cm;
  • rounded red fruits;
  • mass of tomatoes 50-90 g;
  • sweet taste;
  • resistance to adverse conditions;
  • the ability to form ovaries in drought and cool weather.

Tomatoes are used for eating without processing, preparing sauces, snacks, salads. In home canning, the fruits are pickled, sour and salted.

Due to the dense skin, tomatoes withstand heat treatment and long-term transportation. With whole-fruit canning, tomatoes do not crack or fall apart.

Getting the seedlings

Tomato variety Chelyabinsk meteorite is grown in seedlings. At home, seeds are planted. After germination, tomatoes provide the necessary temperature and other care.

Preparatory stage

Tomatoes are planted in prepared soil obtained from fertile soil and humus. It is prepared independently or purchased soil mixture in a gardening store. It is convenient to plant tomatoes in peat tablets. Then 2-3 seeds are placed in each of them, and after their germination, the strongest tomatoes are left.

Before planting, the soil is treated by exposure to high temperatures. It is placed in a microwave or oven. The soil is steamed for 15-20 minutes for disinfection. Another treatment option is watering the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Advice! To improve the germination of tomato seeds, the Chelyabinsk meteorite is placed in warm water for 2 days.

Tomato Chelyabinsk meteorite: reviews + photos

In the presence of a colored shell, the seeds do not need to be processed. Planting material of this type is covered with a nutrient mixture. During germination, tomatoes will receive the necessary nutrients from it.

Moistened soil is distributed in containers 12 cm high. 2 cm are left between tomato seeds. A layer of fertile soil or peat 1 cm thick is poured on top.

Containers with tomatoes are kept in the dark. They are covered with glass or film. At temperatures above 25 ° C, tomatoes germinate faster. When sprouts appear, the plants are moved to a window or other lighted place.

Care of seedlings

For the development of tomato seedlings Chelyabinsk meteorite, the following conditions are necessary:

  • temperature during the day from 20 to 26 ° C;
  • night temperature 14-16°С;
  • constant ventilation;
  • continuous lighting for 10-12 hours;
  • watering with warm water.

Tomatoes are watered by spraying the soil with a spray gun as it dries. For irrigation use warm settled water. Moisture is added every week.

With the development of tomatoes, 2 leaves produce their picks. If the plants were planted in separate containers, then picking is not required. Tomatoes are transplanted into containers filled with fertile soil.

If the seedlings look oppressed, they are fed with minerals. 1 g of superphosphate, 5 g of potassium sulfate and 6 g of ammonium nitrate are added to 1 liter of water.

2-3 weeks before transferring tomatoes to a permanent place, they are left for several hours on a balcony or loggia. Gradually, the time spent in the open air is increased. This will allow the tomatoes to quickly adapt to natural conditions.

Landing in the ground

Tomatoes are to be planted 1,5-2 months after germination. Such seedlings have reached a height of 30 cm and have 6-7 full leaves. Plants are transplanted in April – early May, when the soil and air are warm enough.

Tomato Chelyabinsk meteorite: reviews + photos

Tomato variety Chelyabinsk meteorite is grown in greenhouses or under other shelter. In the southern regions, landing on open areas is allowed. A higher yield is obtained in closed ground.

Advice! A place for tomatoes is chosen in the fall, taking into account previous crops.

For planting tomatoes, areas where peppers, potatoes, eggplants grew a year earlier are not suitable. Replanting tomatoes is possible after 3 years. The best predecessors for tomatoes are legumes, cucumbers, cabbage, root crops, green manure.

The soil for tomatoes is dug up in the fall and fertilized with humus. In the spring, deep loosening is performed and grooves are made. The variety Chelyabinsk meteorite is planted in increments of 40 cm. A gap of 50 cm is made between the rows.

Plants are moved without breaking the earthen clod, and covered with soil, which must be compacted. Tomatoes are watered abundantly. Mulching with straw or peat helps to maintain soil moisture.

Care order

According to reviews, tomatoes Chelyabinsk meteorite give a high yield with constant care. Tomatoes need watering and fertilizing. Plants stepson and tie to a support.


Tomatoes are watered weekly with warm settled water. Moisture is applied in the morning or evening, when there is no direct sunlight. Under each bush contribute 3-5 liters of water. After watering, the soil must be loosened to improve the absorption of moisture and nutrients by the tomatoes.

Before flowering, tomatoes are watered every week. Under the plants contribute 4-5 liters of moisture. When the formation of inflorescences begins, the tomatoes are watered every 3 days with 2-3 liters of water.

When fruiting, the intensity of watering is again reduced to once a week. Excess moisture leads to cracking of fruits and the spread of fungal diseases.

Tomato Chelyabinsk meteorite: reviews + photos

Additional fertilizing

Tomatoes Chelyabinsk meteorite are fed several times during the season. Both mineral substances and organic fertilizers are used.

For the first treatment, a solution based on mullein is prepared in a ratio of 1:15. Fertilizer is applied under the root of plants to stimulate green mass. In the future, such top dressing should be discarded in order to avoid increased planting density.

The next top dressing of tomatoes requires the introduction of minerals. For 10 liters of water, add 25 g of double superphosphate and potassium salt. The solution is watered planting under the root.

Important! Between dressings make a gap of 2-3 weeks.

Additional feeding is required for tomatoes Chelyabinsk meteorite during the flowering period. Plants are treated leaf by leaf with a solution of boric acid obtained by dissolving 2 g of the substance in 2 liters of water. Spraying increases the ability of tomatoes to form ovaries.

Instead of mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers are used. Universal top dressing is the use of wood ash. It is buried in the soil or insisted for watering.

Shrub formation

According to its description and characteristics, the tomato variety Chelyabinsk meteorite is tall. To harvest a high yield, it is formed into 2 or 3 stems.

Shoots growing from the leaf sinus are cut off by hand. 7-9 brushes are left on the bushes. Proper formation of the bush prevents excessive thickening.

Protection against diseases and pests

At high humidity, Chelyabinsk meteorite tomatoes are susceptible to fungal diseases. When dark spots appear on the fruits and leaves, the plants are treated with copper-based preparations or fungicides. To prevent diseases, they regularly ventilate the greenhouse with tomatoes and monitor the level of soil moisture.

Tomatoes attract aphids, gall midges, whiteflies, scoops, slugs. From pests, insecticides and folk remedies based on onion peel, wood ash and tobacco dust are used.

Tomato Chelyabinsk meteorite: reviews + photos

Reviews of gardeners

Svetlana, 37 years old, Mr. Omsk
I became interested in tomato Chelyabinsk meteorite according to reviews on the network. The variety attracted with its description and unusual name. Seedlings sprouted well and did not stand out among other varieties. Fruit ripening in the open field was very fast. The bush grew to 1,4 m, had unusual potato leaves. The fruit pulp is juicy and very tasty. Fruiting took place until late autumn. Next year I will plant a variety in the greenhouse.
Matvey, 54 years old, Chelyabinsk
After buying the seeds of the variety, the Chelyabinsk meteorite first learned about tomatoes with potato leaves. The bush reached 2 m in height. 8-10 fruits were formed on the brushes. Egg-sized tomatoes with smooth skins. He plucked green tomatoes and left them to ripen at home. He fed 3 times per season with superphosphate and potassium.
Inna, 46 years old, Kazan
I plant tomatoes Chelyabinsk meteorite in a greenhouse and on open beds. Under cover, the variety has a higher yield. The height of the bushes is about 120 cm. The mass of fruits is from 100 to 150 g. In terms of taste, I consider the variety one of the best. Tomatoes are good for canning. After heat treatment, the fruits did not crack.


Tomatoes Chelyabinsk meteorite attract gardeners with high yields and unpretentiousness. The bush is tall, so it needs pinching. The fruits are small in weight, suitable for canning and inclusion in the daily diet. Caring for tomatoes involves watering, fertilizing, protection from diseases and pests.

5 rules for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, how to grow tomatoes at home

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