Tomato Budenovka: tomato variety
Budenovka is able to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding gardener. Even under unfavorable weather conditions, the tomato is capable of producing a good harvest. Minimal care is needed, which is important for summer residents employed at work. The variety has been known for a long time and has already won its fans.
Tomato Budenovka: description and characteristics
In general, Budenovka is often compared to the Bull Heart variety. This is not without reason, because tomatoes have a lot in common.
Tomato Budenovka is one of the most unpretentious and fruitful varieties, the fruits of which are distinguished by excellent taste.
In terms of resistance to diseases, it can even compete with known hybrids. Only the latter have significant drawbacks:
- high cost of seed;
- the inability to collect high-quality seeds and grow from them full-fledged plants with the characteristics of the mother.
Budenovka is not a standard variety, the plant height can reach 1,5 meters, the root system is very well developed. Due to the weakness of the stem, he is not able to stand his own tomatoes, therefore he needs a garter. Refers to medium early varieties, the fruits ripen together. Suitable for growing both indoors and outdoors.
Tomato variety Budenovka: fruit features
In shape, the fruits resemble an old Red Army hat-Budenovka: rounded, with an elongated nose. The standard weight of one tomato is about 300 grams, but some specimens reach 800 grams. Their skin is quite dense and smooth. At maturity, the fruits have a dark pink color, sometimes it looks more like red.
The pulp of this variety is quite soft and very tasty. Some consider the lack of an abundance of seeds in the fruit. The harvested crop is well stored and tolerates transportation well. Suitable for fresh consumption and all types of processing
Unripe fruits of Budenovka can be harvested unripe for further ripening. In this case, you can save them until November. As a rule, not even every hybrid can give such a result. In addition, the variety is perfectly zoned for the climatic conditions of our country and withstands temperature changes well.
Budenovka has a good yield even with standard care. Tomatoes are undemanding to soil, moisture, easily tolerate all the vagaries of the weather. They are not afraid of the main types of diseases. It is thanks to this that many summer residents do not take them out of their plots and have been growing them for more than one year. The quality of the crop remains at a very high level even when planting self-harvested seeds, which cannot be said for hybrid varieties.