Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

Some people’s passion for growing tomatoes can eventually turn into some kind of obsession, without which they cannot imagine a meaningful existence. In other words, they become fans or collectors of a wide variety of varieties of tomatoes to such an extent that they want to see their favorite fruits not only in the warm summer season, but also at home – on the balcony or on the windowsill.

Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

But there is another category of enthusiastic gardeners who, for health reasons or for other reasons, are deprived of the opportunity to visit the country house or do not have a personal plot. And they also need to satisfy their desire to grow something not only beautiful, but also edible. For all these people and for many others, a tomato variety called Bonsai was created, a description, photos and reviews, about the cultivation of which you can find in this article.

Comment! For serious professionals, the Bonsai tomato variety is unlikely to be of any value, since in many of its characteristics it cannot compete with other tomato varieties.

Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

But for those people who see a kind of hobby in growing tomatoes at home, this variety can be more than interesting. After all, growing tomatoes indoors is not only completely harmless, but also a very useful hobby. Therefore, if possible, try to involve in this activity both teenage children who have not yet managed to find an occupation for themselves in life, and retired people who sometimes cannot find an interesting activity for themselves on long winter evenings.

History and description of the variety

Tomato Bonsai was bred back in the late 90s by scientists-breeders of the Gavrish seed company. This company is known for its developments in the field of a variety of plant innovations that can be grown indoors. Therefore, it is not surprising that they were among the first to create a tomato variety specially adapted for growing in rooms and on balconies. In 2001, the variety was officially listed in the State Register of Our Country and has been quite popular since then.

Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

The Bonsai tomato variety, as befits a real domestic fruit-bearing plant, has real early maturity – its first ripe fruits can be plucked after 85-90 days from germination. This is important, because at home, if you wish, you can organize a real conveyor for growing tomatoes, sowing seeds at different times with a frequency of a month.

Attention! It makes sense to take on such a thing, only having accumulated enough experience in growing tomatoes at home and better from your own collected seeds, so as not to waste a lot of effort due to re-sorting.

It should also be borne in mind that the fruiting period of this variety of tomato is rather extended, the fruits can ripen and ripen on the bush for several months.

Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

The Bonsai tomato was bred specifically for growing indoors, but no one forbids growing it as a regular outdoor tomato. Many gardeners plant it as a border plant along paths or even decorate flower beds with it. One has only to keep in mind that these tomatoes, being true indoor sissies, are not very resistant to the vagaries of the weather and can be easily affected in the open field by late blight and other diseases.

Tomato bushes of this variety are determinant and standard, that is, they grow no more than 30 cm in height, have a strong and even thick stem and do not need a garter at all. But you will most likely have to form bushes. It is best to pinch the top of the tomato so that the bush can grow in width, and not in height, due to stepchildren. It is believed that the optimal shape and maximum yield from a Bonsai tomato bush can be achieved by forming it into three or four trunks, no more and no less. That is, despite all the assurances of the manufacturer, you still cannot avoid pinching.

Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

The Bonsai tomato variety cannot be called very productive – it has slightly different priorities. But still, with conscientious care of tomatoes from 0,5 kg to 1 kg from a bush, you can get.

Important! This tomato variety is somewhat resistant to low light, which is very important when grown indoors, where plants constantly lack light.

But this resistance is only comparative with other varieties and without additional lighting on all windows, with the exception of the south, you are unlikely to be able to grow a full-fledged crop, especially in mid-latitudes.

It has moderate resistance to other tomato diseases. In room conditions, he can suffer most of all precisely from the lack of lighting, and the rest of the street problems, as a rule, are not terrible for him.

Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

Fruit Characteristics

A small bush strewn with beautiful fruits of edible tomatoes in a room or on a balcony, of course, is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent, even very far from plant growing and gardening. Therefore, it is not surprising that in order to obtain such a result, people are ready for many sacrifices. Bonsai tomatoes can be characterized as follows:

  • Fruits have the correct rounded shape and a smooth attractive surface;
  • In an unripe form, tomatoes are light green, after full ripening they become bright red;
  • The pulp is quite dense, sometimes even crispy and juicy, the skin is thin;
  • The number of seed nests is not more than two;
  • Tomatoes are small in size: slightly larger than grapes and weighing about 25-28 grams;

    Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

  • The taste characteristics of these tomatoes have some dependence on growing conditions (amount of sun) and care, but on average they are rated as “good” and “excellent”. The fruits have a sufficient amount of sugars and dry matter;
  • Tomatoes of this variety are best consumed fresh, enjoying them directly from the bush. They are also good in salads and in twists. Despite the fact that the skin of tomatoes in jars sometimes bursts, the dense structure of the fruit is preserved.

Features of growing in room conditions

Bonsai tomato seeds are not fundamentally different from tomato seeds of other varieties, except that they can be slightly smaller in size and treated with special means for good germination. So, if you notice that the color of the seeds is different from light beige, then they do not need to be subjected to any pre-treatment and soaking.

Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato seeds of this variety usually germinate well, amicably and quickly. In the interval from three to seven days, you should have friendly shoots.

As soon as they appear, place the seedlings in a cooler place if possible, while providing them with the brightest light possible.

Advice! No matter what month of the year you sow these tomatoes, if after germination the first 7-10 days in nature there is no sun outside the window, then be sure to illuminate the seedlings artificially.

This will help you avoid many problems with the appearance of tomato bushes in the future.

After the appearance of the first two real openwork tomato leaves, it was the turn to seat your crumbs in separate containers. It can be any plastic jar, in the bottom of which it is necessary to make holes for water to drain. For the first transplant, it is better to take small 0,2-0,3 liters of capacity.

Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

After unfolding the third pair of leaves, each tomato bush must be carefully transferred into larger containers, already about a liter in volume. At the same stage, your tomato bushes need to be fed with any fertilizer for indoor plants or an EM preparation if you are against chemistry. Literally the next day after transshipment at the bushes, it is advisable to pinch the main stem to cause a wave of growth of stepchildren or side shoots.

Bonsai tomatoes do not need a large pot for full development. They are quite capable of bearing fruit in containers with a volume of about 2-3 liters. Prepare such flowerpots for the final transplantation of tomato bushes at the age of 1,5-2 months.

Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

At the age of two months, your bushes should already be actively blooming and maybe even set the first fruits. The flowers of this tomato variety are capable of self-pollination. But if you lightly shake the flower brushes once a day for better fruit set, then this will not be worse.

The first inflorescence on tomatoes of this variety is traditionally laid after the third pair of leaves; later, inflorescences can sometimes be laid in a row, even without separating them by leaves.

Advice! During flowering, it is necessary to feed the tomatoes a second time and, perhaps, pinch the lateral growth points again if they have grown strongly.

Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

Watering tomato bushes grown indoors should be done with warm water. Its frequency is determined by the temperature of the content of tomatoes. The higher the temperature, the more often watering can be. Overflowing both seedlings and adult tomatoes is highly undesirable. It is better to wait until the soil surface is completely dry before the next watering.

Tomato fruits begin to ripen gradually and can be harvested within a few months from the moment the first tomato turns red. This is also a great advantage of indoor tomatoes.

Tomato Bonsai: characteristics and description of the variety

Testimonials from truck drivers

Many of those who tried to grow this variety of tomatoes, like other indoor varieties, were defeated and disappointed in the possibility of having indoor tomatoes at home. But others, on the contrary, succeeded, and they were quite satisfied with the result of their actions. This suggests that growing tomatoes in rooms is not quite a simple matter, as it might seem at first glance, it is advisable to have some skill in communicating with tomatoes, to know about their features and preferences. And, above all, to have good quality seeds. After all, seeds that do not match the variety can ruin all undertakings and instill disappointment in any gardener.

Veronica, 27 years old, Kostroma
We don’t have a dacha, and I have long wanted to grow something edible on the windowsill. I consulted with a friend who has quite a lot of experience in gardening and found out all the tricks of growing tomato seedlings and the tomatoes themselves. Last year I bought Bonsai tomato seeds from Gavrish and in early spring, back in February, I sowed these tomatoes. I did everything as my friend said, I definitely illuminated them, I tried not to flood them too much. Interestingly, of the eight germinated seeds, only three sprouts were small and plump, as they should be according to the description. The remaining five quickly went into growth and after two months they reached a height of almost a meter. True, I almost immediately planted the first three tomatoes separately, and the rest grew in one box. In general, at the beginning of summer, I gave these five bushes to a friend so that she would plant them in her country house. My three tomato bushes pleased me by that time with the first reddened fruits. The sight was touching. All summer I collected fruits from them, and in the fall, on the advice of a friend, I rooted several stepchildren and now I have fresh bushes of this variety growing again on the window. I think by the New Year I will have my own tomatoes.
Galina, 36 years old, Tula
The summer season is over, and you really want something tomato on the windowsill. So I ventured to buy and sow a Bonsai tomato. The seeds germinated very quickly and well. The seedlings were small, but strong. And with the onset of winter, no matter how hard I tried, my bushes still stretched out, and only a few tomatoes tied up on them. It’s still nice to look at them, but I expected a little more yield. And there is no resemblance to the picture on the package.


The Bonsai tomato is a tasty and highly ornamental tomato variety intended for growing at home. But, being a kind of “toy”, it requires attention and care that is not at all a toy – remember this when trying to grow this variety.

Tomatoes on the balcony.Variety Bonsai

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