Tomato Blossem F1

Cherry tomatoes are popular with gardeners. These tomatoes are grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. The variety variety is great. Cherry Blossem F1 tomato is the fruit of Japanese selection and belongs to mid-early varieties. The hybrid has its own characteristics of cultivation and care, suitable for open ground and greenhouse plantings.

Tomato Blossem F1

Description of tomato Cherry Blossem F1

This is a determinant variety of Japanese origin. It was entered into the state register of varieties in 2008. The height of the bush is 110 cm. The leaves are medium in size, dark green. Inflorescences are complex.

Maturity is medium early. From germination to the first harvest, 90-100 days pass. The bush is powerful, it requires a garter to a support and obligatory pinching. It is recommended to form a Cherry Blossom F1 tomato in 3 stalks.

Brief description and taste of fruits

The fruits of this variety are small, rounded. The color of the Cherry Blossom F1 tomato is bright red, with a small green spot near the stalk. Tomato weight 20-25 g, ripen in bunches, each with 20 fruits. Tomato skin is dense, not prone to cracking. That is why the fruits are used not only for fresh consumption, but also for whole canning. Also, the variety is used to decorate dishes and dried.

The taste of ripe tomato Blossem F1 is sweetish. Taste characteristics are rated very highly, which is why the tomato is popular among gardeners. The fruits have a dry matter concentration of 6%. With a long stay on the bush of already ripened fruits, they lose their taste characteristics.

Varietal characteristics

The main varietal characteristics of the Blossem F1 variety are its resistance to viral and fungal pathologies of nightshade crops, as well as sensitivity to temperature changes. The average yield, subject to the rules of agricultural technology, for the variety in question is 4,5 kg per square meter. m. From one bush collect 1-1,5 kg of rounded, glossy fruits.

Due to its thin but dense skin, Blossam tomatoes can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 30 days.

Grow this variety in a greenhouse or in open ground. Yields can be affected by weather conditions. Also, experienced gardeners advise to tie this plant to a support, so that a powerful bush does not break under the extreme load of ripening tomatoes.

Cherry Blossem F1 tomato grows in various regions of the country, as it is not considered capricious to climatic conditions.

Tomato Blossem F1

Pros and cons of the variety

Like every variety, Blossem tomatoes have their own characteristics, both positive and negative. The advantages of the variety include the following characteristics:

  • drought resistance;
  • presentation at a high level;
  • high taste indicators;
  • increased germination parameters;
  • resistance to diseases;
  • high yield.

But the variety also has its drawbacks. First of all, the variety requires a constant garter. This can be noted as its only drawback. If thin and bending stems are not tied up, they can easily break. Due to the sensitivity to temperature changes, seedlings must be carefully hardened, and if there is a threat of return frosts, it is better to cover with a film for the first time after transplanting into open ground.

Rules of landing and care

Each of the Cherry tomato varieties requires compliance with the nuances of planting and care. This should be taken into account when growing a tomato in order to achieve the desired results. If you follow all the rules of agricultural technology, then the yield will be at a high level.

Attention! It is important not only to properly care for, but also to choose a place for planting, prepare seedlings, and plant them correctly. Only then do the chores of feeding, watering and pinching begin.

Unlike many other tomatoes, Blossem is not capricious about soil and climatic conditions. This greatly facilitates the care of the plant, but some nuances should still be taken into account.

Seeding for seedlings

In order to grow seedlings of Blossem F1 tomato with a strong root system, it is necessary to use a shallow container, preferably seedlings. If the room temperature does not fall below + 20 ° C, then after 7 days the first shoots will appear.

Sowing for seedlings is carried out in mid-March. The soil can be used purchased or created by yourself from a mixture of peat, compost, wood ash and sand. All components are mixed with soddy soil and distributed in planting boxes.

Seeds must be deepened by 1,5 cm and lightly sprinkled with soil, tamped. Then the seed care algorithm is as follows:

  1. Until shoots appear, it is recommended to keep the seedling containers under the film in a warm room.
  2. After germination, they should be hardened at + 14 ° C.
  3. Feed with fertilizers such as “Krepysh”.
  4. When three true leaves appear, it is imperative to pick a pick.

Tomato Blossem F1

Important! Before planting seedlings in the ground, at least 35 days must pass.

Seedling transplant

You can transplant seedlings when 7-8 leaves appear, when there is one flowering brush, it is recommended to plant seedlings in a permanent place. For the greenhouse, this is the beginning of May, for open ground, 2 weeks later.

At 1 m2 should be 3-4 bushes. The distance between tomato seedlings should be 30 cm, and between rows – 50 cm. First you need to prepare a hole for planting. The depth of the hole is 30 cm. The pulled soil should be mixed with compost and a tablespoon of ash. When planting, it is necessary to compact the seedlings and water them without fail. To preserve moisture, the root zone should be mulched. Straw is best suited as a mulch for Cherry Blossom F1 tomato.

Care of tomatoes

After planting the seedlings, it is necessary to take care of the Blossem F1 tomato. At first, seedlings require frequent watering 2-3 times a week. After it gets stronger, watering can be done less often – 2 times a week. Blossam tomato tolerates drought, but does not like moisture on the leaves. Therefore, it is better to organize root drip irrigation.

As top dressing, potash, phosphorus, as well as organic and complex fertilizers should be used. Moreover, all fertilizers have a specific time for application. For example, when forming fruits, it is better to add potassium and phosphorus. Before flowering, several top dressings are required at once.

To retain moisture and nutrients, mulching is also successfully used for this variety. This can be done with straw, sawdust, peat. Tomato responds positively to loosening the soil. This allows more air to enter the root system and less chance of catching a fungal infection.

Blossam F1 variety is distinguished by thin and long shoots that tend to break. Therefore, immediately after planting seedlings, it must be tied to a support.

Experts recommend forming a tomato of this variety in 3 stems. This must be done with the help of pinching. Only 2 lateral shoots remain, the strongest. One, most often, right under the first flowering brush, the second – on the other side. The rest of the side shoots should be removed. At the same time, this should be done not with tools, but with hands. Just pinch, leaving a 2-3 cm stump.

Tomato Blossem F1 belongs to disease-resistant varieties, but preventive treatment and timely viewing for infection with fungal diseases will not hurt. When planting in a greenhouse for prevention, you should ventilate the room in a timely manner, and also do not thicken the plantings. Also be sure to remove weeds on time.

If we compare the growing conditions with many other varieties of Cherry, then we can state that Blossem F1 is easy to care for and accessible even for beginner gardeners who have little studied the features of tomato cultivation.


Cherry Blossom F1 tomato is used not only as a salad variety, although it has a pleasant sweet taste. The ability not to crack during heat treatment makes it indispensable when rolling whole tomatoes. They look nice in a jar, and when cut they look very appetizing. At the same time, caring for the Blossem variety does not seem difficult. This Cherry tomato is not capricious in the choice of soil and is able to grow both in the greenhouse and in the open field.

Tomato Blossem F1


Since the Cherry variety under consideration is able to grow in various climatic conditions, there are positive reviews about it from both gardeners in the southern regions and cherry tomato lovers in central Our Country.

Katerina, 29 years old, Moscow region
I grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. Of the cherry varieties, the best is definitely Blossem F1. It does not require special care, it does not even form many stepchildren. But be sure to bind. I missed one bush – it broke off under the weight of the fruit. I use it in salads and for preservation in my own juice. Jars are obtained as in the picture. The fruits are juicy, rather fleshy. The plant did not suffer from diseases, but there was enough fertilizing. From one bush I collect a little more than 1 kg of round fruits of a small size.
Gennady Petrovich, 57 years old, Krasnodar
I have been growing Blossem F1 tomatoes for 3 years now. Bought by mistake the first time. I grow outdoors. Tomatoes do not get sick, which greatly simplifies care. I have drip irrigation, the tomatoes are enough. Each brush contains up to 20 tomatoes. Total from sq. m I collect 4-5 kg ​​of excellent, round, glossy fruits. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness. All tomatoes are tied to a support, so they do not break. A little more than three months pass from germination to the first harvest.
Tomato “Cherry Blossom”

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