Tomato variety Blagovest was bred by domestic scientists. This is one of the best options for growing tomatoes indoors. Below are photos, reviews, tomato productivity Blagovest. This variety is characterized by early maturation and good yield. It is grown for sale and for personal use.
Variety description
The characteristics and description of the Blagovest tomato variety are as follows:
- forms a spreading bush;
- determinant variety;
- bush height up to 1,8 m;
- tendency to branch;
- grayish-green tops of medium density;
- early ripening of fruits;
- 101-107 days pass from planting seeds to harvest.
Blagovest fruits correspond to the following description:
- rounded shape with a smooth top;
- unripe fruits have a white-green hue;
- as they ripen, the tomatoes acquire a rich red color;
- average weight 120 g;
- with constant care, the weight of the fruit reaches 150 g;
- pronounced tomato flavor.
Productivity of the variety
From one bush of the Blagovest variety, 5,5 kg of tomatoes are removed. According to its characteristics and description, the Blagovest tomato variety has a universal application. It is used fresh or added to homemade preparations. When canning, they do not crack, so you can pickle or salt them whole.
During transportation, Blagovest tomatoes remain fresh for a long time, so they are often grown for sale. The commercial properties of fruits are highly valued.
Landing order
Variety Blagovest is grown by obtaining seedlings, which are transferred to a heifer or to open areas. Regardless of the method of growing tomatoes, you need to properly prepare the soil. An open-air site should be suitable for planting this variety.
Getting the seedlings
Seeds of the Blagovest variety are planted in boxes filled with soil mixture. It is prepared by combining equal proportions of soddy soil and humus. You can add a little peat or sawdust to the soil.
Before planting, the soil is placed for 15 minutes in a heated oven or microwave. This is how it is disinfected. Another option is to water the soil with boiling water. After processing, you can start planting seeds in two weeks. During this time, bacteria that are beneficial to plants will multiply.
The use of Fitosporin solution helps to stimulate the germination of seed material. One drop of the drug is added to 100 ml of water, after which the seeds are placed in the liquid for 2 hours.
Planting work is carried out in the last days of February or early March. Boxes or containers are filled with soil, depressions up to 1 cm are made on its surface. Seeds should be placed in them in 2 cm increments. A little earth is poured on top and watered with warm water.
Seed germination directly depends on the ambient temperature. With its values from 25 to 30 degrees, the first shoots of the Blagovest variety will appear in a few days. At lower temperatures, seeds take longer to germinate.
When shoots appear, the seedlings are transferred to a sunny place. In conditions of short daylight hours, additional lighting is provided. Moisture is added by spraying the soil when it begins to dry out.
Growing in the greenhouse
Tomato Blagovest is transferred to the greenhouse two months after planting the seeds. Plants should have a height of 20 cm and about 6 leaves.
Two weeks before work, it is recommended to start hardening seedlings. It is taken out into the open air for several hours. Gradually, the time spent in the open air increases. The temperature of the plant should gradually drop to 16 degrees.
It is necessary to prepare the greenhouse for planting in the fall. The soil must be dug up, compost or humus is introduced. Superphosphate or wood ash is used as a mineral top dressing.
0,5 m is left between plants. Rows should be placed at a distance of 1 m from each other. Since Blagovest tomatoes grow up to 1,8 m, such a scheme will ensure its normal development without excessive thickening.
Tomatoes are planted in holes, their depth and dimensions are 20 cm each. The plant is placed in a hole, and the root system is covered with earth. Abundant watering will help improve the survival of tomatoes.
Landing in open ground
Tomatoes are transferred to open areas after the establishment of stable warm weather. This method of cultivation is suitable for the southern regions.
For tomatoes, beds are chosen where onions, garlic, cucumbers, and representatives of the legume family used to grow. Planting is not recommended after potatoes, eggplants, peppers and tomatoes.
Beds for tomatoes should be illuminated by the sun and have protection from the winds. To prevent the plants from burning out in the sun, you need to put a canopy.
Blagovest seedlings are placed in prepared holes. No more than three tomatoes are placed on one square meter. Plants are recommended to be tied to a support. After transplanting, they are watered with warm water.
Care of tomatoes
Tomato Blagovest needs standard care, which includes watering and top dressing. As they grow, the tomatoes are tied to supports.
Blagovest tomatoes require moderate watering. Soil moisture must be maintained at 90%. Excess moisture negatively affects plants: fruits begin to crack and diseases spread. With a lack of moisture, the tops sag and twist, the inflorescences crumble.
After transferring the tomatoes to a permanent place, they are given time to adapt to new conditions. Regular watering begins a week after the procedure. Twice a week, 3 liters of water are added under each tomato.
The water must first settle and warm up. Watering with cold water from a hose is unacceptable. Moisture is brought strictly under the root, preventing it from getting on the tops and stems. For watering, it is better to choose the morning or evening period, when there is no exposure to the sun.
Additional fertilizing
The first top dressing of the Blagovest variety is performed 2 weeks after the transplantation of tomatoes. Nitrogen fertilizers provoke the development of green mass, so they are used in limited quantities.
Superphosphate is applied in the form of granules that are embedded in the soil. For one square meter, 20 g of the substance is enough. Based on potassium sulfate, a solution is prepared (40 g per 10 l of water), which is watered or sprayed with tomatoes.
During flowering, tomatoes need boron to stimulate the formation of ovaries. For spraying prepare a solution of boric acid. For 1 liter of water, 1 g of this substance is required. Processing is carried out on a sheet in cloudy weather.
Tomato tying
Blagovest tomatoes are tall, so as they grow, the bushes must be tied to supports. The plant is tied up at the top.
Another option is to install tapestries, which are placed at a distance of 0,5 m from each other. A wire is stretched horizontally between the trellises every 45 cm.
Tied tomatoes have a straight stem that does not break or bend under the weight of the fruit. It is especially important to tie up plants planted in open ground, as they are subject to the influence of wind and rain.
Disease control
Variety Blagovest is resistant to the main diseases of tomatoes: late blight, cladosporiosis, mosaic. Plants are rarely attacked by pests.
The disadvantage of the variety is the susceptibility to leaf curl, in which the color of the bush changes. The tops become lighter, and the top becomes curly. The disease is viral in nature and cannot be treated.
If curliness is detected, the tomatoes are removed, and the soil is disinfected with solutions based on copper-containing preparations (Oxyhom, Bordeaux liquid).
Blagovest tomatoes are suitable for planting in a greenhouse if you need to get an early harvest. They are grown by seedling method. Young plants are transferred to a greenhouse, where soil and holes are prepared for planting. The fruits can be eaten fresh or used in home canning. With regular watering and top dressing, a good yield of the variety is obtained.