There are many excellent varieties of tomatoes recommended today for planting in open ground in various regions of our country. Tomato Black Prince is very loved by gardeners, not only for the speed of fruit ripening and a high degree of productivity. We will talk about all its features, characteristics, as well as landing at their summer cottage in more detail in this article.
One of the main features of the tomato of this wonderful variety is their burgundy, almost black beautiful color. In addition, tomatoes of this variety have a truly amazing taste that will appeal to many gardeners.
Such a vegetable came to our latitudes from distant China. Since this variety of tomatoes appeared thanks to the achievements of modern genetic engineering, they are not considered harmful GMOs. The Black Prince is a simple hybrid variety, since only the genes of the Solanaceae family are present in its gene code. The color of these tomatoes varies from purple-brown to chocolate. It is the same pigments – anthocyanin dyes – that are present in eggplants, beets and some other vegetables.
In addition to the unique color and presentable appearance, tomatoes of this variety amaze with their large-fruitedness and excellent exquisite taste. The Black Prince is an indeterminate plant, the bushes of which can grow up to 2 meters in height. That is why they must be tied to a support without fail. This variety of tomato has an average ripening term – about 3, 5 – 4 months. As for the description of the fruits, they can weigh up to 300 grams each.
Individual specimens are able to weigh even about 450 grams. Also, tomatoes of this beautiful variety are characterized by a flat-round shape of fruits, which also have good ribbing. They have an excellent sweet taste and pleasant aroma. They are versatile vegetables – great for making delicious healthy salads, and for pickling.
Video “Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse”
With proper care, which will not become a problem even for beginner gardeners, you can grow quite a lot of tomatoes of this variety in your summer cottage. The average yield of this type of vegetable is approximately 1 to 5 kg per plant. The maximum yield, as practice shows, was achieved in a rather warm climate and amounted to 3 kg. Also, high yields are largely influenced by the varieties offered to representatives and other weather conditions. If they are favorable, and competent and timely care is carried out for tomatoes, high and stable yields can be achieved.
It is possible to effectively increase the yield of tomatoes if you apply fertilizers before planting them in the ground, and also do not forget about biological top dressing during the period of intensive plant growth, prevent fungal infections, and also observe the regularity of watering. Such vegetable crops are poorly protected from direct sunlight, and the loss of too much moisture can adversely affect their growth and full development. Do not forget that you should not once again spray plants from insects, since they themselves have the ability to produce a special poison.
Landing in the ground
The cultivation of tomatoes of this magnificent variety occurs with the help of high-quality seeds and seedlings. The seedlings that you can grow from selected seeds will be distinguished by strong immunity to various kinds of fungal infections dangerous for vegetable crops. Seeds are recommended to be placed in prepared pots in early spring. There will already be humus, peat and garden soil. They must be mixed in equal proportions. For the first seven days, such vessels with seeds should be in a room with a temperature regime of about 25 – 29 degrees Celsius.
In the case of proper watering, after a week you can see the first fragile shoots. If there is little moisture or the temperature does not correspond to the norm, then seedlings from seeds may linger for a couple of weeks. This is how seedlings grow. When a pair of leaves appears, the resulting seedlings are dived and transplanted into pots filled with peat. Then it starts to harden. At the same time, the temperature should be reduced gradually so that the plants have time to adjust to the new conditions.
When, with the help of airing, the hardening of the newly made seedlings took place, it can be planted in open ground. Most often, this can be done somewhere in the middle of May. Since this type of tomato really needs phosphorus, many experienced gardeners advise putting pieces of fish in the holes when planting seedlings. But experts strongly recommend using purchased complex fertilizers or applying manure. Between the bushes when planting seedlings should be left about half a meter.
Before planting, it is advised to leave only about the top four leaves on the seedling, and remove the rest. The planted bush should be covered with soil so that its upper line ends where the lowest leaf begins.
After carrying out all the manipulations of the planting, it is mandatory to carefully water it. So that the root system does not suffer from overheating on too hot days or does not become too dry, the ground around the seedlings is mulched. For these purposes, sawdust or rotted leaves have been successfully used for many years. Somewhere every few weeks it is recommended to make manure for feeding this type of tomato. It is recommended to grow tomatoes of this variety as a monoculture. This is necessary in order to preserve in its original form the best characteristics inherent in this type of vegetable.
Video “Black Prince”
In this video, you will learn the brief features of this variety of tomatoes. The information will help you grow the best crop.