Tomato balcony miracle: how to grow and care

Tomato balcony miracle: how to grow and care

Tomato balcony miracle: how to grow and care

In winter, vegetable prices are unpleasantly surprising, and more and more city dwellers are looking for alternative ways out of this situation. Some simply save money, while the more active ones decide to grow their own vegetables right in their apartment. Many are scared off by such an occupation because of the hassle, but as noted by those who decided on this, the result is worth it. Indeed, growing tomatoes or cucumbers in an apartment in winter is not only economically beneficial, but it is also pleasant to please loved ones with salads from vegetables of their own cultivation. If you are interested in such an idea, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Balcony Miracle tomato (the name itself suggests where it is best to grow this variety of tomato), which will be discussed in this article.


The Balcony Miracle tomato is a determinate variety (it’s hard to imagine an indoor tomato variety under 2 m tall, this would make it much more difficult to grow it), the maximum plant height does not exceed 50-60 cm, therefore, the tomato bush does not need a garter, and do not pinch either need. A very important factor when growing tomatoes in an apartment is their precocity. Here the Balcony miracle fully justifies the expectations – it belongs to the early ripening varieties, bears fruit in 85-100 days. Another characteristic that favors growing on a balcony or in an apartment is that tomatoes can ripen normally even in poor light conditions.

Tomato balcony miracle: how to grow and care

The yield of the Balcony Miracle is quite high, as for an ornamental variety: about 2 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one bush. The fruits themselves are very beautiful – small (50-60 g), round in shape, attractive bright red color. There were cases of harvesting a more abundant crop and large fruits (for this, each bush was planted in separate pots and intensively looked after). Tomatoes leave only the best reviews regarding taste, therefore they are used mainly fresh and for salads. Also, small tomatoes are great for rolling in jars (they are pickled, salted, etc.), they can be used to make tomato products (but this is rare). Another characteristic feature is that this variety of tomatoes can be frozen in the refrigerator (very few are suitable for this function).


You can grow Balcony Miracle tomatoes in the apartment (on the balcony, window sill, in the corner of the room) and in the open field. But in the open field, these tomatoes are grown extremely rarely, so we will consider the description of cultivation in the first option.

Tomato balcony miracle: how to grow and care


Planting a tomato Balcony miracle is worth it, starting from when you want to harvest (tomato bushes of this variety will begin to bear fruit in about three months); that is, if you want to please your loved ones with fresh tomatoes in early spring, you should have seedlings around the beginning of December. The soil must be taken fertile, in agricultural stores you can buy special soil mixtures. Before sowing, tomato seeds should be carefully prepared: hardened, treated for diseases, checked for germination. Then it is necessary to soak for a couple of hours in warm water and place in containers, the soil in which should be slightly moistened. In these containers, you need to create greenhouse conditions (the easiest way is to cover with foil), keep the temperature in the room at + 22-25 degrees.

Tomato balcony miracle: how to grow and care

After a few days, the film is removed (during this time sprouts will already appear), and it is advisable to put the container with Balcony Miracle tomatoes in a cooler place (with a temperature of about +15) for a week, and then return it to a warm environment with sufficient lighting. When the growth of seedlings reaches 10-15 cm, they dive into individual containers (the number of plants in one container is directly proportional to the size of the container). Excess seedlings can be planted in open ground, if possible, this will enrich your experience of growing tomatoes in different environments.


Caring for a tomato Balcony miracle is nothing complicated. The most important thing is to make sure that the plant is not exposed to diseases (to prevent this from happening, try to provide the most comfortable conditions for tomato bushes as possible). The culture is decorative, so it can be shaped so that it has an aesthetic appearance. During flowering, it is advisable to shake the bushes of the Balcony Miracle slightly – this technique contributes to better pollination. We also need abundant watering and top dressing; Loosening the soil has a positive effect on the growth of the Balcony miracle.

Tomato balcony miracle: how to grow and care

You can water it both with a self-prepared solution with fertilizers (for 1 liter of water you will need 5 g of superphosphate and 1 g of potassium sulfate and urea), and with special preparations. The best option would be to carry out top dressing during flowering or fruit set.

Tomato variety Balcony miracle is one of the best that can be grown on a balcony or windowsill, and more and more people are convinced of this. There is also a tomato Balcony miracle of Pinocchio, which, judging by the reviews, is actually not inferior to the main culture.

Video “Tomatoes Balcony Miracle”

The video tells about sowing seeds of the Balcony miracle variety; bushes of these tomatoes are demonstrated; recommendations for care are given.

High Yielding Balcony Tomatoes

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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