Tomato Azhur – a great variety without flaws

In order to grow fresh tomatoes without pesticides in their backyard or in greenhouse conditions, gardeners tend to purchase only the best varieties. One of the excellent determinant hybrids today is considered tomato Azhur. In this article, we will give a detailed description of this magnificent vegetable, as well as talk about its obvious advantages and some disadvantages and conditions for caring for this crop.


Tomato Azhur - a great variety without flaws

Variety Azhur f1 has a fairly early ripening period – the first harvest of these tomatoes falls somewhere on 105 – 110 days from the moment the first shoots appear. This tomato variety is excellent for large-scale commercial cultivation. It is also documented in the State Register of the Federation – as a crop that can be grown both in open ground and in a film shelter. Openwork f1 is a determinant plant – its height can be about 80 cm. As for the other characteristics of this variety of tomato, it can be noted that it has a simple inflorescence design, large leaves, and also has an articulated peduncle.

The fruits of Azhur f1 are distinguished by an interesting flat-round shape, smooth to the touch, and have fleshy flesh. It is also very sweet and juicy, and in terms of chemical composition it boasts a balanced content of useful vitamins, sugars and organic acids. The color of the Azhur f1 variety is light green – when the tomato is not yet quite ripe, and rich red – when the tomato can already be harvested. The number of nests can be from four to six, and each of the tomatoes of this variety weighs about 220 – 260 grams. At the same time, the weight of some representatives of Azhur f1 can even reach 400 grams in some cases. Such tomatoes are very “fatty”, fleshy, thick, but not soft, and also very dense and powerful. 

If we talk about productivity, then this magnificent type of tomato reaches 6,1 kilograms per square meter per season. And from one bush of such a vegetable crop it is really possible to collect from 5 to 8 kg of fruits. To make your tomatoes as large as possible, it is recommended to leave a small number of brushes on the plant, and 2-3 fruits on each of them. Such tomatoes can be used to prepare delicious fresh salads and other dishes, as well as to make preparations for the winter from them.

Video “Hybrid tomato F1”

Tomato hybrid Sovereign F1


As for the features of planting and growing, we can say about this variety that it is unpretentious, that is, it has a universal method of growing. Experts call the only mandatory conditions the need to carry out a timely garter of vegetable crops, as well as to carry out the formation of plants without fail in order to obtain high-quality and tasty tomatoes in the future. If you take care of the removal of excess ovaries in a timely manner, you can avoid unwanted chopping and cracking of tomatoes. If you properly care for tomatoes of this variety, then in your greenhouse or on the site you can see beautiful vegetables, as in the picture.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomato Azhur - a great variety without flaws

If we talk about the pluses for which tomatoes of this variety are so loved by gardeners, then among them they call the high yield of this vegetable crop, a rather dense peel of fruits, resistance to possible cracking, the ability to tolerate hot weather normally, the ability to store ripe vegetables for about two to three months at placing them in the cold.

Also, tomatoes perfectly retain their appearance and taste when transported over long distances.

Among other things, this hybrid species has a strong immunity to verticillium, root and vertex rot, powdery mildew, root corking. According to the reviews of satisfied gardeners on various sites and forums, this magnificent tomato variety has no obvious flaws.

Video “Experience of growing tomato Azhur”

The video shows the features of growing a tomato hybrid f1. You will learn how to properly care for this crop in order to get the best harvest.

Tomato Kero F1 cultivation experience

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