Still, it is not in vain that manufacturers are trying so hard to choose some extraordinary and telling name for a new variety of tomatoes. Indeed, most often it turns out that it is the name of the variety that makes the variety itself an advertisement, and not its description, and even more so not the reviews of the gardeners who grew this or that variety. After all, if you buy seeds of one or another variety in a store or on the market, then most often the main reason for choosing will be either an attractive picture on the package, or a bewitching name, and most often both at the same time.
Tomato Apparently-invisibly already does not speak by its name alone, but simply shouts that it must be tried, because there will be not just a lot of tomatoes, but a lot. And for the vast majority of gardeners, the yield of a variety is indeed one of the most weighty arguments in favor of a particular variety. Moreover, apparently-invisibly is a variety, which means that you can no longer buy its seeds, but grow these tomatoes from your own seeds.
This article analyzes the characteristics of the apparently-invisible tomato variety and provides its description in comparison with the reviews of gardeners who have already grown these tomatoes in their plots.
Variety description
The apparently invisible tomato was most likely bred by Siberian breeders in the early 2000s, since it is popular among the people and has been grown for quite a long time – since 2008-2010. At least, the seeds of these tomatoes are distributed mainly by the Siberian Garden company, which is known for the fact that it only produces seeds of Siberian selection.
But, unfortunately, this tomato variety has not been included in the State Register of Our Country for all these years, perhaps due to bureaucratic red tape, or perhaps there was no desire from the breeders themselves who gave life to this variety. One way or another, there are no exact data on its description, and its characteristics can only be verified by comparing them with the information provided by gardeners in their reviews of this tomato variety.
Apparently, no one disputes that the tomato belongs to the determinant varieties. According to various sources, its height can reach from 50-60 cm when grown in open ground, up to 100 cm in greenhouse conditions. On average, the variety is more likely to be classified as undersized tomatoes, powerful in terms of shoot formation, well leafy.
According to the manufacturer “Siberian Garden”, only four brushes are formed on the main stem of the plant, after which the growth of the bush is completed.
It is possible to continue the development of the bush only by transferring the main point of growth to one of the most powerful lower stepchildren and thus forming an additional crop. Most often, determinant undersized bushes do not stepchild at all, due to which their productivity is achieved. But in the case of the variety Apparently-invisibly, it turns out that its bushes can be formed not only in three or four trunks, as is customary for determinant tomatoes, but also in two trunks.
Judging by the reviews and photos of people, this variety of tomato was grown both in open ground, and under film shelters, and in polycarbonate greenhouses.
In terms of ripening tomatoes, there are very large discrepancies in the reviews themselves and in the description of the variety by the manufacturer. The tomato is apparently invisibly declared as an early ripe variety, but most gardeners unanimously agree that tomatoes ripen quite late, starting from the end of July, and in most cases in August, even when planted in a greenhouse. That is, more realistic terms for the ripening of tomatoes of this variety are about 120 days from the moment of full germination.
As for the yield, here the name of the variety quite correctly characterizes the possibilities that tomato plants are capable of. Apparently-invisibly. Indeed, there are so many tomatoes on the bushes that sometimes it is difficult to see the leaves and stems behind the fruits. On average, from one plant, even without special care, you can collect about 1,5 kg of fruit. But it is possible to obtain even better results – up to 4,5 kg of tomatoes from one bush using the correct shaping and proper care.
Resistance to various adverse growing conditions and diseases is average. Many note that the tomatoes of this variety were not subject to diseases, while others determine their resistance at the level of most medium varieties of tomatoes.
Characteristics of tomatoes
Perhaps, for this variety of tomatoes, the description of the tomatoes themselves recedes into the background, because the main thing is their quantity. But the fruits themselves are also able to interest gardeners, especially since in their description there are also discrepancies between the characteristics that were declared by the manufacturer on the seed packages and the real data provided by those who grew these tomatoes.
The shape of tomatoes of the variety Apparently-invisibly rounded, differs little from other traditional varieties.
But there are already big discrepancies with the color of ripe fruits: on packages from the Siberian Garden, the seed manufacturer of this tomato, they are described as bright pink, and for many gardeners, tomatoes of this variety become pink after ripening. But other gardeners, who are also quite a few and who also grew this variety, ripened red tomatoes, without any hint of a pink tint. Moreover, other characteristics of tomatoes, including productivity, coincided.
In any case, specialists have yet to understand this phenomenon, and perhaps this is the explanation for the fact that this variety has not yet been included in the State Register. After all, if he has such discrepancies in characteristics, then it is too early to talk about the stability of the variety. But for ordinary gardeners, the fact remains that by sowing this variety, you can get seeds of both red and pink flowers.
With the size of the fruit, there are also significant discrepancies in the description of the manufacturer and the data received from gardeners. The manufacturer claims that the tomatoes of this variety are large-fruited, and the average weight of one fruit is 300 grams. But almost everyone who grew these tomatoes agree that their weight rarely exceeds 100-120 grams. In some isolated cases, people write that the mass of tomatoes reached 200 grams, but no one has yet been able to grow 300-gram tomatoes of this variety.
The pulp of the fruit is quite dense. The tomatoes themselves are smooth, without ribbing. The density of the skin is sufficient so that the tomatoes do not crack either on the bush or in jars.
In terms of taste characteristics, they quite deserve a good rating, but they fall a little short on excellent taste. According to the comments of many, this variety is great for all kinds of workpieces. It makes delicious tomato juice, as well as a variety of sauces, adjika and lecho.
They are stored well, but it is better not to delay this. After all, tomatoes ripen for a long time, so you can always have time to make blanks, and after a while remove a new crop from the same bushes.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The variety, even in the form under which it is known to gardeners now, has many advantages that make it worthy for cultivation in different climatic regions of Our Country
- An abundance of fruits that together create high yields;
- Unpretentiousness to care and growing conditions;
- The small height of the bush, which is convenient for care;
- Prolongation of fruiting, which is convenient for home consumption.
But the variety has obvious disadvantages:
- Mismatch with many of the declared characteristics – therefore the likelihood that a “pig in a poke” will grow, at least in the first year of cultivation;
- Mediocre fruit flavor (though very good for canning).
Testimonials from truck drivers
According to the reviews of gardeners, the majority are quite favorably disposed towards the variety of tomatoes Apparently-invisibly, forgiving him some flaws and inconsistencies in the characteristics for the sake of getting a fairly large crop.
Tomato Apparently-invisibly famous, first of all, for the abundance of fruits, as it should be by name. The rest of the characteristics are rather average, but given its unpretentiousness, it is not surprising that it is very popular among summer residents. After all, planting it, in almost any conditions, you are guaranteed to get a good harvest.