Tomato Anastasia

Every year, gardeners solve one of the most pressing questions: what kind of tomato to plant in order to get a rich and early harvest? With the advent of hybrids, this issue is resolved by itself.

The hybrid tomato is resistant to temperature extremes and resists most diseases typical of tomato. In addition, it allows you to guarantee a good harvest, regardless of the conditions and method of cultivation.

Today, an increasing number of vegetable growers are leaning towards a hybrid tomato, called the beautiful female name “Anastasia” or, as vegetable growers also call it, “Nastenka”.

Tomato Anastasia


Tomato “Anastasia” according to the period of fruit ripening belongs to the representatives of early hybrid varieties. The biological maturity of the vegetable occurs after 100-105 days from the moment the first shoots appear. The variety is intended for planting in open ground, as well as in a greenhouse.

Bush tomato “Anastasia” determinant. The height of an adult plant is only 70 cm when grown in open ground and 90 cm when grown in greenhouse conditions.

Important! Due to the small size of the bush, this variety of tomato does not need pinching, which greatly facilitates the work of the gardener in the process of growing tomatoes.

The fruits of the Anastasia tomato variety, as you can see in the photo, have a rounded shape. In the phase of biological maturity, vegetables have a red color. The weight of one tomato is 100-110 grams. The fruits are fleshy.

The yield of the variety is high. 5-6 tomatoes grow on a brush. From one square meter of sown area, you can collect up to 25 kg of vegetables.

Tomato Anastasia

In cooking, tomato is used raw, for making vegetable salads, as well as for canning and for preparing preparations for the winter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the bright advantages of the Anastasia tomato variety, according to most gardeners, it should be noted:

  • unpretentiousness of cultivation;
  • good growth and development of the plant even when sown on soils that are poor in chemical composition;
  • resistance to most diseases typical of tomatoes (late blight, tobacco mosaic virus, and others);
  • high yield.

Let’s consider each item in more detail.

Unpretentiousness of cultivation

Tomatoes “Anastasia” do not need special care during the entire growing period. The variety is resistant to temperature changes, tolerates a lack of moisture in the soil, which makes it very popular and ideal for growing, especially in open ground conditions.

Good growth and development of the plant even when sown on soils that are poor in chemical composition

This property of a tomato can be partially attributed to its unpretentiousness. Tomatoes of this species are able to develop and form even on very poor and poorly fertile soils, as well as give a rich harvest.

Resistant to most common tomato diseases

“Anastasia” is a hybrid variety, so it has their characteristic feature of confronting most common diseases. This property is inherent in the plant at the biological level, therefore it manifests itself brightly.

High yield

Another property characteristic of hybrids is high yield. The branches of the plant form many clusters richly covered with small and medium-sized tomatoes.

Tomato Anastasia

Of the shortcomings of the variety, only the difficulty with gartering the plant stem can be noted. Since the bush is small in size, and the brushes are quite weighty, in order to prevent the bunch from breaking and the death of the tomato, it is necessary to tie branches with fruits to the support in a timely manner.

Features of cultivation and care

The process of growing and caring for the Anastasia tomato variety consists in the sequential implementation of certain stages.

Initially, seeds are sown in the ground. After the appearance of the first 2-3 true leaves on shoots, the plant dives. Picked bushes are placed in a well-lit and warm place for further growing seedlings.

Advice! Tomato seedlings need careful care. It needs to be regularly watered, fertilized, turned 1-2 times to the sun to prevent the main stem from bending.

Planting seedlings in the ground or greenhouse should be carried out after the retreat of spring frosts. It is best to carry out the planting procedure in preheated soil so that the seedlings experience minimal stress during planting and develop better in the future.

Tomato Anastasia

The subsequent care of the Anastasia tomato variety consists in regular and timely watering of the plant, weeding and loosening the soil, especially after watering, top dressing.

Tomato Anastasia

Advice! When growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, to prevent the appearance of late blight and rot of leaves and fruits due to high humidity, soil mulching should be carried out.

Dry cut grass is ideal as mulch.

To obtain a rich harvest, as well as to extend the fruiting period, it is necessary to collect tomatoes that have reached their biological maturity in a timely and regular manner (at least 1-2 times a week).

Diseases and pests

Among the main diseases that tomatoes are susceptible to are:

  • late blight;
  • tobacco mosaic virus.

The variety “Anastasia” is hybrid, therefore, from the description of the main characteristics, it can be seen that it has a kind of immunity against the above diseases. However, the ability to resist the disease does not mean that the plant cannot become infected at all. There is always a possibility of the appearance of the disease, albeit insignificant. Most often, weak plants or tomatoes that are grown in violation of basic agrotechnical characteristics are at risk of infection, judging by the reviews.

To prevent the appearance of signs of a particular disease, proper care of the plant should be organized and a regular visual inspection of each tomato bush should be carried out.

Growing the Anastasia tomato variety will bring maximum pleasure to any gardener. The plant will generously reward you for your care and effort with a rich harvest of beautiful, juicy, tasty and fragrant fruits.

You will find even more useful information about tomatoes in the video below:

The secret to productive tomatoes.


Irina Petrovna, 56 years old, Kerch
I plant tomatoes in my garden every year. I really like them for their great taste and versatility of use. The weather conditions of my climatic region are very good for tomatoes. I grow different varieties directly in the open field, that is, in the garden. Plants always delight me with a rich harvest. This year I planted a new variety, a hybrid. I liked it from the photo on the package and the name. Tomato seeds with the wonderful name “Anastasia” just asked for hands. I was very satisfied with the cultivation of this variety. The harvest was huge. I used ripe tomatoes for making salads, as well as for seaming for the winter. I will definitely plant again next year.
Ivan Petrovich, 62 years old, Postavy, Vitebsk region, Republic of Belarus
I am a military pensioner. Growing vegetables and fruits in a summer cottage for me today is a favorite pastime. I especially like growing tomatoes. I try to update my varieties every year and replenish the collection with new, more productive varieties. Last year I planted a tomato “Anastasia”. The seeds germinated well. The seedling grew strong. I planted the plants in open ground. Summer did not particularly please with warm weather, and I already decided that I would not see a harvest from these tomatoes. As it turns out, I was wrong to think so. In June, flowers appeared on the bushes, and then the ovary. Soon fruits were formed, which, to my surprise, ripened quite quickly and together. The harvest was excellent. The taste of the fruit is excellent. I recommend it to everyone as an unpretentious, low-maintenance and high-yielding variety.
Olga Romanovna Klyueva, 46 years old, Osipovichi, Republic of Belarus
I want to share my experience of growing tomato variety “Anastasia”. I have been planting these tomatoes for several years now. The result is always excellent. These tomatoes are not afraid of anything, neither wind, nor drought, nor dampness. In almost any weather, the yield of the variety is good. Of course, it is slightly lower in a cold and rainy summer compared to a sunny and warm period, but still there are enough tomatoes. I mainly grow tomatoes for canning and direct consumption raw. I also cook salads, sauces from ripe fruits, add them to the first and second courses. I really like the Anastasia variety not only for its productivity, but also for its excellent taste.
Sergey Iosifovich, 56 years old, city ​​of Saratov
I love to tinker with tomatoes in my yard. I regularly update varieties. This year I decided to try to grow a hybrid. A neighbor in the country has been growing hybrid varieties for several years, but I still did not dare. At first, I did not really believe in what was written on the package with seeds. The seedlings were specially planted in the garden in order to reliably verify all the promises of the manufacturer. To my surprise, the seedlings grew together and soon pleased me with the first flowers, and then the fruits. The tomatoes ripened quickly. There are a lot of tomatoes on one bunch (4-6 pieces). They are small in size. Taste qualities are good. From one bush I received an average of 6-7 kg of ripe vegetables. I have not experienced any problems with the occurrence of late blight, rot or viruses. They simply didn’t exist. For me, this fact was very important. Summing up all of the above, I want to note that the manufacturer has fully fulfilled the promises stated on the packaging. Only positive emotions and the best recommendations for the Anastasia tomato from me.
Irina Denisovna, 64 years old, Yaroslavl
Tomatoes “Anastasia” once and for all completely changed my view on the traditional cultivation of tomatoes. Never before could I even imagine that from one small bush, you can collect a whole ten-liter bucket of fruits, and even with a slide. With this variety of tomatoes, my old dream of getting a rich harvest came true. Now, without much effort and with minimal labor, you can enjoy a rich harvest of juicy and fragrant tomatoes. I have enough of them for everything: eating raw, preparing salads, sauces, ketchups, for salting and marinating, preparing various seamings for the winter. It is not necessary to plant a large number of plants. For my family of five, ten bushes were enough. This property of the variety helped me to significantly reduce the total area for planting tomatoes and thus provide an opportunity for planting other plants, which is important, especially in conditions of a sharply limited sown area. Only my very best recommendations for the Anastasia variety.

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